Every Open World in Lego Games RANKED

#20: “Lego Island” (1997)
Don’t get us wrong - we LOVE “Lego Island” with every fiber of our being. You just don’t forget your first time delivering pizzas to the residents or racing around in the Octane car or chasing down the Brickster. However, “Lego Island” hasn’t aged well in the visual department, and the way characters casually dismember themselves as they talk is rather…unsettling. In other words, you’d be living in a bit of a nightmare like one of those “you die in the game, you die for real” movies.
#19: “Lego Island 2: The Brickster’s Revenge” (2001)
As a game, “Lego Island 2” is miles away from being better than the first game. Lightyears, even. But in terms of its open world, it is slightly better, mostly because of the improvement in hardware. However, it barely manages to beat out the original game. Why? Well, the island becomes a tad creepy with the weird NPC dialogue. The voices are just so lifeless, and the dialogue is…unsettling at times. We get some real “Call of Cthulhu” vibes with this one.
#18: “Lego Worlds” (2017)
“Lego Worlds” is one of the more questionable open world settings. On one hand, you have worlds based on different themes that have wide open areas for you to build your creations. On the other hand, there’s nothing but wide open areas and you have to build the stuff yourself with a clunky tool gun. So, even if you do want to build stuff all day, you’re eventually going to hit a point where you’re living in a ghost town. Sure, there are NPCs to keep you company, but they don’t say much. So, again, ghost town.
#17: “The Lego Movie Videogame 2” (2019)
Now, why on Earth would we count “The Lego Movie Videogame 2” when it plays almost the exact same way as “Lego Worlds”? While you do still have to deal with the clunky tool gun to build stuff, there is more personality and things to do here. Hang out with Batman and Wyldstyle. Choose from a wide variety of buildings to repopulate the different worlds. It's not that much better than “Lego Worlds”, but overall, we’d definitely choose this in every timeline.
#16: “Island Xtreme Stunts” (2002)
Okay, we know what this looks like, but this isn’t some kind of hate train on the “Lego Island” games - we swear! Of the three, “Xtreme Stunts” would be the best world to live in. It's more beautiful than its predecessors, and there’s more to do. Racing, skateboarding, working on a movie set - it’s a world where you could live the life of a superstar! But what about for those of us who would like a quieter life or at least some place to take a breather from the action. Well, there’s not many options, and that’s why “Xtreme Stunts” is so low on the list.
#15: “Lego Jurassic World” (2015)
On the surface, living within “Lego Jurassic World” would be terrifying…if you were living the stories. But this is on the open worlds of Lego games! And “Lego Jurassic World” is surprisingly calm for three islands inhabited by dinosaurs. That isn’t to say it’s totally peaceful, but you can really soak in the parks and forests at your leisure. Well, sort of. Like we said, it isn’t totally peaceful. You might have to fight for your life, yet you can still find some enjoyment here.
#14: “Lego The Incredibles” (2018)
Municiberg seems like it’d be a cool place to live. You’re living in a city that has a few Supers hiding around, ready to defend their homes and yours at the first sign of trouble. Plus, it's a somewhat progressive metropolis with its technology. However, this is a city that seems to be under peril every week. A building is burning, people are being frozen or hypnotized, the whole shebang. There’s basically no moment of rest here. Sure, you’ll feel safe with the Supers, but every moment might feel like the end.
#13: “Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens” (2016)
Of course we would wanna live in “Star Wars”! Dogfights in space, bounty hunting, lightsaber duels, we’d do it all! So, why does “Lego Force Awakens” get so insanely low on this list? Well, this is only a slice of the galaxy, and it isn’t exactly the most enticing. Would you really want to live in the sandy dunes of not-Tatooine? Or the snowy planet of not-Hoth? Come on, let’s be real here. The only place you would move to is Maz’s Castle, and you can’t live there - none of us are worthy of the magnificence.
#12: “Lego The Hobbit” (2014)
Would you wanna live in an unfinished story? Didn’t think so.
#11: “Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes” (2012)
Oh, to live in Gotham would be a dream come true. Gotham is known for its vibrant nightlife with its bars–er, diners, theaters, and the like. Don’t worry, we’re well aware of the baddies that wreak havoc on the streets. But this is a world where the Dark Knight keeps tabs on everything. There’s nothing to worry about…unless his back is broken. Or he gets trapped in Arkham Asylum for a few nights. Or is abducted while investigating the homelessness problem. Okay, maybe Gotham isn’t super great.
