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Coolest Armors In Assassins Creed Valhalla

Coolest Armors In Assassins Creed Valhalla
Welcome to MojoPlays and today it's time to suit up for 10 of the Cooooolest Armors In Assassin's Creed Valhalla. For this list, we'll be looking at unlockable armor in the game, taking into consideration its appearance first, and any special effects it may apply after. Of course there's a lot to choose from and much will come down to personal taste, as is the way of an RPG. So included here are both the totally ridiculous and the down to earth-realistic options for the everyday player. Out list includes the Draugr Armor Set, the Steampunk Armor Set, Thor's Armor Set, and more!
Script written by Josh McLean

#10: Thor's Armor Set

Right off the bat, Thor’s armor is well known in this game for having a super high defense rating and representing some of the best final rewards you’ll earn in the main questline.Visually, this set is a royal blue and gold valkyrie platemail. The most iconic part of which, is that winged helmet, which Thor has been depicted in over the years, notably in early Marvel comics.
Yes, it is impossible not to draw connections to the MCU at least a touch when Eivor can be customized to look exactly like a certain blonde beauty. Ability wise it’s meant to work hand-in-hand with Mjolnir. Increasing your speed and stunning enemies, which in turn will increase your speed and stun further enemies. If you build your kit right, entire armies won't even be able to move. While a few pieces can be collected early after a particularly difficult boss fight. You won’t earn every piece until each member of the “Order of Ancients” has fallen. By this point, your Eivor will no doubt be fully tooled up, but if you’re looking to role play as a god, this is the apparel for you!

#9: Saint George Armor Set

Become the military saint and dawn the Templar dress of this crusader knight, known across the world as a patron to many, and symbol of the red cross. To be honest, I’m not fully caught up on my saintly lore, but I do know a glorious armor when I see one! St George’s white and red set comes equipped with a battle crown helmet and dramatic cross painted cape, both of which only get cooler looking as you upgrade them. Its ability grants an increase to attack and speed whenever impaling an enemy, which compliments the use of swords and spears the most. Seems appropriate! With similar royal vibes to the purchasable “Charlemagne” skin, this set gets the leg up for being completely obtainable to the semi-new River Raids mode, which gives an already full game that much more content to earn.

#8: Reaper’s Armor Set

Become something out of a medieval nightmare, in the form of the grim reaper himself, new to “The Siege Of Paris” DLC. This head-to-toe black clad armor makes you look like a walking dementor. Its beauty is in its simplicity. Perfect for the Halloween season when wielding a scythe, yet always a good choice to round out your outfit, even if it’s just the tattered cape or jet black gauntlets. Its native ability is to restore some of your health after an assassination, while giving you additional time-slow when being spotted, prompting wearers to disappear and reappear from the shadows like a ghost in the night. Not the most overpowered, but certainly badass! After completing missions to earn infamy in Francia, the slow grind is made all worth it just for the look alone.

#7: Dublin Champion Armor Set

These initially gorgeous earthy green robes can be upgraded into an equally attractive gold metal suit, only collected when exploring Northern Ireland in the “Wrath of the druids” DLC. According to concept art, this design, along with the Rus armor, stems from the “Keivan Rus” which was founded by vikings. Always nice to learn the history through the game, though I’m sure y’all know more about it than I, so please let me know! Best of all, if you’re looking to run an archer build, this is an unmatched choice for you. The champion armor crazily enough increases ranged and stealth damage to take out enemies at a tasteful distance. Earned by gaining renown and cashing in materials, it’s nice that the player who tires of the sword and battle axe can turn to the Dublin clothing and bow to be just as deadly.

#6: Thegn's Armor Set

Often referred to as the best armor in the early days of the game, you cannot go wrong with Thegn’s set even if you tried. Remember the Battle-crown mentioned earlier? Well this one turns you into a melee based beast, complete with cape and hulking shoulder pads that change your look to a final-boss King and / or Queen. The Thegn’s specialty is to increase your critical damage outright, while increasing crits done when parrying. Basically, if a foe throws out a heavy attack and you successfully parry, it’s G-G’s for their health bar. It’s built to make you feel like a main character, flawlessly deflecting all your enemies' attacks against them, and it’s waiting for you to collect it out in the world at any time.

