These characters are Nintendo's mascots, tent poles and cartridge selling superstars. You might catch them battling it out over a princess, or smashing it out in an arena. Sometimes they go go-karting together or have a party. Some eat bananas, others mushrooms, some anything that gets in their way, but they all have one thing in common; they all hail from the Nintendo brand. So join as we count down the top 10 Nintendo characters.
Special thanks to our users Maxwell Loftis, isaac Bauman, Joshua Laine and Boogon123 for suggesting this topic on our website http://www.WatchMojo.comsuggest. read more...
Special thanks to our users Maxwell Loftis, isaac Bauman, Joshua Laine and Boogon123 for suggesting this topic on our website http://www.WatchMojo.comsuggest. read more...