10 Times Boomer Karens Faced Justice

These boomer Karens paid the price for their actions. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're looking at infamous times when rude, entitled, and belligerent Baby Boomers caused a nightmare, only to receive some delightful consequences. Our countdown of boomer Karens who faced justice includes stopovers in Canada, the United States, Australia, and more!
Times Boomer Karens Faced Justice
Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re looking at infamous times when rude, entitled, and belligerent Baby Boomers caused a nightmare, only to receive some delightful consequences.
Double Karma
One of the most satisfying feelings in the world is seeing justice served. In 2023, Tracy Robert Blackwell was paying more attention to screaming racial slurs and making obscene gestures at another driver than watching the road in Oakland, California. After a barrage of abuse, Blackwell attempted to ram the other vehicle, missed, and swerved into a wall. Amazing. A video of the incident was uploaded, enabling police to arrest Blackwell for the racist road rage and attempted assault. To make matters worse for him, he has a history of legal issues, including being a registered offender. As such, Blackwell will likely receive harsher punishment.
Yelling into Arrest
It was meant to be a simple ticket issue for a broken taillight for Officer Charles Missinne in Cashion, Oklahoma, but Debra Hamil wouldn't allow that in 2019. After refusing to sign the ticket, getting threatened with arrest, and then attempting to backtrack, Hamil sped off, causing the cop to follow. Once she pulled over, Missinne dragged her from the car, but Hamil made her situation so much worse as she kicked the cop in the groin. As she continued to resist arrest, Missinne fired his taser at Hamil, allowing him to slap the cuffs on. In 2020, Hamil pled guilty to four misdemeanor counts. She received a $50 fine for each incident and a four-year deferred sentence.
Sheep in a Bank
It’s bonkers how a business’s request for folks to wear a piece of material on their faces caused some Boomers so much agitation. In 2021, Terry White walked into a bank in Galveston, Texas, without a mask. After refusing to wear one offered to her by employees and not wanting to leave, the cops were called. White still wouldn’t exit, resulting in her arrest. Yet even then, White pretended to be the victim by claiming it was police brutality. White’s pointless protest continued when she was arrested days later doing the same at an Office Depot. Her actions at the bank earned her 12 days in jail.
Fishing Fiasco
In 2023, in Brisbane, Australia, Prasong Wichuma wanted to enjoy some fishing with three friends one night. However, an unidentified man launched into a bizarre anti-Chinese tirade attack against them, though none are from China. Believing the group had stolen something, which they hadn’t, the Ken even struck them several times with crutches! It’s impressive how calm and patient the fishing group was when dealing with this nonsense. After the cops were called, the man was taken in and fined $391 for being a public nuisance. As for the fishing group, the local community rallied behind them, even giving them gifts for their actions.
Scooting in Racism
Some Karens thrive on the attention they get from spouting their terrible views. In 2021, in Ontario, Canada, TikTok user “@_rabioli” uploaded her interaction with a horrible woman on a mobility scooter who had to get the last racist word in. She accosted a family of Pakistani-Canadians and went off on a slur and expletive-filled rant against the group as she rode around, not caring if children heard her terrible words. Passersby had enough and confronted the unidentified woman, who seemed unbothered by the interference, instead doubling down by flipping the bird. The police were able to use the video to find the Karen and charged her for her awful tantrum.
Animal-Print Karen
Some Karens love drama. In 2021, in an Einstein Bros. Bagels restaurant in Palm Beach County, Florida, Cindy Falco-DiCorrado had the police called on her for refusing to wear a mask inside. After arguing with the cop and attempting to tell him about the law, she was taken outside to be arrested. There, the animal-printed Falco-DiCorrado screamed, told them she couldn’t breathe, accused them of stealing her purse, called it a false arrest, and claimed she was being kidnapped. It’s tiring just watching it. Falco-DiCorrado, who has a history of racist and anti-mask incidents, even became a candidate for the Boynton Beach mayorship. In 2022, when she appeared in court, she dramatically prayed as she was sentenced. Falco-DiCorrado was fined $411 for her actions.
Tractor Chase
Some Karens can’t hear the word “no.” They’ll continue doing whatever their heart desires, ignoring the pleas of others. In 2021, Laurie Bostic was adamant that she was going to take part in the 4th of July parade in Rockwall, Texas, even though she was prohibited after causing a disturbance. Well, Bostic ignored the event organizers and the police as she got on her tractor and attempted to join in with the festivities. The cops chased after her and forced her to crash into a fence. After disabling her tractor, they arrested Bostic and charged her on several counts, including evading arrest and disorderly conduct.
Making a Bad Situation Much Worse
Employees at the Gladiola Express Exxon in Jonesboro, Arkansas, were in for a strange shift when Laurie Marsh entered the store in 2023 and began eating items from the shelf without paying. But it was going to be an even worse working day for Officer Troy Ellison. When he arrived, Marsh was already in her car. As Ellison attempted to get her out, she drove at him, hitting him with her wing mirror. Marsh was later located at an apartment for a person she looked after. Police managed to get inside and arrest her. Marsh was charged with several counts, including driving while intoxicated, assault of an officer, and theft. She was handed a $10,000 bond for her actions.
Plano Problem
Four women of Indian heritage were leaving a restaurant in Plano, Texas, after a lovely evening in 2022. However, their enjoyment quickly turned sour when Esmeralda Upton approached them in the parking lot. She launched into a racist tirade against the women, emphasizing her hatred of Indians. But her unhinged words not being enough, Upton stepped it up by threatening violence against one of the women and hitting her for recording the confrontation. The cops soon arrived and separated the two sides. They let Upton go, but the following day charged her with numerous counts, including assault. On top of her criminal issues, Upton also faced two lawsuits by the victims.
Nasty Neighbor
In 2021, when Tameka Bordeaux spotted the mail courier being belittled by Claudia Emanuele near her home in Bayonne, New Jersey, she decided to go over there to back the worker. Well, this caused Emanuele to aim her venom at her neighbor as she launched into a racist rant against Bordeaux. Even when she attempted to walk away and a passerby went to support Bordeaux, Emanuele wouldn’t give up and followed, continuing her slurry of slurs. It wasn’t until the two got to a store and other people stepped in that Emanuele stopped her terrible antics. Unfortunately for the racist, she was arrested soon after and charged with bias intimidation and harassment.
Which generation has the worst Karens? Let us know below!