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10 Celebrities Trump Hates

10 Celebrities Trump Hates
VOICE OVER: Peter DeGiglio WRITTEN BY: Don Ekama
Trumps hatred for these folks is HUGE. Sad! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the most notable celebrities whose words and actions managed to get under the skin of real estate mogul, former reality TV star and 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump. Our list includes celebs Alec Baldwin, Rosie O'Donnell, Stephen Colbert and more!
Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the most notable celebrities whose words and actions managed to get under the skin of real estate mogul, former reality TV star and 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump. Has any of your favorite celebrities made it onto Donald Trump’s burn book? Let us know in the comments below.

Stephen Colbert

Back in 2015, Donald Trump, then the frontrunner in the Republican presidential primaries, made a memorable appearance on “The Late Show With Stephen Colbert.” The conversation was awkward, marking one of the rare moments when the two men appeared to get along. Since then, Colbert has made Trump a regular target of his jokes, even refusing to mention his name on the show after Trump denied the results of the 2020 election. These relentless jabs clearly ruffled Trump’s feathers, prompting him to label Colbert a “no-talent” guy. Trump didn’t stop there; he also claimed that Colbert isn’t funny and boasted that his appearance on the late-night show gave him “the highest rating he’s ever had.”

Megyn Kelly

It’s no secret that Donald Trump has a colorful history of using offensive terms to describe women. This came to a head in August 2015, during the first Republican presidential debate, when co-moderator Megyn Kelly called him out on it. Trump didn’t take this lightly, firing back at Kelly during the debate and on social media. Over the following weeks, Trump unleashed a barrage of attacks so harsh that Fox News had to step in and defend Kelly. Even after a one-on-one interview in May 2016 meant to clear the air between the two, Trump’s animosity did not fade. Fast forward to 2024, and despite Kelly’s apparent support for Trump’s campaign, the former President still isn’t her biggest fan.

Samuel L. Jackson

This feud all began over Donald Trump’s favorite pastime: a game of golf. In a January 2016 interview with Rhapsody magazine, Hollywood actor Samuel L. Jackson boasted about being a better golfer than Trump. He also accused Trump of cheating and sending him a bill for his golf club, despite not being a member. Trump swiftly took to social media, denying he even knew Jackson. However, actor Anthony Anderson backed up the story and Jackson shared more details, including a picture of the bill and the fact that President Bill Clinton was also present. Trump fired back, claiming Jackson was the real cheat and criticizing his golf swing. At least, he admitted to meeting the actor, but we doubt a rematch would happen anytime soon.

LaVar Ball

In 2017, LaVar Ball made headlines when he got into a public feud with then-President Donald Trump. It all began when Ball’s son, LiAngelo, was arrested in China for shoplifting, a charge carrying up to 10 years in prison. However, this situation was miraculously resolved just as Trump embarked on a trip to Asia. Trump took credit for LiAngelo’s release, but Ball disagreed and refused to thank him. This angered Trump, who took to social media to label him an “ungrateful fool.” Regardless, Ball stood his ground and was vindicated months later by an ESPN report that revealed Trump had nothing to do with the players’ release. For Ball, this feud was the reason Trump lost the 2020 election.


Donald Trump has never really been Madonna’s number-one fan, a fact that’s quite clear from some of his old tweets. However, his displeasure for the Queen of Pop hit a new low after her fiery remarks at the 2017 Women’s March in Washington D.C. The march, which was done in response to Trump’s inauguration, saw several prominent women take to the stage to voice their concerns, one of whom was Madonna. Fueled by her frustration with Trump’s proposed policies, Madonna went so far as to talk about “blowing up the White House.” Her comments drew criticism from both sides, including from Trump himself who labeled her “disgusting.” Safe to say the former President is not hung up on Madonna.

Snoop Dogg

The relationship between Donald Trump and Snoop Dogg was once amicable, but things soured once Trump became President. In 2017, Snoop released a music video featuring him aiming a gun at a clown dressed like Trump. Naturally, the then-President wasn’t amused and slammed the video on social media. However, after Trump lost the 2020 election, the tides turned, as Snoop needed a favor: a pardon for his close friend Michael “Harry-O” Harris. Trump, still salty over Snoop’s past digs, reportedly unleashed some choice words at the rapper, once he was reminded of them. Nevertheless, Harris got his pardon and Snoop’s tune changed to one of “love and respect” for Trump. Though we suspect Trump might not be entirely convinced by his newfound affection.

Rosie O'Donnell

Donald Trump has locked horns with several celebrities over the years, but none quite as persistently as comedian Rosie O'Donnell. Their bitter feud began in 2006, when O’Donnell criticized Trump’s morals over his handling of the Miss USA pageant. Never one to let things slide, Trump began a relentless series of attacks against the comedian, both in the press and on social media. He never missed a chance to throw shade at O’Donnell, most notably during the Republican debates when he sparred with Megyn Kelly. Their heated exchange seemed to cool off a bit after Trump became president, but it was far from over. In 2024, after Trump’s historic felony conviction, O’Donnell couldn’t resist publicly celebrating his undoing.

Alec Baldwin

When you sign on to routinely mock Donald Trump, don’t expect him to take it lying down. In September 2016, actor Alec Baldwin began portraying Trump on “Saturday Night Live,” just as the show ramped up its election coverage. Baldwin’s impersonation was a hit with critics and even snagged him an Emmy Award. However, the audience of one that is Trump was far from amused. Trump lambasted Baldwin’s impression as “really mean-spirited and not very good,” and sparred with the actor on social media when he described the role as “agony.” Even after leaving office, Trump’s resentment towards Baldwin lingered, as he hinted that Baldwin’s unfortunate shooting incident on the “Rust” set might not have been accidental.

Kathy Griffin

In 2017, comedian Kathy Griffin managed to kill two birds with one stone: she drew the ire of the President and effectively derailed her career. This was all due to a controversial picture Griffin posted on social media, showing her holding a bloody mask that looked eerily like Donald Trump. The backlash was swift and severe, coming from every direction. Trump himself tweeted that the stunt was “sick” and declared that Griffin “should be ashamed of herself.” According to the comedian, Trump and his family went all out to sabotage her career over the photograph. If that’s the case, they did a pretty good job, as Griffin lost gigs and sponsorships, and had her tour dates canceled.

Robert De Niro

Of his many celebrity critics, Donald Trump may have found his most vocal in Oscar-winning actor Robert De Niro. If Trump had a million haters, De Niro would be one of them. If the world suddenly rallied behind Trump, De Niro would be the last man standing against him. The actor’s tirade began in 2011 when Trump questioned Barack Obama’s birthplace. His criticisms only intensified as Trump ran for office and won. Trump hasn’t held back either, mocking De Niro’s intelligence and acting career at every turn. His animosity towards the actor remains unwavering, never missing the chance to throw insults his way on social media. Many may adore De Niro today, but if he has one hater, best believe it’s Donald Trump.