10 Hidden Secrets in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

VOICE OVER: Aaron Brown
WRITTEN BY: Aaron Brown
There were a lot of great secrets to uncover in "Star Wars Jedi: Survivor." For this list, we'll be looking at references as well as areas or secrets hidden off the beaten path in a galaxy far, far away that you might have overlooked while trying to survive your life on the run from the Empire. There will be some story spoilers ahead so turn back now if you haven't completed Cal's latest adventure. Our list of hidden secrets in "Star Wars Jedi: Survivor" includes Pyloon's Trinkets, Denvik's Ultimate Fate, The Hidden Path, a Pursuit Vehicle from "Episode II," and more!
Welcome to MojoPlays and today we’re unlocking the secrets of the force to find 10 hidden secrets in Star Wars Jedi Survivor you probably missed. For this list, we’ll be looking at references as well as areas or secrets hidden off the beaten path in a galaxy far, far away that you might have overlooked while trying to survive your life on the run from the Empire. There will be some story spoilers ahead so turn back now if you haven’t completed Cal’s latest adventure. What was your favorite hidden secret in Jedi Survivor? Find any that we missed? Let us know down in the comments.
Ever since Jedi Fallen Order, BD-1 has been Cal’s constant droid companion, offering help hacking doors and offering beeps and boops of support and comic timing. BD’s abilities have been greatly expanded upon in the sequel and the little droid is more helpful than ever in Cal’s fight for survival against the Empire, so why not show him the love he so rightfully deserves. By holding down on the direction pad, Cal can pet the little droid and check in on him which makes BD all kiddy with childish joy.
The world of Star Wars is vast and near endless and Jedi Survivor is an impressive step up in terms of scope and size compared to Jedi Fallen Order and because of this, there are more places to hide Easter Eggs in plain sight that can easily be overlooked if you’re not actively searching for them. On both Coruscant and Kobah, Cal can find the same XJ-6 speeder or at least the same model Anakin and Obi Wan hijacked during their chase in Episode II: Attack of the Clones. Although undriveable in Jedi Survivor, hopefully we’ll catch Cal zooming around in a stylish speeder of his own in the sequel.
Koboh is huge. There’s no arguing that. And likely that is why this small side quest is so easily overlooked. Behind Doma’s shop is a small hut with security that could keep the Empire itself at bay. Using numerous Jedi powers and tricks, Cal can make his way inside and find an alien species new to Star Wars that looks like a giant mole rat named Soont Madas. Initially he’s not too keen on Cal showing himself in, but with some Jedi mind tricks, he’ll open the cellar door and you can make your way down to find the body of another mole rat and Soont’s brother who seemingly stood in the way of Soont’s prospect and big score, leading to Soont attacking Cal. We never get to find out what treasure was so important Soont felt he had to kill his brother to stop him from standing his way and maybe that’s for the best.
Like we said, Koboh is huge, but did you know there’s a whole underground cavern system to explore as well? After speaking to an easily missable NPC about their nightmares of the Phon’Qi Caverns, Cal can find them for himself by opening a cellar door behind a small shack in Foothill Falls. Once inside, the caverns offer not only some of the best rewards on Koboh but also some of its greatest challenges, including another Rancor. And that’s mostly just the opening area. Diving even further down will reveal all kinds of tricky platforming puzzles as well as more challenging enemies.
The driving force behind Cal’s latest trek across the galaxy is a hidden planet called Tannalor where Cal and his companions believe they can finally be safe from the Empire. Along the way Cal reconnects with Cere who is now running what is referred to as “The Hidden Path” which helps those who oppose the Empire find safe passage and places to hide. However, for anyone who watched the Obi Wan Kenobi series on Disney Plus, this isn’t the first time they’ve heard of the Hidden Path. In episode 3, when Obi Wan and Leia are attempting to escape the planet Mapuzo, they’re hidden in a back room with various graffiti of others who passed through the same area as part of the Hidden Path, including some of the galaxy’s remaining Jedi.
Greez’s bar Pyloon’s Saloon isn’t just the best place to unwind on Koboh, it’s also host to a number of fun Easter Eggs for players to uncover. On a ledge just above the bar, players can find not only a Clone Wars era Storm Trooper helmet, but also a miniature replica of Jabba the Hutt’s barge that fans would get to see in its life sized glory in Return of the Jedi. You can also find a Priorite Shard in the toilet -gross- as well as a locked door with seemingly no way to open it. You need to talk to Moran, the patron at the end of the bar multiple times for him to finally open the door for you. There’s only a music track inside but for those looking for 100 completion, and a quest with seemingly no indicator is the only way to do it.
