The 20 BEST God of War Cutscenes

VOICE OVER: Aaron Brown
WRITTEN BY: Aaron Brown
It's time to check out God of War's best cutscene moments! Welcome to MojoPlays and today we're sitting back, grabbing our popcorn and reliving some of the God of War series best cinematic moments. Our list includes Kratos' Hope from "God of War 3" (2010), Betrayer from "God of War Ragnarok" (2022), Bound by the Gods from "God of War" (2005), and Journey's End from "God of War" (2018).
20 Best God of War Cutscenes
Welcome to MojoPlays and today we’re sitting back, grabbing our popcorn and reliving some of the God of War series best cinematic moments.
That’s What Comes Next
“God of War Ragnarok” (2022)
There’s little doubt Odin has been a shadow over the Nine Realms for as long as history has been written and even as Kratos brings Ragnarok to the All-Father’s doorstep, he’s not going to give up his pursuit of knowledge even in the face of inevitable defeat. Already near death, Odin swears he will never stop until he knows what comes next, which prompts Atreus to lock his soul away in one of the Giants Soul Marbles. Now completely harmless, Kratos, Atreus and Freya weigh the options of what to do with the mad god, while Sindri knows exactly what Odin deserves. Having lost his brother directly by Odin’s hand, Sindri had become a shell of his former self instead fueled by vengeance and hatred for the once feared God of Asgard. While no one could blame Sindri for his actions, seeing the once timid dwarf consumed by his thirst for revenge is still incredibly heartbreaking.Kratos’ Hope
“God of War III” (2010)
By the end of God of War 3, it’s obvious Kratos’ quest for revenge against the Gods has been very detrimental to the entire world itself. Massive floods, all plant life withering away, the entire sun going dark, the cost of Kratos’ revenge was the end of the world. However, as Athena explains, when Kratos opened Pandora’s Box, he unleashed hope, which could be used to rebuild the world anew, and Athena wants to be the one to do it. After demanding Kratos give her the keys to humanity’s salvation, Kratos instead decides to give hope back to the people and leave their fate in their hands instead of another God. Plunging the Blade of Olympus into his chest, Athena chastises the former God of War for his arrogance and then abandons him to his fate. It’s an extremely powerful moment that shows not only the start of Kratos’ growth but also the cost of his vengeance.Meeting Jormungandr
“God of War” (2018)
Kratos and Atreus’ journey into the world of Midgard had already been much more than they bargained for but after arriving at the Lake of Nine and finding nothing but flooded ruins, it would seem their journey had come to a premature conclusion. However, after finding a statue that calls for the traveler to “Sacrifice your arms to the center of the water”, Kratos hurls the Leviathan Axe into the waves. Only this time, the weapon does not return, and the pair's boat is instead nearly swallowed in a tsunami as the lake suddenly seems to awaken. Father and son watch in awe as the World Serpent Jormungandr rises from the waves and not only returns Kratos’ axe but also speaks to them. Sony Santa Monica absolutely nailed the scale of the World Serpent here as the beast dwarfs nearly every other creature Kratos has ever faced up to this point.Betrayer
“God of War Ragnarok” (2022)
Something had seemed off with Tyr ever since Kratos and Atreus rescued him from his prison, but most simply chalked his new demeanor up to PTSD from being in Odin’s captivity for so long. However, Brok was never buying it. As the group strategizes their plans to attack Asgard and bring about Ragnarok, Brok makes his suspicions known and relentlessly questions Tyr about his actions until unable to withstand any more harassment, Odin drops the veil entirely and stabs Brok in the chest, attempting to silence his relentless rambling for good. Understandably confused and angry, the group surrounds Odin attempting to prevent his escape, while Sindri calls for aid for his brother slowly dying in his arms. As Brok fades, he and Sindri share one final moment before Sindri absconds with Brok into parts unknown. A twist and heartbreak few if any saw coming and handled masterfully even with the unbreaking camera movements.Two Knives
“God of War” (2018)
