10 Times Blair Was the Best Character on Gossip Girl

VOICE OVER: Phoebe de Jeu
WRITTEN BY: Eve Volungeviciute
She was the queen bee of Manhattan and of our hearts. For this list, we'll be looking into the funniest and most memorable moments from our favorite Upper East Side schemer. We'll be excluding Blair's moments that revolve around her relationship with Chuck as they have a list of their own. Our list includes The Fashion Police, Reading Serena Her Letter, Taking Down Juliet for Serena, Giving Her Crown to Jenny, Takedown of Bart Bass, and more! Join MsMojo as we count down our picks for the Top 10 Blair Waldorf Gossip Girl Moments.
Top 10 Blair Waldorf Gossip Girl Moments
She was the queen bee of Manhattan and of our hearts. Welcome to MsMojo and today we‘ll be counting down our picks for the top 10 Blair Waldorf moments.
For this list, we‘ll be looking into the funniest and most memorable moments from our favorite Upper East Side schemer. We‘ll be excluding Blair‘s moments that revolve around her relationship with Chuck as they have a list of their own.
#10: The Fashion Police
There’s a reason she ends up running her mother’s fashion company at the end of the show. Blair has a truly distinctive style that the girls in Constance Billard follow head to toe in high school seasons just so they can win her approval. Even as an adult, she retains youthful preppy elegance which later helps her create her first successful fashion line. Blair never shies away from stating her honest opinion about people’s fashion choices and if that ends up reducing someone to tears, well, in her opinion, they should’ve known better than to wear last season’s shoes.
#9: Insulting Her Minions
What’s a queen bee without her little workers? Every leader needs their followers and Blair’s carefully picked group of just as privileged but slightly less powerful and/or charming girls are exactly that. While there’s certainly no genuine friendship within the group, their dynamics provide great comic relief as Blair constantly involves them in her schemes and shenanigans. She makes sure to continue establishing herself as a leader by insulting her minions’ appearance and intelligence, in particularly Hazel’s, in the razor-sharp, condescending way that only Blair can. While the girls are less than pleased with this treatment, it’s certainly entertaining for the audience.
#8: Reading Serena Her Letter
Until this moment in the show we’d only really seen Blair’s mean side as she sought revenge on Serena for sleeping with her boyfriend. When her sabotage at Ivy League meeting goes horribly wrong, however, Blair decides that it’s time to wave a white flag at her former best friend. In the letter she wrote to Serena, Blair talks about the loneliness she felt following her parents’ divorce and how betrayed she was over Serena leaving town without saying a word. In this scene Blair reveals her vulnerable side for the first time, showing us that there’s more to her character than meets the eye.
#7: Attempting to Take Over NYU
Blair is nothing if not dedicated to the cause. After going to Yale doesn’t work out, Blair settles for NYU, prepared to rule the school. Unfortunately, her efforts turn out to be useless as the NYU crowd is not exactly Upper East Side material. Blair almost admits defeat but she wouldn’t be the schemer we know and love if she didn’t find ways to get ahead, such as cheating her way into giving the freshmen speech or hiring Lady Gaga herself to perform for her classmates. She might have transferred to Columbia in the end but she definitely left her mark at NYU.
#6: Taking Down Juliet for Serena
There are few people Blair truly cares about and Serena van der Woodsen is one of them. The girls might do terrible things to each other over the series but they would never let anyone ELSE hurt the other. When Juliet tries to sabotage Serena’s academic career in Columbia University, as well as ruin her relationships with everyone, Blair improvises a scheme with help from Chuck and Nate to socially destroy Juliet in front of the Dean of university as well as her cousin. While this isn’t the end of the ordeal for Serena, watching Juliet crumble in front of the Non-Judging-Breakfast-Club is just way too satisfying.
#5: Giving Her Crown to Jenny
There have been many contestants for Blair’s throne over the first two seasons but she always knew who she wanted to continue her monarchy at Constance. Blair recognized Jenny’s potential and love for a good game right from the start, which is why the girls rivaled against each other on more than one occasion. At a graduation party in the end of season two, the pair have one of their most honest conversations, with Blair giving Jenny what she needs to become the new queen, as well as revealing her strategy for dealing with people around her. The scene adds another layer to Blair’s character, making us love her even more.
#4: Winning Prom Queen Regardless of Sabotage
If there’s one thing Blair knows best, it’s how to persevere against all odds. Her prom day doesn’t go according to plan – ruined dress, missing corsage and former minions trying to sabotage her chances of winning prom queen. Everyone’s surprised when she still wins the title, including Blair herself. While it turns out Chuck messed with the votes, this moment is really about Blair having one night of the perfect high school experience she always wanted, as well as sticking it to everyone waiting to see her fail. Not to mention, the look on Penelope’s face when announcing Blair as the prom queen is absolutely priceless.
#3: Takedown of Bart Bass
Things take a serious turn in the last season of the show when the newly-back-from-the-dead Bart Bass turns out to be more than just an emotionally unavailable father. Having killed multiple people, Bart also threatens Blair’s life in exchange for Chuck leaving New York. She decides to take matter into her own hands and gathers a group of fellow schemers, including Georgina and Ivy Dickens and comes up with a plan to make Bart admit to his crimes. While senior Bass is one step ahead of the girls, the plan is a classic Blair move, showing she’d resort to anything for those she loves, even if it means risking her own safety.
#2: Shipping Georgina Off to Military School
There can only be one master of mischief in Manhattan, and that’s Blair. When Georgina comes back into Serena’s life, faking a new identity in front Vanessa and Dan, and threatening to expose a secret of hers, Blair decides she needs to be dealt with. Knowing that the only people Georgina fears are her parents, Blair reunites them and provides information on a military school for Georgina - getting her out of their lives, at least for the time being. This is Blair at her best – a conniving mastermind who will go to great lengths to make sure everyone knows she’s in charge.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions:
Ruler of the Met Steps
When She Knew Her Worth
Audrey Hepburn Dream Sequences
All of Her Snarky Comments
Every Interaction with Dorota
#1: Becoming a Powerful Woman
The romance between Blair and Chuck might be the heart of the series but the show makes sure the audience knows that Blair is still her own person. After their horrible break-up in season three, the pair find their way back to each other. However, when Blair misses out on a chance to become a face of Foundation for Girls because of their relationship, she chooses to focus on her own goals first. Later in the series she decides to succeed in running her mother’s fashion company first before marrying Chuck, which she does. Blair’s dedication to succeed shows that love doesn’t necessarily have to keep you from achieving your dreams.