The miniature in Pyloon’s Saloon isn’t the only reference to Jabba the Hutt in Jedi Survivor. Just before reaching Pyloon’s Saloon, you can investigate a rumor by a prospector that brings you face to face with a Rancor. The fight itself can be quite challenging, especially so early in the game but there is a trick that fans of Return of the Jedi and Luke’s encounter with the Rancor will find very handy. Surrounding the arena are piles of bones and if Cal picks up one of the bones and throws it at the Rancor, it will become stuck in its teeth the same way it did for Luke and give Cal a small window when the Rancor is vulnerable.
During his pursuit of Bode late in the game, Cal will explore the Imperial Security Bureau base in the Nova Garon system and his exploits will bring him face to face with its commander Lank Denvik. After “persuading” Denvik to call off the hunt for the Jedi, Cal once again crosses paths with Denvik before leaving the station, where Denvik almost begs Cal to kill him as it would be preferable to his fate being left in the hands of Darth Vader. However, if players return to Nova Garon after the conclusion of the campaign, they can find an echo that confirms Denvik was right about Vader’s lack of compassion for incompetence.
Along with the many, many possible side quests available in Jedi Survivor are the bounty hunter rumors, in which the hunted becomes the hunter as Cal tracks down the bounty hunters sent by Sorc Tormo to kill him. Cal will be given the names and approximate locations of 17 different bounty hunters throughout the galaxy and many of them prove to be some of the most challenging encounters in the game. Given just how many quests and side activities there are to complete in Jedi Survivor, (when was the last time you checked on your garden?), it’s not unreasonable to think the bounty hunter rumors might have been forgotten but by not following the rumors to their conclusion, you’d be missing out on one of the best and most unexpected cameos in the entire game as Boba Fett arrives on the scene. And he’s just as much of a badass as you’d expect.
Arguably one of the best Easter Eggs as well as the one best hidden, given the amount of time required to find it, it seems Respawn absolutely wanted players to work for it. While exploring the untamed downs, Cal will find an alcove within a cave and hidden in the shadows is a crawl space almost completely invisible if you don’t know where to look. By entering the crawl space, Cal will navigate the dark tunnel for over 2 minutes before emerging in yet another cave, this time, in the middle of what seems like an art class. Posing in the center of the room is a Mogu and numerous droids with canvases and paint brushes all painting their own interpretation of the Mogu’s pose. It’s by far one of the most bizarre Easter Eggs in the series but one absolutely worth tracking down for yourself.
The Goodest Droid
Ever since Jedi Fallen Order, BD-1 has been Cal’s constant droid companion, offering help hacking doors and offering beeps and boops of support and comic timing. BD’s abilities have been greatly expanded upon in the sequel and the little droid is more helpful than ever in Cal’s fight for survival against the Empire, so why not show him the love he so rightfully deserves. By holding down on the direction pad, Cal can pet the little droid and check in on him which makes BD all kiddy with childish joy.
Pursuit Vehicle
The world of Star Wars is vast and near endless and Jedi Survivor is an impressive step up in terms of scope and size compared to Jedi Fallen Order and because of this, there are more places to hide Easter Eggs in plain sight that can easily be overlooked if you’re not actively searching for them. On both Coruscant and Kobah, Cal can find the same XJ-6 speeder or at least the same model Anakin and Obi Wan hijacked during their chase in Episode II: Attack of the Clones. Although undriveable in Jedi Survivor, hopefully we’ll catch Cal zooming around in a stylish speeder of his own in the sequel.
Brotherly Betrayal
Koboh is huge. There’s no arguing that. And likely that is why this small side quest is so easily overlooked. Behind Doma’s shop is a small hut with security that could keep the Empire itself at bay. Using numerous Jedi powers and tricks, Cal can make his way inside and find an alien species new to Star Wars that looks like a giant mole rat named Soont Madas. Initially he’s not too keen on Cal showing himself in, but with some Jedi mind tricks, he’ll open the cellar door and you can make your way down to find the body of another mole rat and Soont’s brother who seemingly stood in the way of Soont’s prospect and big score, leading to Soont attacking Cal. We never get to find out what treasure was so important Soont felt he had to kill his brother to stop him from standing his way and maybe that’s for the best.
