Top Best 10 Sex and the City Episodes

Sex and the City has given us so many amazing episodes. For this list, we're counting down our absolute favorite episodes of this landmark HBO show. We've included episodes like “I Heart New York”, “The Good Fight”, “One”, “Cock-A-Doodle-Do” and more! What's your favourite episode?
#10: "Cock a Doodle Do!"
While there are lots of great funny moments on this show that perfectly combined comedy and drama, sometimes it’s the serious ones that are the most memorable. In this season three episode, Carrie is considering meeting up with Big again despite everything they just went through during their affair. Miranda is vehemently opposed to this reunion, and doesn’t hide her feelings from Carrie, resulting in a blowout fight. There is some humor in this episode though, because Sam’s storyline is all about her dealing with the transexual prostitutes who keep her up all night. Taken all together, it’s a narratively important episode with lots of replay value.
#9: "Running with Scissors"
Speaking of the affair, this episode is the one where it all falls apart for Carrie and Big. They’ve been sneaking around together for a while, but this is when Carrie is finally caught in Big’s apartment by his wife, Natasha. As Carrie tries to flee, Natasha chases her down the stairs and seriously injures herself in the process. It’s a painful but poignant moment when Carrie has to help Natasha get to the hospital despite what has just occured between them. Many people truly hated the whole “affair” storyline, so this episode gets bonus points for having not only brought it to an end, but a surprisingly satisfying one too.
#8: "A Woman's Right to Shoes"
In this season six episode, Carrie is invited to a party at a friend’s house where the host makes everyone remove their shoes before crossing the threshold. At the end of the night however, Carrie’s beloved Manolo Blahniks are missing. Her friend doesn’t seem too concerned, but eventually offers to replace them until balking at the price. What ensues is a story about single people versus married people in which Carrie questions the respect and recognition that she is given as an unmarried woman without children. In true Sex and the City fashion, it takes an isolated incident and uses it as the foundation to ask much bigger questions, to remarkable effect.
#7: “Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda”
In season four, Charlotte has been struggling with her fertility. So when Miranda finds out that she has unintentionally become pregnant, she’s understandably terrified to tell her friend. When she finally does, and announces that she plans to end the pregnancy, Charlotte can’t forgive her. This episode touches on an issue that is not often covered in mainstream television: a woman deciding whether or not to have an abortion. In the end, Miranda’s decision to keep her baby feels just as empowering, and her reconciliation with Charlotte is sure to warm your heart every time you rewatch it.
#6: “One”
There is so much going on in this episode that we hardly know where to start. There’s Charlotte’s devastating miscarriage, and her subsequent surge of inspiration from Elizabeth Taylor. There’s Carrie’s first date with Aleksandr Petrovsky, the Russian. There’s Miranda finally admitting her true feelings and telling Steve she’s in love with him at Brady’s first birthday party, despite the fact that both of their partners are in the other room. And of course, unforgettably, there’s Bozo the Bush. What more can you want out of half an hour of television?
#5: “The Agony and the Ex-tasy”
This episode is known as one of the saddest in the series’ run, but it’s undoubtedly one of the most memorable. It’s Carrie’s 35th birthday, and she plans to have a celebratory dinner with her friends. When she arrives though, she’s the only one there and even as time passes, none of her guests show up. She ends up leaving, dejected, alone and forced to reflect on not only the idea of getting older, but also aging without a man in her life. In a heartwarming moment however, the girls reunite and redefine the term soulmate. Of course... having Big show up at the end to make her Carrie feel special doesn’t hurt either.
#4: “An American Girl In Paris (Part Deux)”
Whether you wanted Carrie to end up with Mr. Big or not, the series finale of “Sex and the City” is one of the sweetest and easiest episodes to love. Carrie comes back from Paris (thank goodness) and is reunited with her girls. Everyone’s storylines are nicely tied up, with Samantha being back in good health, Charlotte getting a first glimpse of her daughter and Miranda settling into Brooklyn. Debate in the comments if you’d like, but we’d argue that this ending is far superior to either of the alternatives that the two movies left us with.
#3: “The Good Fight”
There is nothing funnier, or more relatable, than the fight that takes place between Carrie and Aidan in this classic episode. They’re arguing about space in Carrie’s small apartment, but as often happens in real life disagreements, the conversation branches out, pulling in other problems as it balloons. We’ll never stop laughing about Aidan’s multiple Speed Stick deodorants, or feeling bad for Carrie when Pete chews on her prized shoes. No matter how many times you’ve seen it, any fan is sure to get a kick out of this one viewing after another.
#2: “I Heart NY”
In a twist of fate, the writers of “Sex and the City” penned this episode before the September 11th attacks, though it only aired the following February. The episode acts as a love letter to New York, with Carrie making an impassioned speech to Big begging him to stay when he announces that he’s moving to California. The episode has a melancholic note to it, with Carrie and Big trying to savor their last moments in the city together when Miranda goes into labor. It’s a plot that’s fraught with emotion, and an episode that, considering its timing, has become an understandable fan-favorite.
Before we unveil our top picks, here are a few honorable mentions.
“The Real Me”
"The Post-It Always Sticks Twice"
“Time and Punishment”
#1: “Ex and the City”
If there’s one episode that encompasses everything “Sex and the City” is about, it’s this one. It puts a focus on female friendship while touching on the difficulty of romantic relationships, not to mention featuring some wild sex. Carrie finds out that Big and Natasha are engaged and is devastated by the news. She has a revelation though when the girls realize that her situation is just like the plot of the film “The Way We Were”. This helps Carrie to accept what’s happening, and give Big a memorable goodbye that only she understands. Even though we know it’s not goodbye forever...