#5: Draugr Armor Set

So bosses are throwing magic at you, you’re traveling to fantastical locations of mythical creatures, but… here you are - just some mortal human. Why not even the score and become an Undead Warrior straight out of D&D? The souls of all your fallen enemies burn within the helmet's eyes. But creepier still are the skeletal remains that reinforce this heavily padded armor. Suitable for going “beyond the wall” or venturing into the coldest depths of H-E-double-hockey-sticks. This set grants you increased damage on poisoned opponents, with additional buffs to speed and stun. Pair this alongside your choice of venomous weaponry, and stroll on by as damage-over-time eliminates anything you touch. With multiple rune slots available, constantly stacking poison on poison is a snap. Although one significant drawback is that the armor is considered as part of the “wolf-tree” which grants damage to range instead of melee, perhaps an attempt at keeping the Draugr from being too overpowered. Find this one in the helix store or at Reda’s shop.

#4: Mentor's Armor Set

Alright, so far we’ve become the walking dead, the grim reaper, and Thor. But let’s take it back to the namesake of the game. Putting the “assassin” back in Assassin’s Creed. The mentor’s armor feels like it was designed to be Eivor’s assassin garb of choice, in the timeline where they outright joined the brotherhood, instead of fighting alongside it. Here we are provided a very traditional, hooded, crested, hidden blade wielding fashion! The face mask in particular lends a unique flare to a classic design. Equipping the set increases your overall attack damage after landing criticals, meaning you’ll do some killin’ and keep on killin’. Straight forward and sure to help any player along in battle. Once again it can be located at any time through some tricky dungeons in England, but well worth picking up if only for a piece or two for style.

#3: Knight ISU Armor Set

Soooooo, setting aside what I JUST said about being traditional and realistic… Throw that out the window for this robot-meets-alien-technology battle set! For only about the third time in the series, we can don the armor of the legendary ISU, who you may know as mythical figures like Loki, Zeus, Aphrodite, and the like. Swap out your leather and wool for gear right out of the space age "Destiny" games. Best yet, it’ll increase assassination and headshot damage when undetected. Despite the Knight Isu blooming wings of light upon a successful kill, they compliment the stealthiest forms of gameplay introduced as of yet. Does it make a whole lot of sense? No! Does it feel cool to terminate your enemies while looking like a cyborg from the future? No question. I wish I could say players could find this super secret armor hidden randomly in the world, but ‘tis not the case as you’ll have to grab it with helix points, or get lucky at Reda’s shop.

#2: Steampunk Armor Set

Alright maybe sci-fi IS your style, but the far-future isn’t. Once again Valhalla has you covered. Suit up in living metal to become a chugging iron OR gold golem. This armor is constantly animated with steam releasing from a shoulder valve, and an Iron Man-esque heart piece, glowing with an undying flame. While it won’t reveal you to baddies, the right lighting conditions will slightly illuminate your torso and eyes to really drive the point home that you’ve suddenly become a victorian-era murder bot in this gear. AOE, or area of attack damage isn’t as common in Valhalla beyond a few adrenaline based skills. Yet here they’ve given the Steampunk a passive ability to build up a cloud of either poison or fire (your choice) that releases upon landing successive hits. Just by engaging in combat as you normally would, entire groups of foes will be steadily taking damage from you. Choosing to house runes in your weapons for your preference of fire or poison damage makes this armor a whole lot of fun and very customizable. Gotta pick it up with helix or in Reda’s.

#1: Past Assassin's Set

Yes, sometimes you just want to experience the nostalgia of a comfortable old look, but in a new game! Bayek's & Basim's neutral tone garbs fit Eivor strangely well and can be slightly mixed and matched. Whereas the Ezio & Altair armor allows you to roleplay as a completely different character. While they don’t grant you a special ability as of yet, the best use many players have found is to use the “transmog” system to apply other set bonuses to them. Notably such effects as the ISU wings can be transplanted onto them for an ethereal look! The best part about these sets? Almost all of them are free with a Ubisoft account! Ezio’s in particular only requires that you’ve played one other Assassin’s Creed game with the same account, which I think is a really satisfying condition to meet, as the older titles are on sale or straight up free all the time to encourage new players, whereas longtime fans can collect their boy right away! This… Is fan service done right!