The discovery of Tyr’s vault is not only a major turning point for the story of God of War 2018, but also for Kratos and Atreus. Having recently learned of his god-like heritage, Kratos gifts him a knife he had made for him the day he was born. Along with the knife, Kratos imparts his advice to his son, and shares his hopes that Atreus will be the better version of him and to use his powers intelligently and for the greater good. This newfound bond is further strengthened on their ascension from the vault when the pair share a drink of the wine from Kratos’ homeland of Greece. A beautiful father and son moment from beginning to end.It Is The Nature of the Thing
“God of War Ragnarok” (2022)
God of War Ragnarok gave players a chance to explore new areas of the realms and even get Brok and Sindri out of their shop and further explore their relationship with Kratos and Atreus. During their trek to forge a new weapon for Kratos using the Draupnir Ring, Brok can barely contain his excitement meeting the Lady, who unfortunately appears completely indifferent to him. It’s at this moment Brok realizes he’d died, and Sindri revived him but lost a part of his soul in doing so. Seeing his longtime friend distraught, Kratos asks Brok to bless his new weapon and upon Brok rejecting his proposal, Kratos reminds Brok of his own words, “It is the nature of a thing that matters, not its form”, reminding Brok that even without all of his soul he is still the man he is and Brok’s blessing would become more true that we could ever realize in the coming moments.The Stranger
“God of War” (2018)
Having shielded themselves from the outside world using Faye’s runes since before Atreus’ birth, a knock at the door and a demand of an audience is understandably concerning. Hiding Atreus away beneath the floorboards, Kratos finds a heavily tattooed man at his door who he promptly demands leave his home. When he does not abide, Kratos quickie dispatches him only to be sucker-punched over the entirety of his cabin. The battle that ensues changes the landscape of the surrounding area and starts the father and son pair on the journey to spread Faye’s ashes. The brilliance of the surprise attack and battle against the God Baldur not only establishes the stakes of this new realm but also paints Kratos in a much more vulnerable light as the aging God of War becomes beaten and bruised in a battle his younger self could have easily walked away from.Freya’s Missing Piece
“God of War Ragnarok” (2022)
Odin put Freya through absolute hell after their arranged marriage, holding her captive from her native realm, cursing her to remain trapped under his control. After finally breaking free, Kratos assists Freya in retrieving her blade while reliving her memories with her of her wedding day to Odin which was supposed to be a union of the realms before the inevitable betrayal. Unable to retrieve the sword from the stone, instead of offering aid, Kratos chooses to allow Freya to come to the realization that as much as she despises Odin and Asgard, it has become a part of her and through her acceptance, the stone relinquishes the sword. The scene was a powerful moment not only for Freya, but also for her actress Danielle Nicole Bisutti who reportedly would leave the floor mat covered in tears during her performance.Reunited & Torn Apart
“God of War: Chains of Olympus” (2008)
The guilt of Kratos unwittingly killing his own wife and daughter haunts him and his allegiance to the gods, so when given the opportunity to reunite with daughter Calliope in the fields of Elysium, Kratos understandably agrees without question. However, it was only by relinquishing the magical abilities he’d acquired in his journey would he be allowed to be with her. Reunited at last, Persephone lays out her plan for mankind's and the Gods of Olympus’ destruction as payback for abandoning her to Hades and the underworld. Unable to let all of humanity and the world be destroyed, Kratos must once again leave Calliope behind, this time forced by the player’s actions and ignore her screams and pleas for him not to go while she clutches to him as tightly as her little hands can hold. Truly heartbreaking for a man who had already lost so much to the gods.The Dragon of the Mountain
“God of War” (2018)
There aren’t many large-scale boss battles in God of War 2018 in the way longtime fans are used to but the Dragon of the Mountain fight is easily one of the most memorable in the game if only for its fan service final moments. After encountering one of the last remaining dragons in all the realms tormenting poor Sindri, Kratos and Atreus attempt to rescue the frightened dwarf with Kratos doing much of the heavy lifting during the encounter. After finally besting the beast thanks to Atreus’ assistance, Kratos brings down the mighty dragon and triumphantly stands in its shadow as the dragon collapses in front of him, Kratos landing squarely between the dead dragon’s mighty jaws. It’s easily one of Kratos’ most badass moments in the series which is saying quite a lot given his storied history.Bound by the Gods