#10: “The Lego Movie Videogame” (2014)
In all honesty, the actual movie does not do Bricksburg as much justice as the game does. It is such a beautiful place with its cozy apartments and homes, not to mention the carefree attitudes of its residents. Plus, it’s far easier to get around than some of our previous entries. The only annoying thing about living here would be the uninspired soundtrack. Hope you like mundane, dream-like notes and the “Everything is Awesome” song. Give us some headphones for our own music and we could live here.
#9: “The Lego Ninjago Movie Videogame” (2017)
Admittedly, Ninjago is a more appealing city to live in than Bricksburg. And we’re not just saying that because of the repeating music. Ninjago simply feels like an adventure waits behind every corner with its hidden caves and beautiful architecture. Unfortunately, it falls a bit flat on account of how many of these gorgeous structures you will have to pay to have built. So, is Ninjago an ideal place to live in? Perhaps if you’re swimming in studs. At least a few multipliers can alleviate that.
#8: “Lego The Lord of the Rings” (2012)
Oh, to live in a brickified version of Middle-earth… We would snag that opportunity the second we were given it. Some would choose to live in the sleek and shining city of elves, Rivendell, or an ivory tower like Saruman’s. We would much prefer a cozy underground cabin in the Shire to live and celebrate like Hobbits. …Oh yeah, we forgot; to live in the world of even “Lego Lord of the Rings” is to accept the terror of the Dark Lord Sauron. As they say, hindsight is twenty-twenty.
#7: “Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham” (2014)
Those who would want to live in the universe set up in “Lego Batman 3” are looking for a very specific lifestyle. It would be a lifestyle centered on the convenience of travel, correct? After all, “Lego Batman 3” houses a number of different planets to visit. But here’s the thing: most of those planets are the Lantern planets. We’re not saying they’re awful choices for locations. It's just that they are locations for very specific tastes. Not exactly options that an average shmoe such as us might want.
#6: “Lego City Undercover” (2013)
As kids, we’ve fantasized about living in our very own Lego City complete with a fire station, police station, trainyard, townhouses, homes, apartments, docks, the works. The “Lego City Undercover” version of Lego City may not be our own, but it’s still a heck of a city! The landmarks and locales are diverse, and it’s gorgeous in a way that makes you wish you could relive your first visit again and again. The only gripe we have is all the crime running rampant. Chase McCain will have his work cut out for him.
#5: “Lego Marvel Superheroes” (2013) & “Lego Marvel’s Avengers” (2016)
Now, the reason we’re smashing these two games together is because they share the same open world, or at least one primary open world. Both games allow you to fully explore the Marvel version of New York City where you can visit Avengers Tower and Marvel Studios on one end, and on the other is Hell’s Kitchen and Professor Xavier’s Mutant Academy. “Lego Avengers” sweetens the deal a bit more with more landmarks to visit like Tony Stark’s home, the Tesseract site, and Midgard. So, you have choices.
#4: “Lego Marvel Superheroes 2” (2017)
Speaking of choices, “Lego Marvel 2” certainly gives you a diverse assortment of places to visit. Makes sense given this Lego game centers on the amalgamation of timelines, resulting in the massive city of Chronopolis. Whether you’ve wanted to live in Egypt, Manhattan, Knowhere, or even Wakanda, you have your pick of the litter with alternatives not far from you. It is, without a doubt, the best open world of the Lego Marvel games, and that is no contest regardless of how much one might love New York City. Plus, “Lego Marvel 2” has New York City!! Ha!
#3: “Lego DC Super Villains” (2018)
“Lego DC Super Villains” is honestly the best of the Lego DC games to live in, which is insanely weird to say considering this is a game where the worst of the worst are running amok and committing crimes. But also consider how close and tightly knit everything is. A simple skyride can take you from rainy and dark Gotham to sunny and bright Metropolis. The option between night and day is available to you on the flip of a dime with Arkham Asylum and the Legion of Doom just a short drive away.
#2: “Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga” (2022)
Of course we’re putting “Skywalker Saga” on this list! Do you have any idea how big this game is? You have more than twenty planets to choose from. Tatooine, Hoth, Endor, Mustafar, Coruscant, Dagobah, Bespin - you have almost every single planet in the franchise at your disposal. Just know that if you ever pack up and fly out to another planet, you run the risk of flying into a massive dogfight or Star Destroyer. So, you might want to find a place and park it.
#1: “Lego Dimensions” (2015)
You know why we would wanna live in “Lego Dimensions” over any other open world Lego game? Choice. It’s all about choice. You could go to the world of “Scooby-Doo” one minute and then, Springfield from “The Simpsons” the next or “Ghostbusters’” Manhattan or the various dimensions of “Doctor Who”. If you ever get sick of one, well, the grass is greener in another land. And with two and a half years of content loaded in, it’ll be some time before you hit a dead end and want nothing to do with anything.