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VOICE OVER: Rebecca Brayton WRITTEN BY: Beau Kimpton
Sokka was responsible for a lot of "Avatar: The Last Airbender's" funniest moments. For this list, we'll be looking at the most hilarious moments featuring the funnyman and strategist from the Southern Water Tribe. Our countdown includes Zuko walks in on Sokka, Sokka the detective, getting trapped in the ground, and more!

#10: Zuko Walks in on Sokka
“The Southern Raiders”

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Top 10 Epic Zuko Moments in Avatar: The Last Airbender

After the Gaang is attacked at the Western Air Temple by Azula, they’re forced to camp at a beachside hideout. As Zuko approaches Sokka’s tent, he catches Suki doing the same — but the Kyoshi Warrior plays it off. When Zuko does enter Sokka’s quarters, he finds the Water Tribesman in a compromising position, with a rose between his teeth. Seeing the beloved strategist try to disguise his intentions by swallowing the flower is downright hilarious. “The Southern Raiders” is one of the show’s darkest episodes, with Zuko and Katara setting out to avenge the latter’s mother. But it wouldn’t be “Avatar” without some silly comic relief, and this brief moment is a stellar example of that.

#9: Naming Combustion Man
“The Runaway”

Sokka’s skilled wordplay is a signature aspect of his humor. While Zuko hiring an assassin to hunt down the Avatar isn’t a good thing, it leads to some of Sokka’s funniest lines. His first attempt to name the hitman comes in the midst of a tense argument between Toph and Katara ... It’s poorly timed, to say the least. Plus, the childish title definitely doesn’t suit the formidable bender and his unique abilities. This moment is completely awkward — and classic Sokka. Then, after repeated near-death experiences with the Fire Nation warrior, he ends up abandoning the nickname. Instead, he suggests a far scarier moniker... He’s clearly satisfied that it sticks.

#8: Pretending to Be Aang's Dad
“The Headband”

In one of the show’s most memorable episodes, Sokka puts on a particularly hilarious costume. With the Avatar accidentally disguised as a Fire Nation schoolboy, he’s forced to attend classes - and soon takes a liking to it. But naturally, his parents are expected to account for his rule-breaking ways. To avoid arousing suspicion, Sokka and Katara pretend to be Aang’s guardians, and use some pretty funny pseudonyms in the process. But the best part is when Sokka becomes a little too attached to his new persona. Even when the trio is alone in their hideout, he delivers a classic fatherly line. The joke speaks to his desire to be taken seriously, but it’s also symbolic of the family that Team Avatar represents.

#7: The Earth Kingdom Nomads
“The Cave of Two Lovers”

Also in:

Top 10 Funniest Avatar: The Last Airbender Moments

Even before the Gaang accompanies a band of musical travelers through the Cave of Two Lovers, Sokka isn’t exactly a fan of the newcomers. But things get even worse when he and Momo are trapped alone with them. The wanderers are incredibly frustrating, and seem pretty clueless. While Sokka is usually a lighthearted spirit, here viewers get to see him as the deeply irritated straight man. The episode has its fair share of nail-biting moments, but his strained relations with the nomads forms a thoroughly entertaining subplot. And despite Sokka’s unhappiness with the circumstances, their musical inclinations actually end up saving him from some fearsome badgermoles.

#6: Sokka the Detective
“Avatar Day”

Also in:

Top 10 Times Sokka Was Actually Brilliant on Avatar: The Last Airbender

In this episode, the protagonists visit an Earth Kingdom village celebrating “Avatar Day.” But they’re shocked to discover that the festival condemns offences committed by Aang’s ancestor Kyoshi. The young airbender is taken into custody, leaving his friends to prove his innocence. It’s no secret that Sokka can be a know-it-all, and this side of his personality takes over as he investigates the alleged crimes. From taking credit for Katara’s discoveries to his hat and pipe combo, Sokka perfectly embodies the detective archetype — though he’s not exactly the brains behind the operation. While jokes on “Avatar” are often quippy one-liners, this comedy bit persists, and the episode is better for it.

