Top 10 Pokemon Theme Songs

Top 10 Pokémon Theme Songs
Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Pokémon Theme Songs.
For this list, we’ll be looking at the absolute best English openings of the “Pokémon” anime from across the years.
Which song is your favorite? Let us know in the comments below!
#10: “Pokémon World”
“Pokémon: Adventures in the Orange Islands”
Following up the series’ iconic first opening takes more than just finding a move deleter. Luckily, a fresh look at the franchise was just what Nurse Joy ordered. As early as its memorable opening vocals, it’s clear that this is a whole new view of the “Pokémon World.” But, it still follows the fundamental rule of storytelling to show and not tell. The upbeat rhythm and snappy visuals convey a true sense of harmony with Pokémon. It totally has the skills to be number one, and that’s putting it lightly. The franchise has delivered some banger songs in its time, but “Pokémon World” has stood the test of time because it truly conveys the promise of its title.
#9: “Believe in Me”
“Pokémon: Master Quest”
The best opening themes don’t just match the show’s tone, they enhance. So, while Ash and Pikachu’s journey has always been defined by hope, this weighty melody remembers that there’s real stakes in every battle, too. The resulting blend of tones is a brilliant companion to the dramatic culmination of the Silver Conference. After all, there’s no better way to kickstart each and every league match than with an earnest reminder of how far the show has come. The excellent balance of heart and anticipation is good enough, but the fact it’s wrapped inside an instantly-catchy beat just makes this “Master Quest” truly masterful.
#8: “Under The Alolan Moon”
“Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon—Ultra Adventures”
For the most part, “Pokémon’s” starting numbers are a jolting thunderbolt of adrenaline. Which is precisely why Alola’s second opening theme stands out on principle alone. The deep and slow melody adds a much-needed new flavor to the series’ soundtrack. But, it accomplishes that without ever forfeiting the franchise’s trademark optimism, either. Instead, it uses the hypnotic vocals and eclectic rhythm to capture the very essence of Ash’s Alolan adventure. Just in a completely different way than ever before. It’s not the most bombastic opening, but it’s easily the most soulful. The only complaint to have is that it’s over way too fast.
#7: “Unbeatable”
“Pokémon: Advanced Battle”
Suffice it to say, the Advanced generation took its name to heart when it came to the series’ music. After all, when a song opens with a guitar riff this sick, you know you’re in for a good time. Instead of another hopeful track, the Hoenn region delivered a hype chorus that was just plain rocking, no question about it. Everything from the vocals to the instrumentation is a downright critical hit of composition. Sure, “Pokémon’s” had high-energy openings before, but none have quite the same explosive intensity as this. With all that, this one might truly be “unbeatable” when it comes to pure fun.
#6: “Pokémon Johto”
“Pokémon: The Johto Journeys”
Somehow, this song personified a whole region in a way that mere words never could. And it did it in just a minute, no less. The opening lyrics make it clear this is a whole new world to explore, but the folk-like sound still feels distinctly “Pokémon.” The balance of eager excitement and nostalgic heart is all the more important since, for many, this was the very first introduction to the Johto region. Thankfully, this song delivers on all the genuine spirit that makes Kanto’s successor so fun to revisit. It’s something that only music could have truly accomplished. Though, if anything, it’s worth playing on repeat just for that irresistible chorus.
#5: “Stand Tall”
“Pokémon the Series: XYZ”
It’s safe to say that “Pokémon” has never rocked quite like this. The grunge-inspired rhythm works better than it has any right to, especially for Ash’s journey across Kalos. The region’s surprisingly serious undertones are a great fit for the dramatic melody, especially with the restrained vocals backing it up. The intense reverberation of each lyric makes it clear that Ash’s dream is no longer a hopeful wish, it’s a grand declaration. Then, that same gravitas evolves again into a real earworm of a closer. It single handedly proved that “Pokémon” wasn’t afraid to grow up a little bit - at least, as far as its sound is concerned.
#4: “I Wanna Be a Hero”
“Pokémon: Advanced”
No one ever said becoming a Pokémon Master would be easy. But, if this opening is any indication, that won’t be stopping Ash. With the benefit of excellent chord progression and worthwhile lyrics, the classic take on the Pallet Town Prodigy has a fresh sense of purpose. The melody is as epic as it comes, but the lyrics are almost as important. There’s a lot of emotional heft buried in those words, to the point it’s hard not to feel a little inspired by the time it fades out. This song really has it all: an epic chorus, an amazing tempo, and a true understanding of what makes “Pokémon” work in the first place.
#3: “Be a Hero”
“Pokémon the Series XY: Kalos Quest”
On a very practical level, opening themes are meant to entice viewers to stick around. Clearly, this one understood the assignment, and did just that, and then some. The thrilling chords that kick it off are utterly commanding, and yet, it only gets better from there. There’s a restless quality to the peak and valleying of the sound that’s just plain satisfying to listen to. Especially since it all culminates in a real uproar of a chorus, and we don’t mean the “Pokémon” move. Admittedly, this isn’t the first opening theme to muse about being a hero. But its unparalleled composition is the only one to truly impress what that word means.
#2: “Born to Be a Winner”
“Pokémon: Johto League Champions”
It may steal some lyrics from the original theme song, but Johto’s second opener is anything but a copy. For one, the melody has a serious sense of scale that reframes the familiar vocals with a more dramatic focus. Plus, it flows into its own words soon enough, which are epic enough to be memorable after just one listen. That part’s especially important since the iconic chorus practically demands viewers chant along with it. The power behind those final lines is simply unmatched, especially since it comes with just enough nostalgia to ground the dramatic beat. If that’s not a winning combination, we don’t know what is.
#1: “Pokémon Theme”
“Pokémon: Indigo League”
The hallmark of a truly iconic song is one anyone can recognize at the first beat drop. And, it’s hard to think of any opening bass more legendary than this. Diehards, casuals, and even people who’ve never seen the show can probably recognize the “Pokémon Theme,” and that’s for good reason. The message is timeless, the beat is empowering, and each lyric is practically iconic. It didn’t just define Ash and Pikachu’s first adventure, but also a generation, a franchise, and world all on its own. Its unprecedented impact on pop-culture pretty much speaks for itself. Though, one thing’s definitely for sure: It’s the best like nothing ever was, or ever will be again.