Top 10 Reasons Samantha Jones Was the BEST

#10: She Always Stands up for Herself
Say what you will about Samantha, but she will always hold her head high She’s not someone who will ever put up with being walked all over, and proves it time and time again throughout the series. And she will not put up with people talking about her behind her back. She doesn’t shy away from confrontation, even when it can come with potentially serious consequences. When she feels she’s being treated unfairly by Richard Wright in the hiring process, she tells him exactly what’s on her mind and is rewarded for it with a job.
#9: She’s Got Mad Style
People usually discuss Carrie’s fashion sense when talking about the sartorial choices made on “Sex and the City”, but Sam’s look is so distinctly her, and (literally) suits her personality perfectly. She always looks bold, sexy and confident, never being afraid to show off her figure. Beyond fashion though, Sam just has a certain sense of style that runs through everything she does. Whether it’s her self-assurance walking down the street in a slinky red dress or getting dolled up to throw a drink into Richard’s face, she has a panache that can’t be matched.
#8: She Always Knows Just What to Say
There’s a reason that Samantha is the most quotable character to come out of “Sex and the City”. No matter how serious, or frivolous, the issue, Sam always has the best advice for her friends. In the moment, what she’s saying may seem outlandish, but once you think about it for a bit, you realize she’s pretty much always right. The general theme behind her message is usually to forget what other people think, and just do what’s best for you- which is exactly the way she lives her own life.
#7: She Puts Her Own Needs First
One of the most salient themes of the show is perfectly exemplified in one line that Sam utters when she’s breaking up with Richard in the fifth season. After much turmoil trying to date him, she tells him simply, “I love you, too, Richard, but I love me more.” Interestingly, it’s a line that the writers decided to use again in the first “Sex and the City” movie, when Sam is deciding that she doesn't want to be with Smith anymore. She’s always focused on what will truly be best for her, not sacrificing everything to make it work with a man.
#6: She Values Her Career
Right from the very beginning, we’re introduced to Samantha as a career woman; and throughout the series and movies, she proves again and again how important her work is to her identity. She definitely has some workplace struggles throughout (as noted previously, she struggled with serious sexism when she was trying to get hired to work for Richard.) It is always clear that she supports herself financially, and by running her own PR firm, makes enough money to afford fancy Manhattan digs. You go, girl!
#5: She’s Not Ashamed of Aging
It’s made clear throughout the series that Sam is older than the other girls, but for a long time her age goes un-specified, and it’s somewhat implied that the number is something she is, atypically, insecure about. As the show progresses, however, and she comes into her own even more, she is less reluctant to share her real age and be proud of that. She doesn’t start to radically dress or act differently as she gets older; if anything, she only becomes more confident in her own skin.
#4: She Doesn’t Mince Words
Samantha always speaks her mind. And if it shocks and offends people? Well, she doesn’t really care. She has an opinion on pretty much everything, and even if it’s a controversial one, she’ll share it with you without thinking twice. Especially when it comes to sex, she’s not afraid to be vocal about what she wants. She goes against the typical approach of many people in polite society to sugarcoat or dance around things by just being blunt about . . . absolutely everything. We might all do well to take a page out of her book, if only sometimes.
#3: She’s an Amazing Friend
When it comes down to it, Samantha is always willing to put her friends above all else. Though she may have a tough exterior, she’s really a big softie deep down, and shows a tenderness on occasion that lets people see what she’s really like. Because she doesn’t believe that women need men to be happy, she’s willing to prioritize her female relationships, and make them the central ones in her life. And if one of her friends needs defending? You know she’s going to step up to be there for them.
#2: She Believes in Sexual Liberation
“Sex and the City” has been lauded over the years for its portrayal of female sexuality, and any viewer knows that much of that is due to Samantha. While the other women do, of course, on occasion share progressive views about sex, it’s always Sam who pushes the envelope even more, and pushes for sexual equality and female liberation. When she enters into a sexual relationship with a woman, she doesn’t feel the need to put any labels on it. Honestly, Sam was pretty ahead of her time!
#1: She’s Confident AF
If there’s one thing that’s obvious from everything Samantha does, it’s that she’s got confidence. A lot of it. It’s not about being conceited. Rather, she knows exactly who she is and isn’t ashamed of it; her self-assurance is rock solid. She doesn’t care what people think of her, and acts in whatever way suits her best, in pretty much every situation. She’ll never get down with petty gossip, because it truly doesn’t matter to her. When it comes to her private life, no one is going to tell her what to do, and we can only aspire to having half the confidence that she does!