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Another Top 10 Anime Opening Theme Songs

Another Top 10 Anime Opening Theme Songs
VOICE OVER: Dan Paradis
Script written by Brandon Stuhr.

These themes introduce us to some of the best and beautiful anime. Join as we count down another list of Top 10 Anime Opening Theme Songs. Anime has some of the most impressive and beautiful intros of all time. From heavy metallic beats to slow paced piano, these songs set the tone for the rest of the series, and can probably found of a few play lists as well. If there is a theme that didn't make the list, be sure to check out our original Top 10 Anime Opening Theme Songs list.
Script written by Brandon Stuhr.

#10: “Digimon Theme” by Paul Gordon
“Digimon Adventures” (1999-2000)

Kicking off our list is this millennial blast to the past. This theme introduces us to a series about teenagers who fall into the digital world and learn to control the monsters within it. The theme begins with an electronic beat, chanting the show’s slogan, but then it throws you for a loop with Paul Gordon’s crisp clean vocals. While lyrically it repeats many lines over and over, it sets the audience up for what they are going to see next.

#9: “Guns & Roses” by Paradise Lunch
“Baccano!” (2007)

Let’s leave the digital world and come back to real life. This theme is perfect for “Baccano”, as the series follows an insane amount of characters across different years and different paths. As we are introduced to the characters, Paradise Lunch’s funky jazz beat demonstrates the chaos we are about to endure. The energetic and fast paced beat doesn’t take itself too seriously, and that just lets us enjoy it even more. This one doesn’t need to be left up to a coin toss.

#8: “Dream Island Obsessional Park” by Susumu Hirasawa
“Paranoia Agent” (2004)

Often considered one of the weirdest anime openings, we have animator Satoshi Kon of “Perfect Blue” and “Paprika” fame to thank for it. “Paranoia Agent” tells the story of the Lil’ Slugger phenomenon, a teenager who has become a serial assailant, and how it affects so many people’s lives. The theme accurately describes Paranoia Agent by showing the utter chaos that the show incorporates. Maniacal laughter combined with explosions, trash, and suicide? What the hell did we just watch?

#7: “HIGHSCHOOL OF THE DEAD” by Kisida Kyodan & The Akebosi Rockets
“Highschool of the Dead” (2010)

Some series try to distinguish themselves from their manga or graphic novel origins, but not this one. Animated like a highly stylized comic book, this opening tries to sum up exactly what “Highschool of the Dead” is, pulp fiction glory. The Akebosi Rockets will melt your face with off with a shredding guitar riff, until Kisida’s soft voice comes in to repair the damage. Are you prepared for attractive women with swords and giant bazookas killing zombies? We hope so.

#6: “Inner Universe” by Origa
“Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex” (2002-05)

Come and explore our inner universe. The iconic theme for this iteration in the Ghost in the Shell series plays over our main character, Motoko Kusanagi kickin’ robotic ass and taken’ names. Composed by the famous Yoko Kanno, “Inner Universe” blends the beautiful voice Origa in not only English, but Russian and Latin as well. A beautiful voice on top of a tech trip beat? We could get used to this.

#5: “Battlecry” by Nujabes
“Samurai Champloo” (2004-05)

In terms of anime norms, this is definitely the most unique entry on our list. Following the story of a group of samurai traveling throughout Japan, “Battlecry” blends hip-hop with traditional Japanese imagery. Nujabes provides a soft rap, while introducing us to the characters in colorful cutout collage. This modern twist on a classic genre and setting also served as the inspiration for Aaron McGruder’s The Boondocks.

#4: “Ready, Steady, Go” by L’Arc~en~Ciel
“Fullmetal Alchemist” (2004)

Are you ready for adventure? You will be after seeing this. Serving as the second opening for the original “Fullmetal Alchemist” series, the track picks you up fast and doesn’t let go. The punchy vocals carry an addictive base. Mix in a catchy beat and bam, you have yourself a great opening. While much more light hearted than other openings in the franchise, we can’t help but to love it. Ready, steady, go!

#3: “Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni” by Eiko Shimamiya
“Higurashi When They Cry” (2006-07)

A demented and confusing show needs a demented and confusing theme. Named after the original Japanese title for the series, the track lures you in with innovative chanting from the brilliant artist Eido Shimamiya. Behind all the chanting, the intro bombards you with flowers, flowers everywhere. The track was a hit single in Japan for 26 weeks, thus being Eiko’s best-selling single ever.

#2: “My Soul, Your Beats!” by Lia
“Angel Beats” (2010)

Forget the guitar, this opening theme proves that you can do it all with just a piano. "My Soul, Your Beats!" is just one of many standouts from the series, gently massaging your ear-balls with Lia's amazingly soothing voice. Then it picks up into an R&B, almost pop beat showing that Angel Beats has personality in spades. You want an amazing track that will bring on the feels? This one’s got you covered.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.

“Through the Night” by Kou Ohtani
“Outlaw Star” (1998)

“Crossing Field” by LISA
“Sword Art Online” (2012-14)

“Logos Naki World” by Yasushi Ishii
“Hellsing” (2001-02)

“Kiri” by MONORAIL
“Ergo Proxy” (2006)

“Tsuioku Merry-Go-Round” by onelifecrew
“Fairy Tail” (2009-)

#1: “Lilium” by Kumiko Noma
“Elfen Lied” (2004)

Here comes perhaps the most beautiful opening ever put on screen. Proving that you don't need action or drama to get someone’s attention; instead using artistic depictions of the main characters in an almost stained-glass art style. The main track, "Lilium" is performed by artist Kumiko Noma and sung completely in Latin. "Lilium" doesn't fit the gore filled "Elfen Lied" at all, instead captivating the show’s themes of abuse, prejudice and a total divorce of social norms.

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Where is Unravel and Hello sleepwalkers? -.-
Where are the themes from Deadman Wonderland and the second them of Attack on Titan?!
I also like the original opening theme for Durarara better than most of these.
Still no themes from Black Butler? Monochrome no Kiss and Enamel by SID along with the title sequences are so great