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VOICE OVER: Matt Campbell
Script Written by Q.V. Hough.

You know their singles, but do you know how they influenced music? Join as we count down our picks for the Top 10 Underrated Rock Bands. For this list, we are looking at bands in the rock genre that may not get as much love as they deserve. While we know how much you Mojoholics love bands like Rise Against and Muse, we will be excluding them based on their large and devoted fan bases and critical and commercial success.

Special thanks to our users Jack Morris, Sirliambradford, maciolek1s, Jackthalegend, Awesome One, Roadeytoads, Isaac Bauman, zendaddy621, Mario Borg, Conrailfan2323, Paul Abbott, Philip Folta, Iheartcoffee2009, BillyBobBoeBananaJoe and x x Cookie x x for submitting the idea on our Suggestion Tool at http://www.WatchMojo.comsuggest read more...
