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Top 10 Genius Travel Hacks You'll Definitely Use

Top 10 Genius Travel Hacks You'll Definitely Use
VOICE OVER: Rebecca Brayton
Script written by Liam Schell.

There are travel hacks for flying we could all use. Whether it's marking our luggage as 'fragile,' finding ways to save space when packing or buying a jacket with tons of pockets so you don't have to carry multiple bags, these are some life hacks to save you money, time and space. WatchMojo counts down ten genius DIY travel life hacks.

Special thanks to our users drewbrown and mattwatchmojo for suggesting this idea! Check out the voting page at http://WatchMojo.comsuggest/Top%2010%20Travel%20Hacks

Script written by Liam Schell.

#10: Mark Your Baggage as ‘Fragile’

If you’re a worried traveler, or if you’re traveling with some delicate items, you might want to try out this first hack before it catches on. For those of us who just can’t seem to cram everything into a carry-on, all it takes is a simple “fragile” sticker or tag to make baggage handlers automatically transport your luggage with added care. Even if there isn’t actually anything extra fragile in your bags, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that your checked baggage is getting a little extra TLC. Plus, it’ll probably be one of the first bags off the plane, too.

#9: Make Use of Offline Mapping

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Where would we be in 2017 without the wonders of Google Maps or other GPS apps? If you’re planning on venturing off the beaten path but don’t want to get lost, Google Maps has a nifty feature that’ll help any keen explorers. Just enter the phrase “Ok Maps” into the app and the magic of Google will save the map currently on screen. That means this portion of the map will be available for you to view after you leave Wi-Fi, no additional fees required.

#8: Ziploc Bags are Your Friend

Everyone knows how much of a lifesaver Ziploc bags can be when it comes to packing lunches for day excursions. But these next hacks may make you want to pack a few extra. Any good picnic of sandwiches and cold beverages requires a few ice packs. Of course, a good replacement for the traditional cold pack is a few frozen sponges, which can be put in sandwich bags to keep anything cold. And if it starts to rain during your picnic, the bags can also act as a great waterproof case for your cell phone!

#7: Become a Space Saving Ninja

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Packing a suitcase is a lot like a game of Tetris: you need a good sense of spatial awareness to make the most of the minimal room you have in a suitcase. Of course, with a few key tricks you can maximize packing space. Shoes make for great storage cubbies for small clothing like socks and underwear; glasses cases can easily store small cables, and of course, don’t forget to roll your clothes instead of folding!

#6: Keep Your Earphones in Place

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This next hack essentially kills two birds with one stone. Wired headphones can often be annoying to deal with: they always tangle, and if you’re doing physical activity, they never stay in place. Of course, this can be solved with something that nearly everyone has lying around the house. Twist ties can be tied around the earbud itself to keep it in place around your ear. Take this hack to the next level by using the same twist ties to stop your headphones from tangling. A two in one hack!

#5: Protect Your Odds & Ends

When you’re traveling, there’s a lot going on, and it can be very easy to lose smaller items. Things like jewelry and toiletries can be hard to keep track of when packing, but a few unusual storage containers can solve all of your problems. Use pill containers to your advantage by putting any loose necklaces or earrings in them; protect your razors by fastening them with binder clips and keep any extra bobby pins you have in your old tic tac containers. You’ll never lose anything again!

#4: Pockets are Your Friend

While seeing the world is undoubtedly a blast, air travel can be a huge chore: carrying multiple bags around an airport is a major inconvenience and surely no one has ever had a good time going through airport security. Bringing a jacket that has a lot of pocket space will make it easier to get through security and will allow you to have everything you need at hand. If you really want to look prepared on your flight, consider bringing a spare pen for the customs form and a reusable water bottle in case you get thirsty.

#3: Stay Fresh to Impress

If looking good on your trip is a necessity, consider these basic hacks to keep your style intact. Packing formal attire takes more attention, since collared shirts are easy to wrinkle. Using belts to line the collars of your button-up shirts both acts as a space saver, and will keep those collars nice and crisp. Also, there’s no need to throw in a load of laundry when you arrive at your destination; just place a dryer sheet in your luggage to keep your clothes smelling fresh.

#2: Digitize Your Docs

Have those horror stories about vacationers losing their passports and other important documents when traveling abroad got you worried? Well, the 21st century has made it easier than ever to maintain peace of mind while in foreign countries! Scan any important travel documents that you’ll need and keep them handy on all of your devices in case of emergency. That way if you’re ever run into any nasty pickpockets or just misplace something that you desperately need, it’ll be right there with you on every step of your trip!

#1: Go Incognito

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Here’s yet another travel hack that you should jump on before it catches on. If you’ve been looking for flights or hotels online recently, you may have noticed that you’ve been targeted for related ads when surfing the web. A simple switch to private browsing while looking for vacation deals will hide your history from travel companies, and as a result, it’ll stop them from raising prices the next time you’re on their site. Whether this is a conspiracy theory or not, it doesn’t hurt to go incognito – and wouldn’t it be worth it to save some money on your next vacation?