“God of War” (2005)
The catalyst for all the misfortune in Kratos’ life, the Spartan’s unwillingness to lose a battle, cost him more than he could have ever imagined. Standing against the might of the indomitable barbarians, with his final moments before him, Kratos calls out to Ares and pledges his undying loyalty to the God of war in exchange for victory, which Ares all too happily obliged to do. To solidify this new allegiance, Ares gifts Kratos the Blades of Chaos carried in on the wings of harpies and molded to his flesh through chains that burn themselves to his skin. Kratos claims victory without a second thought to the consequences of his actions, his arrogance soon to be his undoing.Don’t Be Sorry
“God of War” (2018)
God of War 2018 quickly establishes the rift and distance between father and son right from the start of the game and this is never clearer than during the moments after lighting Faye’s funeral pyre when the pair go hunting. Kratos, attempting to gauge the boy's skills, allows him to lead the hunt, but Atreus’ overeagerness to earn his father’s approval instead backfires and garners his father’s rage. After aggressively attacking the deer they were hunting without a clear shot, Kratos berates the boy and only barely controls his frustration before sending Atreus to track the deer once again. The moment perfectly encapsulates the pair’s current dynamic. Fans even receive a callback to this moment in Ragnarok, when Kratos and Atreus admit how much they need each other but also accept their paths may not always be heading in the same direction and Atreus reminds Kratos of his words.The House Call
“God of War Ragnarok” (2022)
Fans waited a long time for the eventual meetup between Kratos and Thor after the premonition tease at the end of previous game, and Ragnarok most certainly did not disappoint. Playing out almost the same as Atreus’ dream, Thor arrives at the duo’s doorstep but instead of immediately attacking them, offers them a drink instead. Obliging Thor’s request, Kratos invites the God of Thunder inside where another surprise guest soon makes an appearance, the All-Father himself Odin. The tension during this entire exchange is something straight out of a Tarantino movie as Odin reveals he knows all about Atreus’ search for the giants as well as offering Kratos the chance to avoid all-out war. Kratos, understandably, doesn’t trust Odin at his word and refuses, giving Thor the green light to finally start the fight he’d been itching to get going since he’d arrived.The Ghost of Sparta
“God of War” (2005)
Kratos’ allegiance to Ares brought many challenges not only to the Spartan but also to his family, something Ares despised and felt was holding Kratos back from his true potential. Ares finally acted on this impulse and tricked Kratos into burning the village his wife and daughter were worshiping in and in his blind fury, ended their lives by his own hand. Distraught by what he had done, the Oracle Kratos had ignored earlier curses the Spartan to wear the ashes of his family’s remains so that all would know of his despicable acts in the name of glory and Ares. Ares’ attempt to make Kratos the ultimate warrior succeeded, but at the cost of Kratos’ humanity which was replaced by rage and vengeance.Your Son Has Returned
“God of War II” (2007)
While the devs at Sony Santa Monica had no idea whether the series would continue past the first game back in 2005, by the time the sequel released, Cory Barlog and the devs made sure everyone knew this wasn’t the end of Kratos’ journey to kill the Gods of Olympus. After his plan to kill Zeus is foiled by Athena’s sacrifice, Kratos once again travels through time, but instead of undoing his mistake, returns with the Titans of old and begins his ascension to the cliffs of Mount Olympus. As the Gods look on at the advancing army, Kratos proudly proclaims that Zeus’ son has returned to finish what he started. Back in 2007, this was next level hype for the next installment which most certainly did not disappoint this brilliant setup which picked up immediately after this brilliant line of dialogue.Atreus Remains
