Another Top 10 Movies You Shouldn't Watch with Your Parents
Now that you're older, you can see all of these movies without adult supervision. Thank god! Join as we count down our picks for another top 10 movies you shouldn't watch with your parents. For this list, we've chosen more movies full of suggestive content that is bound to create awkward tension between you and your folks. If you're considering watching any of these movies with yourparents for whatever reason, don't. Just don't.
Special thanks to our users Jose Miguel Alvear Carrion, Muppet_Face, Nays Baghai, headbanger8383, Luke Vonderheide, Forrest Robinson, ShoopDaKev, Skyfalltomydeath123, TheDude, Maximillian Mages, Isatjhuh, and Zach Sletto for submitting the idea on our Suggestion Tool at http://www.WatchMojo.comsuggest
#10: “Zack and Miri Make a Porno” (2008)
Why you might watch this with your parents: It’s a romantic comedy with two well-known, likable stars.
Why you absolutely shouldn’t: Dildo light sabers, R2D2’s nut sack, and Bubbles.
You probably shouldn’t watch any of Kevin Smith’s movies with your parents. You definitely shouldn’t watch a porno with your parents. Therefore, this 2008 comedy about amateurs making a porno is a big no-no. Complete with full-frontal nudity and enough four-letter words to fill a swear jar in record time,you’ll have a hard time laughing while you’re mom’s gasping in horror.
#9: “Ted” (2012)
Why you might watch this with your parents: It’s about a cute, little teddy bear. Awwwww.
Why you absolutely shouldn’t: That teddy bear is about as wholesome as the toys sold at a sex shop.
If your parents are shocked by the humor on “Family Guy,” this Seth MacFarlane comedy will give them a heart attack. As adorable as Ted looks, he has a bad attitude, a perverted sense of humor, and a depraved vocabulary. The only thing he doesn’t have is a penis, raising numerous questions concerning his reproductive system.
#8: “Traffic” (2000)
Why you might watch this with your parents: It won four Oscars, including Best Director.
Why you absolutely shouldn’t: Cocaine, heroin, and statutory rape.
Every mom and dad’s worst fear is that their child is secretly a drug accident. Even if you’re a good kid who stays away from that stuff, “Traffic” will definitely make your parents paranoid about how you’re spending your free time and who you’re spending it with. While their concern is appreciated, watching a film like this with them is more uncomfortable than a drug PSA.
#7: “Brüno” (2009)
Why you might watch this with your parents: They didn’t see “Borat” and have no idea who Sacha Baron Cohen is.
Why you absolutely shouldn’t: It’s Sacha Baron Cohen!
Like Baron Cohen’s previous film, “Brüno” dares the audience not to get offended, making fun of every race, religion, and sexual orientation imaginable. Even if your parents are open-minded and have a great sense of humor, chances are they draw the line at talking penises. But at least they’re probably betterparents than the ones Brüno interviews for a baby shoot.
#6: “Spring Breakers” (2012)
Why you might watch this with your parents: It has those girls from the Disney Channel. How bad can it be?
Why you absolutely shouldn’t: Those girls are all grown up.
This surreal experience does an impeccable job at capturing the spirit of a rave where everybody is drunk, high, and partying like animals. Although that sounds like an awesome trip, it’d be a total buzzkill if your parents came along for the ride. Unless your dad is James Franco, you’re better off watching “Spring Breakers” with your frat brothers.
#5: “Killer Joe” (2011)
Why you might watch this with your parents: Matthew McConaughey is the defining actor of this decade.
Why you absolutely shouldn’t: The NC-17 rating says it all.
The film’s opening scene featuring a bottomless Sharla Smith is the first sign that “Killer Joe” wasn’t the ideal rental for family movie night. Aside from all the nudity and a scene involving a chicken drumstick, this twisted dark comedy is relentlessly violent, profane, and as far away from a feel-good movie as youcan get. For parents, it ain’t alright, alright, alright.
#4: “Shame” (2011)
Why you might watch this with your parents: Michael Fassbender has been great in one movie after another.
Why you absolutely shouldn’t: He hangs dong.
Another NC-17 rated picture, “Shame” follows a sex addict whose hobbies include masturbating, surfing pornography websites, and engaging in relations so graphic that they make “Fifty Shades of Grey” look toned-down. Watching “Shame” with your folks is the equivalent of them walking in on you exploring yourbody. The film also has some blatant incest undertones, meaning that you shouldn’t watch it with yoursibling either.
#3: “The Wolf of Wall Street” (2013)
Why you might watch this with your parents: Your mom loves Leonardo DiCaprio and your dad loves to look at Margot Robbie.
Why you absolutely shouldn’t: Sex, drugs, nudity, and up to 569 uses of the f-word.
If you’re looking for a family movie from Martin Scorsese, check out “Hugo.” Everything else he’s ever directed couldn’t be less family friendly, “The Wolf of Wall Street” being a prime example. Clocking in at exactly three hours, it’s hard to think of a moment in this wild rollercoaster where something debauched isn’t taking place.
#2: “Eyes Wide Shut” (1999)
Why you might watch this with your parents: Stanley Kubrick’s one of the greatest directors ever.
Why you absolutely shouldn’t: Masked orgies.
While “A Clockwork Orange” was shocking in its depiction of sex and nudity, Kubrick takes things to the next level here. The fact that “Eyes Wide Shut” centers on an unsatisfied married couple makes it an especially awkward experience to view with the parents. A film like this is bound to either rejuvenate their sex life or destroy it. Either way, you don’t want to be present.
Before we get to our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions:
- “Blue is the Warmest Colour” (2013)
- “Trainspotting” (1996)
- “Antichrist” (2009)
- “Porky’s” (1981)
#1: “The Human Centipede (First Sequence)” (2009)
Why you might watch this with your parents: You guys rented it on a whim with no knowledge of the film’s plot.
Why you absolutely shouldn’t: Just read the synopsis.
Seriously, just describing the premise of “The Human Centipede” to your parents is almost as painful as sitting through the flick with them. Following three people that get too close for comfort, this is practically an allegory for movies you shouldn’t watch with your parents. It’s a film that’s bound to drive your family apart as the characters get attached.
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