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VOICE OVER: Peter DeGiglio WRITTEN BY: Ty Richardson
Gamers found ways to totally break the game with these characters! For this list, we're looking at characters that caused widespread rage in online games because of how fundamentally broken they were. Our countdown includes Boba Fett “Star Wars Battlefront II” (2017), Freddy Krueger “Mortal Kombat” (2011), Leroy “Tekken 7” (2017), Bastion “Overwatch” (2016) and more!

Script written by Ty Richardson

Top 10 Broken Characters in Online Games

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Welcome to WatchMojo, and today, we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Broken Characters in Online Games.

For this list, we’re looking at characters that caused widespread rage in online games because of how fundamentally broken they were.

Which character were you begging to be nerfed? Let us know in the comments below.

#10: Boba Fett

“Star Wars Battlefront II” (2017)

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Roughly a month before “Battlefront II” was supposed to launch, the game was already on a rapid decline. EA became public enemy number one because of three things: loot boxes, Star Cards, and the notorious Boba Fett. It was the way these three elements blended together that really infuriated players. Boba can have Star cards equipped that buff his Rocket Barrage ability, significantly increasing his damage output while reducing incoming damage. While this has been nerfed since beta and launch, the bounty hunter is still causing dismay in Heroes vs. Villains mode due to players using his jetpack to reach places none of the other characters can get to. So, if he becomes the target, the villains are practically guaranteed a free point.

#9: Scientist

“Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville” (2019)

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“Battle for Neighborville” failed miserably at supporting itself with new content. And during one of the few times developer PopCap Games implemented anything remotely new, we got the terrible Scientist’s upgrade. The Scientist’s low damage output forced him to rely heavily on allies. However, when given the Steam upgrade, he can easily take out enemies with one or two shots. There’s seemingly no middle ground with this guy. And with a select few of the characters getting these “upgrades”, we have to question just how balanced this game really is.

#8: Kratos

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“PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale” (2012)

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It wasn’t just the fact that Sony had blatantly copied “Smash Bros.” that drove away so many players. Upon entering an online match, one could expect at least two players taking the role of Kratos - for good reason. The Ghost of Sparta boasts god-like attack speed compared to the rest of the cast. Thanks to his agility, he can quickly rack up enough power to trigger his Level Three Super. Speaking of which, his super was so broken that it could last long enough for Kratos to off each player twice. Granted, Kratos would probably destroy PlayStation’s IP characters if they really went head-to-head. But within the game, his advantages made online play insufferable. And his dad Zeus was just as awful!

#7: Freddy Krueger

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“Mortal Kombat” (2011)

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When it comes to broken “Mortal Kombat” characters, many will immediately point fingers at Scorpion in “Injustice”. However, the notorious face that most angered players was Freddy Krueger. Even though it was… interesting to see a horror movie villain in the game, Freddy was absolutely intolerable to fight against online. The sadistic killer could easily execute devastating combos and had a fair amount of zoning abilities such as teleporting and some ridiculous ranged attacks. In other words, Freddy was a living nightmare in the “Mortal Kombat” community, both in lore and reality.

#6: Dormammu

“Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite” (2017)

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Between their crazy visuals and the characters’ flashy moves, the games in the “Marvel vs. Capcom” franchise can get pretty wild. The only time you wouldn’t want everything to get so crazy was if your opponent was a well-versed Dormammu player. Dr. Strange’s nemesis was a real problem on servers, specifically because of how far-reaching some of his attacks were. It was almost impossible to avoid some of his offensive moves. And god help you if you got caught in a chain of thorn garden attacks! Although Dormammu has since been nerfed, those who suffered defeat at his hands will never forget.

#5: Medic & Spy

“Team Fortress 2” (2007)

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Almost every time Valve gives one of the TF2 classes a new weapon or mechanic, everything suddenly breaks. Of the nine classes available, the two that have caused the most headaches are the Spy and Medic. As expected with Support characters, the Medic has seen a handful of weapons that granted too much healing or Ubercharge, potentially making their team invincible. As for the Spy, well...the Ambassador and Dead Ringer weapons will forever live in infamy thanks to how they allowed the user to spam the Spy’s cloaking device. Both have received nerfs over the years, but not before enraging defeated players.

#4: Goku (GT)

“Dragon Ball FighterZ” (2018)

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The kid version of Goku has been a point of contention for many in the “Dragon Ball FighterZ” community. Whereas some don’t see much of a problem with him, others claim the character is unbalanced, citing his ability to rack up insane amounts of damage with just a couple of auto-combos. There’s also one big elephant in the room―his small size. GT Goku’s small stature makes it easy for some attacks to miss. In short, some players see absolutely no weakness in Goku GT’s moveset. While patches have come out since his debut, we wouldn’t be surprised if a minor adjustment stokes the flames again.

#3: Leroy

“Tekken 7” (2017)

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Leroy was supposed to be the biggest badass in “Tekken 7’s” post-launch life. He was going to be one of the coolest new characters introduced into the competitive fighting game scene. Unfortunately, Leroy became the most resented character in “Tekken” history. This dude could parry just about every single move...except for throws and projectiles. To make matters worse, Leroy could deal devastating damage with very few button inputs. After a tournament in Japan saw six of its final eight players compete with Leroy, one thing was certain―Leroy was broken as hell! Sure, he’s nerfed now, but we’ll never forget how he nearly killed “Tekken 7”.

#2: Bastion

“Overwatch” (2016)

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“Overwatch” has had its fair share of balancing problems, between the likes of Reaper and Mercy. But the most controversial figure of them all was that beep-booping bot, Bastion. He managed to enrage and frustrate the community a few times over. This was due to his incredible defense, versatile gameplay, and self-healing abilities. After launch, many players called for Bastion to be nerfed. In response, his passive ability, Ironclad, which reduces incoming damage, was scaled down. But the changes haven’t satisfied all players. Let’s hope things are a little quieter for Bastion when “Overwatch 2” rolls around.

#1: Bayonetta

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“Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U” (2014)

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It was a big deal when Bayonetta was announced as the Smash ballot winner and the final DLC character for “Smash 4”. Unfortunately, the community quickly pulled the welcome mat away when it was discovered just how ridiculously overpowered she was. c could pull off insane juggles on just about any character and boasted a hefty number of zero-to-death combos as well as absurd recovery. It got so bad that at EVO 2018, crowds would boo at any player who chose to compete as Bayonetta. And we thought the controversy around Meta Knight in “Brawl” was bad!