“God of War Ragnarok” (2022)
The journey for father and son to the events of Ragnarok were some of the most emotional and bonding moments in the entire series, but as the dust settled, Atreus’ journey had only begun. He tells Kratos he thinks he knows where the rest of the giants have gone and he feels compelled to find them, but that it’s something he must do on his own. For nearly the entirety of the game, Kratos and Atreus have been preparing one another for a life without them respectively, and at this moment, Kratos knows this is the path Atreus must walk alone. Before sending him off, Kratos reminds Atreus he will always be his son, and that his father is proud of the man he has become no matter who that is. Kratos perfectly sums up his love for his son with such a simple but powerful line before the two embrace for the last time.Journey’s End
“God of War” (2018)
Everything has led to this. All the revelations, the pain and heartache, and especially the growing bond between father and son, Faye set all the events in motion to prepare Kratos and Atreus for a life without her. As the two finally arrive in Jotunheim, they discover not only the remains of the giants, but also how Faye was connected to all of it. As the two finally fulfill her last wish to have her ashes scattered from the tallest peak in all the realms, Kratos and Atreus have not only completed their journey but have solidified their bond and relationship. The piece de resistance comes when Atreus tells Kratos the name the giants called him in the writings isn’t Atreus but Loki which sets an entire new set of events in motion for the sequel. We also get a heartwarming story about the origin of Atreus’ name on their way back down the mountain.Eulogy
“God of War Ragnarok” (2022)
Brok’s death came as a shock to everyone and despite everything that happened in Asgard, his friends and adoptive family wanted to pay their respects to the famed blacksmith with one final send off. Accompanied by Freya, Kratos attends Brok’s funeral before everyone gets to say their final goodbyes to the beloved dwarf. As Kratos lays his friend to rest, Raeb begins to play before a visibly distraught Sindri finally appears to give his brother one final goodbye. As the music swells, Freya lights the arrow and ignites Brok’s pyre giving him the heroic burial he rightfully deserved. Even during this moment of unimaginable grief, Sindri still shuns Kratos’ attempt to comfort him, instead choosing to once again disappear into solitude. In that moment, Mimir realizes the answer to Brok’s riddle that had plagued him for the entire game. Gets me every single time.Always A Monster
“God of War” (2018)
This is a part of the journey Kratos never expected he’d have to make. After Atreus falls ill, Freya tells him there’s only one thing that can save him and knowing what he must do, Kratos is plagued by the vision of Athena who taunts the God of War that he cannot change who he is and that he will always be the monster everyone always believed him to be. As he pulls the blades from under the floorboards and ignites their power once again, he proclaims he may be a monster, but he is no longer a puppet of the gods. This was a moment felt by all longtime fans, newcomers to the series and even to Kratos actor Christopher Judge. The weight of Kratos retrieving the Blades he had tried to leave behind to save his son marked the first steps towards Kratos accepting his past had made him who he was.Acceptance
“God of War Ragnarok” (2022)
Therapy through combat is such a bizarre concept it could really only work for Kratos. After Tyr invites him to Valhalla to work through his issues with his past, Kratos is finally forced to confront himself, literally. Standing before his arrogant younger self sitting on the throne of the God of War, Kratos, afraid of repeating the mistakes of his past, takes his younger self to task for his decisions that led to the destruction of his life and everyone and everything around him. The meticulously written monologue delivered by a career-making performance by Christpher Judge perfectly encapsulates someone accepting of their past mistakes by allowing themselves to accept those decisions that made them who they are but do not define them or their future. This moment brings the series’ theme of hope full circle as Kratos once again sits on the throne, this time a new and better version of the God of War.What was your favorite cinematic moment in the God of War series? Share your picks in the comments below.