Another Top 10 Funniest Moments in Sex and the City

#10: Miranda ‘Faking the Sonogram’
“Change of a Dress”
Of all four “Sex and the City” ladies, Miranda is possibly the least maternal. That’s why it comes as such a shock when she accidentally becomes pregnant- and at the last minute decides against an abortion. Throughout her pregnancy, she shows over and over again how ambivalent she is about the idea of having a child, but the funniest moment when she goes to visit her OB-GYN for her first sonogram. The woman administering her appointment asks if she wants to know the sex of her baby and when she learns that she’s having a boy, she doesn’t exactly give the reaction that people are expecting.
#9: The Girls Talking ‘Dirty Talk’
“The Awful Truth”
Early on in the show, it’s established that Charlotte is obviously the most demure and prudish of the girls. She often displays reluctance to talk about sex in the candid way the other women want to. So, when the gang gets to chatting about dirty talk after one of Miranda’s lovers is insisting on it in the bedroom, Charlotte’s reaction is totally priceless. Despite her laced-up attitude, she manages to come up with a string of filthy things to say to someone in bed, seemingly without giving it a second thought.
#8: Sex Therapy
“Hot Child in the City”
Charlotte and Trey’s marriage ends up being anything but perfect after their dreamy beginnings. Before their wedding, Charlotte discovers that Trey has sexual dysfunction issues and things only take a turn for the worse once they’ve said their “I dos.” When they finally resort to seeing a therapist together, the doctor has some unintentionally hilarious advice for how they can improve their sex life. They’re asked to give their private parts names to make them easier to talk about, and their picks (Rebecca and Schooner) make us laugh every time.
#7: Mr. Too Big
“Ex and the City”
Samantha Jones is known for her sexual proclivity and her willingness to talk about it. She takes on many sexual partners throughout the series, but the most comical has to be when she meets “Mr. Too Big.” After falling in love with a man with a small penis at the end of the show’s first season, Sam meets his polar opposite on the street one day. Her insistence on trying to make it work and then her utter defeat will be funny no matter how many times we see it. Even better is Carrie’s assessment of the situation when she refers to Sam as “Goldicocks.”
#6: Marathon Man
“Baby, Talk Is Cheap”
When Miranda starts sleeping with a man that she has trained for the marathon with, it seems like all is going well. She is startled however when he performs a sexual act that she wasn’t quite expecting. When she brings it up with the girls over lunch, they all encourage her to go with it, but even Samantha says she shouldn’t have to return the favor. The next time she sleeps with “Marathon Man,” however, he makes his intentions quite obvious. The scene is totally cringe-worthy, but Miranda’s frantic cry will never not make us laugh.
#5: The ‘Raw’ Battle
“Great Sexpectations”
It seems almost unbelievable that Smith didn’t come into Samantha’s life until the show’s final season. She first meets him when he’s waiting tables at a trendy new restaurant called “Raw.” Despite the unappealing raw food, Sam decides to stick it out and make sure she goes home with him, no matter how many wheat grass shots it takes. Funnily enough, she’s not the only woman who has her sights set on the cute waiter, but of course Sam prevails over all the others. As if she wasn’t going to get what she wanted!
#4: The Tea Bag Situation
“A Woman's Right to Shoes”
Charlotte is a woman who prides herself on her pristine appearance and considers her Park Avenue apartment to be an extension of that. When Harry moves in with her after their wedding, she has to put up with a few of his unsettling habits. One of these, which she brings up to the ladies at the coffee shop, is how he leaves his used tea bags lying around the house. Samantha takes a different meaning from this and launches into advice for Charlotte’s “tea bag situation.” On top of all that, Harry does in fact like to spend time wandering the apartment naked and putting his (ahem) tea bags in unwanted places.
#3: Smith Tries to Hold Samantha's Hand
“The Domino Effect”
Though we had seen Samantha in relationships in earlier seasons, it wasn’t until she met Smith that we saw her be with someone who was truly right for her. Despite finding someone so loving and committed though, Sam was not going to relinquish her independence without a fight. When Smith tries to hold her hand while they’re walking down the street one day, Sam pulls a maneuver to avoid his grasp and manages to fall into an open hole and down a flight of stairs, seriously injuring herself in the process. The image of Sam lying in a pile of vegetables is just too funny.
#2: Charlotte’s Bad Kisser
"No Ifs, Ands, or Butts"
While Charlotte is still on the singles scene, she has her fair share of awful dates just like the rest of the girls. One memorable example is when she dates a guy who is an awful kisser. Especially because of the narrative lead-in Carrie gives, witnessing this first kiss is both awful and hilarious. Charlotte is as dumbfounded as the viewer is when her date begins licking her all over her face - even her nose and chin! Possibly even funnier is when Charlotte decides that she can train Brad to be a better kisser, and it goes just about as disastrously as you would think.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
The Vagina Artist
“The Power of Female Sex”
“You Having Triplets?”
“Luck Be an Old Lady”
Smith’s Times Square Absolut Ad
“Hop, Skip, and a Week”
#1: Bozo the Bush
Samantha has been lying about her age since the early seasons of the show, but she is finally forced to confront it in the show’s final season when she discovers a grey hair...down there. Not wanting her much younger boyfriend to notice it and be put off, Sam decides to take matters into her own hands. She has a bit of a mishap when attempting to dye her nether regions a more youthful shade and picks the most inopportune moment to give Carrie the big reveal. Considering Carrie’s aforementioned fear of clowns in the episode, along with Sam’s assertion about grandmothers, this scene is almost too much to handle.