Phon’Qi Caverns
Like we said, Koboh is huge, but did you know there’s a whole underground cavern system to explore as well? After speaking to an easily missable NPC about their nightmares of the Phon’Qi Caverns, Cal can find them for himself by opening a cellar door behind a small shack in Foothill Falls. Once inside, the caverns offer not only some of the best rewards on Koboh but also some of its greatest challenges, including another Rancor. And that’s mostly just the opening area. Diving even further down will reveal all kinds of tricky platforming puzzles as well as more challenging enemies.
The Hidden Path
The driving force behind Cal’s latest trek across the galaxy is a hidden planet called Tannalor where Cal and his companions believe they can finally be safe from the Empire. Along the way Cal reconnects with Cere who is now running what is referred to as “The Hidden Path” which helps those who oppose the Empire find safe passage and places to hide. However, for anyone who watched the Obi Wan Kenobi series on Disney Plus, this isn’t the first time they’ve heard of the Hidden Path. In episode 3, when Obi Wan and Leia are attempting to escape the planet Mapuzo, they’re hidden in a back room with various graffiti of others who passed through the same area as part of the Hidden Path, including some of the galaxy’s remaining Jedi.
Pyloon’s Trinkets
Greez’s bar Pyloon’s Saloon isn’t just the best place to unwind on Koboh, it’s also host to a number of fun Easter Eggs for players to uncover. On a ledge just above the bar, players can find not only a Clone Wars era Storm Trooper helmet, but also a miniature replica of Jabba the Hutt’s barge that fans would get to see in its life sized glory in Return of the Jedi. You can also find a Priorite Shard in the toilet -gross- as well as a locked door with seemingly no way to open it. You need to talk to Moran, the patron at the end of the bar multiple times for him to finally open the door for you. There’s only a music track inside but for those looking for 100 completion, and a quest with seemingly no indicator is the only way to do it.
Tough to Chew
The miniature in Pyloon’s Saloon isn’t the only reference to Jabba the Hutt in Jedi Survivor. Just before reaching Pyloon’s Saloon, you can investigate a rumor by a prospector that brings you face to face with a Rancor. The fight itself can be quite challenging, especially so early in the game but there is a trick that fans of Return of the Jedi and Luke’s encounter with the Rancor will find very handy. Surrounding the arena are piles of bones and if Cal picks up one of the bones and throws it at the Rancor, it will become stuck in its teeth the same way it did for Luke and give Cal a small window when the Rancor is vulnerable.
Denvik’s Ultimate Fate
During his pursuit of Bode late in the game, Cal will explore the Imperial Security Bureau base in the Nova Garon system and his exploits will bring him face to face with its commander Lank Denvik. After “persuading” Denvik to call off the hunt for the Jedi, Cal once again crosses paths with Denvik before leaving the station, where Denvik almost begs Cal to kill him as it would be preferable to his fate being left in the hands of Darth Vader. However, if players return to Nova Garon after the conclusion of the campaign, they can find an echo that confirms Denvik was right about Vader’s lack of compassion for incompetence.
Bounty Hunted
Along with the many, many possible side quests available in Jedi Survivor are the bounty hunter rumors, in which the hunted becomes the hunter as Cal tracks down the bounty hunters sent by Sorc Tormo to kill him. Cal will be given the names and approximate locations of 17 different bounty hunters throughout the galaxy and many of them prove to be some of the most challenging encounters in the game. Given just how many quests and side activities there are to complete in Jedi Survivor, (when was the last time you checked on your garden?), it’s not unreasonable to think the bounty hunter rumors might have been forgotten but by not following the rumors to their conclusion, you’d be missing out on one of the best and most unexpected cameos in the entire game as Boba Fett arrives on the scene. And he’s just as much of a badass as you’d expect.
Artistic Interpretation
Arguably one of the best Easter Eggs as well as the one best hidden, given the amount of time required to find it, it seems Respawn absolutely wanted players to work for it. While exploring the untamed downs, Cal will find an alcove within a cave and hidden in the shadows is a crawl space almost completely invisible if you don’t know where to look. By entering the crawl space, Cal will navigate the dark tunnel for over 2 minutes before emerging in yet another cave, this time, in the middle of what seems like an art class. Posing in the center of the room is a Mogu and numerous droids with canvases and paint brushes all painting their own interpretation of the Mogu’s pose. It’s by far one of the most bizarre Easter Eggs in the series but one absolutely worth tracking down for yourself.