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VOICE OVER: Rebecca Brayton
Set your phasers to stun, sharpen your replica swords, and let the flame wars begin. For this list, we're counting down the greatest rivalries in geek culture. These are the kind of rivalries that fans can really get behind, not just rivalries between characters in a given property. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the Top 10 Geek Rivalries.

Set your phasers to stun, sharpen your replica swords, and let the flame wars begin. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Geek Rivalries.

For this list, we’re counting down the greatest rivalries in geek culture. These are the kind of rivalries that fans can really get behind, not just rivalries between characters in a given property.

#10: “Pokémon” vs. “Digimon”

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Yes, we know “Pokemon” was created first, but it can’t be denied that “Digimon” managed to find success in its own right. Both Japanese media franchises are based on powerful creatures that can evolve or “digivolve.” They also live alongside humans and can fight. While the similarities are obvious, fans of both franchises continue to argue the superior merits of their favorite universe, be it the impact of its legacy on pop culture, how realistic the characters are, and/or the themes and stories they cover. Though the 2010s has seen a resurgence in “Pokemon”’s popularity in thanks to “Pokemon Go” and the live action film, 2019 news that a special new “Digimon” anime movie was in development proves that the rivalry remains strong.

#9: “Mario” vs. “Sonic the Hedgehog”

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These Japanese developers got into the home video game console industry on the exact same day, with Nintendo’s Nintendo Entertainment System and Sega’s SG-1000 coming out on July 15th, 1983. Though the NES remains a household name, Sega’s later Sega Genesis still rings a bell for many - and that’s partly because of “Sonic the Hedgehog.” Created to compete with Nintendo’s Mario mascot, the high-speed platform game allowed the Genesis to briefly overtake the Super NES’ sales in the early 1990s. Both franchises have games that have been hailed as some of the greatest ever, have spun off into other media and earned billions of dollars to date. With a 2020 Sonic movie and plans for a Mario film a few years later, this is one competition to watch.

#8: Fans of the “Star Wars” Prequel Trilogy vs. the Haters

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Okay, this one gets people really heated - Mojoholics, included. Considering its enormous pop culture influence since the late ‘70s and its subsequent purchase by Disney - another pop culture giant - in the early 2010s, there’s no escaping Star Wars. Following Anakin Skywalker’s transformation into Darth Vader, the prequel trilogy had A LOT to live up to. Whether it did so or not continues to be up for debate, even though the last one came out in 2005. While initial reviews were mixed, later opinions tended to be more positive, focusing on political themes while taking its intended audience into account instead of bashing the acting and CGI. Whether you’re one of now-adult fans that grew up with it or a much older critic that longs for the original, the Force is obviously strong either way.

#7: Nikola Tesla vs. Thomas Edison

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Here we leave the pop culture realm for a bit and delve into the lives of real-life men who lived during the 19th and 20th centuries. Often dubbed America’s greatest inventor, Thomas Edison is known for inventing the electric light bulb, but he was also behind the phonograph and the motion picture camera, in addition to holding over 1000 US patents! Meanwhile, Nikola Tesla, who was born in modern-day Croatia but later moved to the U.S., is most famous for his work with the modern alternating current electricity supply system. He also held over 270 patents globally. Both award-winning inventors have had awards - among many other things - named after them; both have also contributed greatly to science, business, engineering and more. So the battle between Team Tesla and Team Edison understandably burns on!

#6: Batman vs. Superman

Say what you will about “Batman v Superman,” but this fight has been raging for decades. As the most popular DC characters, it’s understandable that fans pick a favorite, despite the fact that these two usually work together. Nonetheless, they’ve had their fair share of throwdowns, both physical and ideological. Batman is fundamentally a man with skills, gadgets, and money, defined by a cynical, pragmatic approach to crime, whereas Superman has godlike powers and is an eternal optimist. The merits of each archetype can be debated ad nauseam, but the argument usually ends up in the same - “Who would win in a fight?” When you’re done with that debate, try the Goku vs. Superman rivalry on for size.

#5: PC vs. Console Gaming

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It’s been a decade-long brawl between PlayStation and Xbox for home console gaming supremacy, since Sega bowed out and Nintendo shifted to family-oriented content. While we’ll get to the question of which console reigns supreme, right now we’re concentrating on whether or not consoles can actually hack it. It’s undeniable that PC gaming allows for greater performance, and can be constantly upgraded to keep up with even the most demanding software. However, consoles provide a streamlined, user-friendly experience that requires minimal troubleshooting, and a lack of customization is a good thing for many people who want to game without constant hardware tweaking and driver updates. These are two very different beasts, but people love to pit them against each other.

#4: iPhone vs. Android

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iPhone vs Android

Chances are you’ve got a smartphone within arm’s reach at this very moment. You might even be watching this video on one. Is it an iPhone or an Android smartphone? Apple users are among the most devoted customers in the world. The only thing that can rival their devotion… is the disdain felt for them by Android users. While an iPhone certainly integrates seamlessly with the rest of your Apple devices in ways Android cannot, the wide variety of Android phones makes it easier for a consumer to find a smartphone that suits his or her needs and budget. The Samsung Galaxy was initially at the high end of that budget, but now the Google’s line of Pixels seems to be overtaking the position of the Android-running phone to rival the iPhone.

#3: Playstation vs. Xbox

Despite the first Playstation coming out in 1994, almost 7 years before the first Xbox, the latter Microsoft-owned company has certainly give the former Sony brand a run for its money on many occasions throughout the early 21st century. Though both have released multiple consoles and an online service, they’ve also tried to differentiate themselves and gain more fans by expanding; this has included handheld consoles and hardware for the PS, with various controllers and software for the Xbox. In 2013, things came to a head with the PS4 and Xbox One dropping within the same month. As technology advances quicker and quicker, things are bound to continue heating up between them and their fans, much like with any other major business competitors in different fields.

#2: “Star Wars” vs. “Star Trek”

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Forget the Borg. Forget the Sith. The biggest threat to the galaxy is this blood feud between the two biggest sci-fi franchises in geek history. This battle has been fought on every front and from every angle, from technological superiority, character development, the quality of the villains, and the variety of alien species, to the romantic subplots, the weapons, the spaceships, financial success, and the extent to which their respective universes have been developed. It’s a rather unique rivalry in that the two franchises grew out of separate media – “Star Trek” as a television series, and “Star Wars” as films. With J.J. Abrams helming 21st century films for both franchises, perhaps peace is attainable. Pfft, just kidding.

Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
- Steampunk vs. Cyberpunk
- Sub vs. Dub in Anime
- “Pokémon” vs. “Yu-Gi-Oh!”
- Zombies vs. Vampires
- “Call of Duty” vs. “Battlefield”

#1: Marvel vs. DC

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This rivalry began with comic books, but over the decades, it’s spilled into film, television, video games, toys, and more. Each of these prolific companies has taken the lead in a medium or two in the early 21st century. Marvel is winning on the big screen, while DC has firmly cornered the market on direct-to-video animated features. As for television, both are making their mark with live-action and animated series. In the mid-‘90s, the two publishers actually came together in a 1996 crossover event, and in the form of a series of hybrid Marvel/DC characters published under the Amalgam imprint. Despite these displays of unity, fans can’t seem to stop themselves from declaring allegiance to one company or the other.
