Script written by Kurt Hvorp
When it comes to video game movies, some characters are destined to be played by a slim few thespians. Join as we countdown our picks for the Top 10 Dream Castings For Video Game Characters.
For this list we'll be taking a look at some of gaming's most iconic and entertaining characters, and matching them with actors and actresses we deem appropriate. There's one caveat, though: we're not including anyone who voices the video game character, as there's already a list for that. These are strictly non-gaming actors and actresses who we feel fit a given role.
When it comes to video game movies, some characters are destined to be played by a slim few thespians. Join as we countdown our picks for the Top 10 Dream Castings For Video Game Characters.
For this list we'll be taking a look at some of gaming's most iconic and entertaining characters, and matching them with actors and actresses we deem appropriate. There's one caveat, though: we're not including anyone who voices the video game character, as there's already a list for that. These are strictly non-gaming actors and actresses who we feel fit a given role.