Diablo IV's 5 Classes Explained

VOICE OVER: Aaron Kline
WRITTEN BY: Aaron Kline
Selecting a class in "Diablo" can be Hell, so it's best to know what you're getting into. For this list, we'll be going over the starting classes in the upcoming "Diablo IV." We're covering the Druid, Sorcerer, Rogue, and more!
Welcome to MojoPlays, and today we’ll be looking at 5 of the classes in “Diablo IV”. Selecting the right class for your journey can be hell. With each class having unique gameplay styles and abilities, it’s best to know what you’re getting into from the get-go. Which class will you select for this devilish departure? Let us know in the comments.
The classic Barbarian, nothing is more thrilling than rushing your enemies and pounding them to a pulp. Not all of the Barbarians abilities are equal, some may require certain weapons. With a hefty skill tree each skill and combination of skills will depend on your playstyle. Of course we have our classic Lunging Strike, which will allow our Barbarian to charge towards any enemy to land a hit, and won’t require any certain weapon - so it’s a must. Need a skill to clear the room? Whirlwind will attack surrounding enemies in rapid succession. Even though the Barbarian is more known for brute force, they do have great defensive abilities too. Simple things from a Ground Stomp that will damage and stun enemies to Challenging Shout that will taunt your foes and reduce their damage output. The Barbarian has powerful Ultimates as well. Call of the Ancients will summon Barbarian Ancients to help you in your fight with the hellish evil. Iron Maelstrom will place chains to your weapons to give you more reach for great area of effect. The ultimate is Wrath of the Berserker, which will allow your Barabarin to go on a rampage and essentially become unstoppable with incensed movement and fury generation, all while granting more damage. The Barbarian is a classic class and is perfect for anyone that wants to get stuck in the middle of a bloodbath.
We last saw the Druid in “Diablo II”, and seeing its return has fans excited! The Druid has skills that harness the elements and shape-shifting abilities. Harnessing the earth with Earth Spike, Wind with Wind Shear, and a combination of both with Storm Strike. Then you’ve got shapeshifting into a Werewolf and Werebear for the claw and maul skills. On the defensive side of things, mother nature will still be helping you. Earthen Bulwark will surround your Druid with rocks, same with Cyclone Armor with wind. As our Druid is one with the wildlife, we also have the ability to summon wolves and ravens. When it’s time for a hurricane of damage, we’ll look at the ultimate skills. Petrify is taking a page out of Medusa's book and turning all enemies to stone. Cataclysm summons tornadoes hitting enemies with lightning. Shapeshifting into the Werewolf with Lacerate will grant immunity and dashing between enemies to deal damage. Grizzly Rage turns us into the Werebear and buffs our damage output. Going green has never been so devastating.
My personal favorite class, the Necromancer will raise an army of the dead to wreak havoc upon your enemies. With each skill harnessing death, the Necromancer will easily be able to hold its own against the evil that lays in front of us. Reap will allow us to call upon our inner Grim Reaper with a swift swipe of a scythe . Decompose deals extra damage for each corpse. Hemorrhage will burst the blood of enemies to deal damage. While Bone Splinters gives us a little range with throwing bones at enemies. Even though the Necromancer is one with death we still need some defensive skills. Blood Mist will slow our movement a bit, but will make us immune. Corpse Explosion is exactly what it sounds like. Finally, Bone Prison will create a shell made of marrow to trap enemies in certain areas. The ultimates are a deliciously wicked treat. Army of the Dead will call the fallen to aid us in battle. Blood Wave will create a crimson tide, laying waste to all in its path. Bone Storm will surround our Necromancer with bony shards, dealing damage to anyone that touches it. It’s easy to see why so many are eager to main this class.
While the Demon Hunter class is currently missing from the line here, the Rogue is a great substitute. Rogue is a nice combination of ranged and close combat. Invigorating Strike is a simple attack that deals damage and improves regeneration. Blades Shift is a faster strike that can also improve movement. The ranged skills center around arrows and throwing knives. Puncture throws two blades at a shorter distance with the third cast slowing enemies down. Heartseeker will fire an arrow and increase your critical chance. Forceful Arrow will fire an arrow and on third cast will make the enemies vulnerable. Then you’ve got other skills like Rapid Fire which fires five arrows quickly, or Penetrating Shot that unleashes an arrow that will pierce through enemies whole. When we want to get up close and personal, we’ve got Caltrops, which will have the Rogue leap back while throwing, well, caltrops. Dash has us speed forward, hacking and slashing as we go. The Rogues ultimate skills are more akin to the class’ roots. Shadow Clones will create a dark replica that will imitate our attacks. Rain of Arrows will have us laying down a swarm of projectiles in a set area, and Death Trap will place devices around the area that lead to certain doom. The Rogue is a great class for anyone that wants some range and still has the ability to use melee if the need arises.
Who doesn’t want to be a spellcaster? The Sorcerer will cast magic all based on the elements of fire, ice, and lightning. Spark will cast a bolt of lighting that will hit enemies four times, while Arc Lash will have lightning lash out all over the place. Frost Bolt and Fire Bolt are just what you’d expect, but still effective. Then you’ve got the advanced sorceries - Ice Shards cast five projectiles and deal more damage on frozen enemies. While Chain Lightning will bounce from one foe to another. The elements even help us with defense. Flame Shield will make our Sorcerer immune for some time all while burning whoever touches it. Frost Nova will freeze all enemies around us. As for the ultimates - Inferno will spawn a burning serpent to devour the target. Deep Freeze will cover our Sorcerer in ice to make them immune and deal more chill damage, while Unstable Currents will buff all Shock spells. Lilith should be nervous.
