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VOICE OVER: Emily Brayton
Here's everything you need to know about “Wonder Woman” before you watch the movie. Did you know that Gal Gadot Underwent a serious body transformation for the Role? That Etta Candy will be in it? And that it's been in development for 20 Years?

#5: Gal Gadot Underwent a Serious Body Transformation for the Role

When it was first announced that this Israeli actress would be portraying Wonder Woman in the DCEU starting with 2016’s Batman v Superman, some fans pointed out that her slim physique didn’t quite match up with Wonder Woman’s classic powerhouse bod. But Gadot worked with trainer Mark Twight to change her look from skinny to superhero. The actress reportedly gained seventeen pounds of muscle for the role - that’s serious dedication! Gadot says that while she was reluctant to gain the weight initially, she feels much stronger and healthier than she did in the past. Based on her physique in the 2017 Wonder Woman movie, it’s clear that she’s been keeping up with her training.

#4: Etta Candy Will Be in It

Batman has Robin. Superman has Jimmy Olsen. And Wonder Woman has Etta Candy, her full figured and spirited best friend and sidekick. Over the years, Etta’s character has gone through various iterations. She was first introduced as a curvy redhead, but has since been presented as a thin blonde, and later, an African American woman. In set photos however, actress Lucy Davis was spotted in costume, revealing a look closest to the original. Speaking of her long history, Etta Candy’s first appearance, at least in the 1940s comic script, saw her introduced to Wonder Woman as a malnourished, severely ill, bedridden woman, who goes on to recover by eating a bunch of candy.

#3: It’s Been in Development for 20 Years

This movie has been a long time coming. As far back as 1996, the story was in development with Ivan Reitman as producer. By 1999, the movie had changed hands - Jon Cohen was adapting the project and was reportedly eyeing Sandra Bullock to star. Then in 2005, following further juggling and false starts, it was announced that Joss Whedon of Buffy the Vampire Slayer fame would be writing the adapted script. Sadly in 2007, he too walked away from the project. Finally, after years in development hell, in 2015, Allan Heinberg delivered the screenplay, Patty Jenkins signed on to direct, and the rest... is cinematic history.

#2: It’s Directed by a Woman - & That’s Pretty Significant

It may have taken a couple of decades for Wonder Woman’s latest iteration to make it onto the big screen, but chances are, if this movie had been made in the ‘90s, there wouldn’t have been a female director. In fact, after Lexi Alexander, Patty Jenkins is only the second female director in the live-action superhero genre, and the first to direct a tentpole summer superhero flick. This also marks the first time that a woman has directed a film starring a female superhero. Considering the Amazonian world that Wonder Woman hails from, it seems only appropriate to have a woman leading this film both on-screen and behind the scenes.

#1: It's a Blend of Different Origin Stories

Wonder Woman first debuted in 1941 in the midst of the Second World War, but in the film, she’ll be stepping into WWI instead. Furthermore, Wonder Woman’s origin looks as if it will be a mixture of both her classic story and the later New 52 version. Originally, Wonder Woman was molded from clay by her mother Queen Hippolyta. This classic origin was certainly alluded to in one trailer when Diana tells Steve Trevor. However, this mysterious voice-over, coupled with producer Charles Roven’s 2014 comments about blending her old mythology with that of the new 52, has led many to suspect that Zeus may have played a more active role in her conception.