#5: Reacting to the Ember Island Players
“The Ember Island Players”

When Team Avatar attends a theatrical reenactment of their own journeys across the Four Nations, Sokka proves to be a rowdy audience member. He takes umbrage with his stage counterpart’s jokes, asks his friends to pick up snacks, and wells up at his fictionalized encounter with Princess Yue. The performance brings about a slew of funny Sokka moments, as he intervenes and feeds his actor ostensibly better jokes. But one of his best lines is also one of the show’s most meta. When Jet’s character suffers an ambiguous fate in the play, Sokka’s response is priceless. Of course, it’s a clever nod to the real Earth Kingdom rebel, whose death couldn’t be shown on screen.

#4: Trying to Discredit the Fortuneteller
“The Fortuneteller”

Also in:

Top 10 Funniest Avatar: The Last Airbender Moments

Sokka is a realist through and through. That’s probably why he gets so frustrated when confronted with the divinations of a fortuneteller. In fact, he actually attempts to forecast the weather himself after learning of Aunt Wu’s practices. Unsurprisingly, this attempt to prove such powers aren’t real immediately - and amusingly - backfires. But things get even worse when the wise woman declares that his future will undoubtedly be full of self-inflicted anguish. Then, he learns that the villagers actually bet their safety on her predictions! Watching Sokka seethe as his skepticism is challenged by the people’s blind faith is comedy gold.

#3: The Ba Sing Se Haiku Battle
“The Tales of Ba Sing Se”

Also in:

Top 10 Katara & Aang Moments on Avatar: The Last Airbender

With its four-part structure, “The Tales of Ba Sing Se” is unique among “Avatar” episodes. Sokka’s vignette follows him as he comes across a poetry club practicing haikus. In classic fashion, he believes he can win a verbal throwdown. Sokka’s performance starts out quite strong, with several clever retorts to his competitor’s poems. But soon enough, he becomes cocky, fails to follow the rules, and gets thrown out. Still, it’s riveting to see the Water Tribe native spar with a far more practiced opponent - and do a decent job. Sokka prides himself on his unique way with words, and - sure enough- even his most cringe-worthy lines are hilarious.

#2: Getting Trapped in the Ground
“Bitter Work”

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Top 10 Best Azula Moments on Avatar: The Last Airbender

One of Sokka’s best moments takes place in Book Two’s “Bitter Work.” While Aang and Toph are busy training, the funnyman attempts to capture a baby moose lion and ends up lodged in a fissure. As he becomes increasingly desperate to escape, he forms a bond with his sole animal companion. The meat lover’s monologue is chock-full of funny lines, including one where he agrees to sacrifice his carnivorous ways if rescued. From trying to catch an apple with his boomerang, to naming his new friend “Foo Foo Cuddlypoops,” Sokka never fails to make us laugh.

Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.

Painting for Piandao, “Sokka’s Master”
Sokka’s Approach to Calligraphy & Landscape Painting Is Definitely Peculiar

Sneak Attacking a Rock, “The Runaway”
Sokka Tries to Participate in Aang’s Earthbending Training to No Avail

Believing That Appa Ate Momo, “Sozin’s Comet, Part 1: The Phoenix King”
When the Winged Lemur Is Nowhere to Be Found, Sokka Crawls Into the Sky Bison’s Mouth

Remembering Yue, “The Boiling Rock, Part 1”
Sokka Uniquely Recounts the Death of His First Love

Hiding in the Fire Nation, “The Headband”
Sokka Is Even Suspicious of the Wildlife in Enemy Territory

#1: Drinking Cactus Juice
“The Desert”

Also in:

Top 10 Funniest Drinking with Seth Moments

After their visit to Wan Shi Tong’s library, Team Avatar gets lost in the sand dunes. So Sokka decides to rehydrate with some of the liquid trapped in a desert cactus. Of course, he fails to realize that the substance is a powerful hallucinogen. What follows is a series of truly hilarious hijinks from one of the show’s silliest characters. Throughout the episode, he mistakes a giant cloud of dust for a friendly mushroom, gets even more dramatic than usual, and eventually becomes feverishly paranoid. Fans love Sokka for his intellect and goofiness, but seeing him totally lose control takes the hilarity to another level. With unique visual effects illustrating his altered state of mind, this is undoubtedly one of the show’s funniest sequences.