“Diablo IV” (2023)The classic Barbarian, nothing is more thrilling than rushing your enemies and pounding them to a pulp. Not all of the Barbarians abilities are equal, some may require certain weapons. With a hefty skill tree each skill and combination of skills will depend on your playstyle. Of course we have our classic Lunging Strike, which will allow our Barbarian to charge towards any enemy to land a hit, and won’t require any certain weapon - so it’s a must. Need a skill to clear the room? Whirlwind will attack surrounding enemies in rapid succession. Even though the Barbarian is more known for brute force, they do have great defensive abilities too. Simple things from a Ground Stomp that will damage and stun enemies to Challenging Shout that will taunt your foes and reduce their damage output. The Barbarian has powerful Ultimates as well. Call of the Ancients will summon Barbarian Ancients to help you in your fight with the hellish evil. Iron Maelstrom will place chains to your weapons to give you more reach for great area of effect. The ultimate is Wrath of the Berserker, which will allow your Barabarin to go on a rampage and essentially become unstoppable with incensed movement and fury generation, all while granting more damage. The Barbarian is a classic class and is perfect for anyone that wants to get stuck in the middle of a bloodbath.
“Diablo IV” (2023)We last saw the Druid in “Diablo II”, and seeing its return has fans excited! The Druid has skills that harness the elements and shape-shifting abilities. Harnessing the earth with Earth Spike, Wind with Wind Shear, and a combination of both with Storm Strike. Then you’ve got shapeshifting into a Werewolf and Werebear for the claw and maul skills. On the defensive side of things, mother nature will still be helping you. Earthen Bulwark will surround your Druid with rocks, same with Cyclone Armor with wind. As our Druid is one with the wildlife, we also have the ability to summon wolves and ravens. When it’s time for a hurricane of damage, we’ll look at the ultimate skills. Petrify is taking a page out of Medusa's book and turning all enemies to stone. Cataclysm summons tornadoes hitting enemies with lightning. Shapeshifting into the Werewolf with Lacerate will grant immunity and dashing between enemies to deal damage. Grizzly Rage turns us into the Werebear and buffs our damage output. Going green has never been so devastating.
“Diablo IV” (2023)My personal favorite class, the Necromancer will raise an army of the dead to wreak havoc upon your enemies. With each skill harnessing death, the Necromancer will easily be able to hold its own against the evil that lays in front of us. Reap will allow us to call upon our inner Grim Reaper with a swift swipe of a scythe . Decompose deals extra damage for each corpse. Hemorrhage will burst the blood of enemies to deal damage. While Bone Splinters gives us a little range with throwing bones at enemies. Even though the Necromancer is one with death we still need some defensive skills. Blood Mist will slow our movement a bit, but will make us immune. Corpse Explosion is exactly what it sounds like. Finally, Bone Prison will create a shell made of marrow to trap enemies in certain areas. The ultimates are a deliciously wicked treat. Army of the Dead will call the fallen to aid us in battle. Blood Wave will create a crimson tide, laying waste to all in its path. Bone Storm will surround our Necromancer with bony shards, dealing damage to anyone that touches it. It’s easy to see why so many are eager to main this class.
“Diablo IV” (2023)While the Demon Hunter class is currently missing from the line here, the Rogue is a great substitute. Rogue is a nice combination of ranged and close combat. Invigorating Strike is a simple attack that deals damage and improves regeneration. Blades Shift is a faster strike that can also improve movement. The ranged skills center around arrows and throwing knives. Puncture throws two blades at a shorter distance with the third cast slowing enemies down. Heartseeker will fire an arrow and increase your critical chance. Forceful Arrow will fire an arrow and on third cast will make the enemies vulnerable. Then you’ve got other skills like Rapid Fire which fires five arrows quickly, or Penetrating Shot that unleashes an arrow that will pierce through enemies whole. When we want to get up close and personal, we’ve got Caltrops, which will have the Rogue leap back while throwing, well, caltrops. Dash has us speed forward, hacking and slashing as we go. The Rogues ultimate skills are more akin to the class’ roots. Shadow Clones will create a dark replica that will imitate our attacks. Rain of Arrows will have us laying down a swarm of projectiles in a set area, and Death Trap will place devices around the area that lead to certain doom. The Rogue is a great class for anyone that wants some range and still has the ability to use melee if the need arises.
“Diablo IV” (2023)Who doesn’t want to be a spellcaster? The Sorcerer will cast magic all based on the elements of fire, ice, and lightning. Spark will cast a bolt of lighting that will hit enemies four times, while Arc Lash will have lightning lash out all over the place. Frost Bolt and Fire Bolt are just what you’d expect, but still effective. Then you’ve got the advanced sorceries - Ice Shards cast five projectiles and deal more damage on frozen enemies. While Chain Lightning will bounce from one foe to another. The elements even help us with defense. Flame Shield will make our Sorcerer immune for some time all while burning whoever touches it. Frost Nova will freeze all enemies around us. As for the ultimates - Inferno will spawn a burning serpent to devour the target. Deep Freeze will cover our Sorcerer in ice to make them immune and deal more chill damage, while Unstable Currents will buff all Shock spells. Lilith should be nervous.
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