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VOICE OVER: Phoebe de Jeu WRITTEN BY: Beca Dalimonte
It's time to rank every Florence Pugh performance! For this list, we'll be looking at every film and television series Florence Pugh has acted in - from harrowing dramas to tense and terrifying thrillers. Our countdown includes "Midsommar," "King Lear," "The Falling," and more!

#14: Gwen
“The Commuter” (2018)

“The Commuter” is an action thriller starring Liam Neeson, Vera Farmiga, and, of course, Florence Pugh. Its all-star lineup should have made it a surefire success, but it was unfortunately met with very little fanfare upon release. The film’s underwhelming script was its primary downfall, leading to mixed critical reviews and a rotten rating from both critics and audiences alike on Rotten Tomatoes. Fortunately, great actors know how to make the best of a bad situation and, in spite of “The Commuter”s lukewarm reception, its cast received near universal audience praise. Pugh’s role in the film is relatively small, but she definitely holds her own with the best of them.

#13: Angela Sayers
“Malevolent” (2018)

Netflix has had a few surprise hits over the years, but with the kind of output they have there are bound to be a few misses. “Malevolent” is certainly one of those misses, taking what should be a simple ghost story about a couple of scam artists getting their just desserts and turning it into a boring, convoluted mess. Florence Pugh plays the lead in the film, a fake medium who has really begun to see spirits, and she does so well, but even she struggles to save the film from itself. With a twist that seems incredibly out of left field, and a muddled final message, it’s hard to imagine any other actress faring better.

#12: Elizabeth de Burgh
“Outlaw King” (2018)

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“Outlaw King” is a Netflix historical action drama, oft-criticized for its lack of historical accuracy. The film focuses on the Scottish king and warrior Robert the Bruce, or Robert I, who rose up against the English king Edward I for Scotland’s freedom in the early 1300s. Florence Pugh plays Robert’s real-life second wife, Elizabeth de Burgh, who is a somewhat mysterious historical figure due to the total lack of information on her life in comparison to that of her husband. This lack of concrete knowledge could have allowed the film to flesh out de Burgh’s character in interesting ways but, sadly, “Outlaw King” gives Pugh very little to work with, wasting the potential of the character.

#11: Cara Thomas
“Marcella” (2016-)

After almost a decade of great performances, some roles naturally get swept under the rug. Still, we would be remiss not to mention Florence Pugh’s first ever role for the small screen. Although the show was technically predated by “Studio City,” a failed TV pilot, the ITV series “Marcella” was likely the first time many Brits encountered the now-famous actress in action. Her three episode arc as Cara Thomas unfortunately met an abrupt end when the character was fatally hit by a car, but the death actually propelled the series’ action forward in a big way. The show’s primary antagonist is the prime suspect in Cara’s death, meaning her case is brought up throughout the series as evidence in the on-going investigation.

#10: Abigail Mortimer
“The Falling” (2014)

It may seem hard to believe given how quickly the actress rose to stardom, but Florence Pugh’s first ever role was in 2014! This introductory role was in “The Falling,” a British drama film revolving around a mysterious case of fainting spells taking hold of an all-girls school. Although her character, Abbie’s, time in the film is short-lived, it was enough to make an impression on critics and audiences alike. It even landed her a nomination for Best British Newcomer at the 2014 London Film Festival, though she would ultimately lose out to “Catch Me Daddy”s Sameena Jabeen Ahmed.

#9: Saraya "Paige" Bevis
“Fighting With My Family” (2019)

Florence Pugh’s filmography is full of a lot of serious, emotional dramas. This was especially true in February of 2019, before the actress joined a cult in “Midsommar” and teamed up with Black Widow in the MCU. Because of this, “Fighting with My Family” acted as a nice, lighthearted reprieve in her filmography. Sure, the biographical story certainly had its moments of strong emotion, but it was the first time fans really got to see Pugh have fun and be funny on-screen. As Paige, she really proved she had the range to pull it off! “Fighting with My Family” became one of WWE’s most successful films, in no small part to its talented lead actress.

#8: Alice Pine
“Don’t Worry Darling” (2022)

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It’s not often that a modern film has faced quite as much behind the scenes controversy as “Don’t Worry Darling.” The psychological thriller, which starred pop sensation Harry Styles alongside Florence Pugh, was associated with cheating rumors, conflicts between co-stars, and even alleged spit. The reaction to the flick itself wasn’t great either, with many critics finding it to be unsatisfying and derivative. Fortunately, the movie did have one saving grace: its star actress, Florence Pugh. The actress’s performance as Alice elevated the weak material on the page into something that was not only watchable, but actively intriguing. Even those who hated “Don’t Worry Darling” couldn’t deny Pugh’s unique power to captivate and entertain an audience.

#7: Cordelia
“King Lear” (2018)

“King Lear” may have a Shakespearian name, but the film is no period piece, instead providing a creative spin on the classic material by setting it in an alternate 21st century. A television film made for BBC Two, “King Lear” starred acting legend Anthony Hopkins as the titular character, with Florence Pugh portraying his favorite daughter, Cordelia. It received overwhelmingly positive reviews, and was even nominated for the Outstanding Made for Television Movie Emmy in 2019. Pugh’s performance as Cordelia may have been overshadowed by the talents of Hopkins and costar Emma Thompson, but was nonetheless considered one of the better portrayals of the centuries old character.

#6: Elizabeth "Lib" Wright
“The Wonder” (2022)

Based on a novel of the same name, “The Wonder” tells of a young girl whose family claims she can live without eating and a skeptical nurse who has been instructed to watch over her. Florence Pugh plays the nurse, named Lib, whose care of the young girl reveals dark secrets about the girl’s family and community. Naturally, Pugh knocks the performance out of the park - portraying her character’s complex emotional journey with ease. Some outlets even championed the performance as the actress’s best to date, with many concluding that the film’s only faults were with its screenplay rather than its lead performer.

#5: Katherine Lester
“Lady Macbeth” (2016)

Although the title “Lady Macbeth” may lead you to believe that Florence Pugh took on the role of one of The Bard’s most challenging women, the film is actually based on a slightly more modern novella whose full title is “Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District.” Nonetheless, the film’s leading lady is no less complex than Shakespeare’s Lady Macbeth, demanding a uniquely magnetic performance from its star actress. Unsurprisingly, Florence Pugh delivered on that performance and, as a result, quickly put herself on the map as an actress with the potential to become a star.

#4: Charmian "Charlie" Ross
“The Little Drummer Girl” (2018)

Not many could take on the role of Charmian Ross. The protagonist of “Little Drummer Girl,” also known by her first name, Charlie, is an actress herself and seems to effortlessly switch between meek naivety and self-assured assertiveness. This chameleon personality becomes an asset in her job to sneak into a Palestinian terrorist group. Thankfully, Florence Pugh isn’t just any actress - and plays her fellow thespian in a way that is as believable as it is captivating. Over the course of the series, the role only becomes more complex, as Charlie struggles with feelings that blur the line between her false identity and harsh reality.

#3: Yelena Belova
Marvel Cinematic Universe

When Black Widow died in “Avengers: Endgame,” many fans questioned why a solo film was needed for the character at all. The character had already existed on-screen for a decade, and it seemed like too little too late. Fortunately, “Black Widow” justified its own existence, providing not only a moving backstory for the female avenger, but introducing us to her sister - Yelena Belova. Played by Florence Pugh, Yelena was instantly beloved by fans, who praised the actress’s unparalleled range of emotions and cited her performance in the film as a standout. She reprised the role in the Disney+ series “Hawkeye,” adding even more depth to the former assassin.

#2: Dani Ardor
“Midsommar” (2019)

If you didn’t know who Florence Pugh was prior to “Midsommar,” it’s very likely you knew who she was after. The A24 horror film was a surprising smash hit with audiences. It earned over $30 million more than its budget, and Pugh’s iconic character became a go-to Halloween costume in 2019. Pop star Ariana Grande even paid tribute to the movie for her 27th birthday party. Of course, all of this success wouldn’t have been possible without Florence Pugh’s moving performance in the lead role. The actress makes it easy to get caught up in the cult’s madness - so much so that you may even find yourself smiling along with her at the film’s end…even if you know you shouldn’t be.

#1: Amy March
“Little Women” (2019)

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“Little Women” isn’t new to film adaptations. Far from it! In fact, five adaptations of the story already existed when Greta Gerwig decided to take a stab at adapting Louisa May Alcott’s beloved story to a screenplay - and another would be released before the 2019 version hit theatres! This meant her “Little Women” had to stand out from the crowd in a big way - and, fortunately, it seems she achieved just that! Florence Pugh played her own role in the adaptation’s success, taking the often one-note character of Amy March and transforming her into a nuanced and relatable human being. It’s no surprise that the actress received her first Oscar nomination for the role, and we sincerely hope it’s the first of many!
