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How a Legend of Zelda Film Would Work

How a Legend of Zelda Film Would Work
VOICE OVER: Riccardo Tucci WRITTEN BY: Matt Demers
Well excussssse me princess - but how is it we have yet to receive a major motion picture based on the wonderful world that is The Legend Of Zelda?! From Link's very first attempt to recover the Triforce and rescue Princess Zelda, the celebrated video game seemed destined for the feature film treatment. And now, with over 34 years of expansive world building, dynamic characters, and thrilling adventures; A Zelda movie reportedly is in the early stages of development. Although no other details have been disclosed. Given Hollywood's less than pixel perfect track record when it comes to video game adaptations, who's to say they will get this one right, when they so often get it wrong? Well let's give them a hand. What are your thoughts on the possibility of a Legend of Zelda movie? Let us know in the comments!
Script written by Matt Demers

The Legend of Zelda Movie Blueprint

Well excussssse me princess - but how is it we have yet to receive a major motion picture based on the wonderful world that is The Legend Of Zelda?!

From Link’s very first attempt to recover the Triforce and rescue Princess Zelda, the celebrated video game seemed destined for the feature film treatment.

And now, with over 34 years of expansive world building, dynamic characters, and thrilling adventures; A Zelda movie reportedly is in the early stages of development. Although no other details have been disclosed.

Given Hollywood’s less than pixel perfect track record when it comes to video game adaptations, who's to say they will get this one right, when they so often get it wrong? Well let's give them a hand. I’m “Mr. Hollywood” Matt Demers – professional film critic and pop culture wizard – and today I’m joining WatchMojo to deliver the ultimate Legend Of Zelda live action movie BLUEPRINT!


Over the course of Zelda’s impressive 19 game run (with more on the way), we have been treated to a cornucopia of unique characters - from fairies to monsters to a talking owl. But, with only a select few having appeared in nearly every outing, it’s those character’s casting that is of the utmost importance to nailing the true Zelda experience.

So, let’s begin with the star of the games – representing the Triforce of Courage, he’s not only the main hero, but the one synonymous with the Legend Of Zelda. Why it’s LINK of course!

What Link lacks in size, he makes up for in being a savvy warrior, a master problem solver, and dare I say - a darn skilled musician. I mean, can Ed Sheeran’s music create means of time travel? Didn’t think so.

With that in mind, there are more than a few actors who I can see wield the Master Sword with honour - one being: Charlie Plummer.

Best known for appearing alongside his legendary grandfather in Ridley Scott’s All The Money In The World, Charlie most certainly has Link’s Aryan features down pat. His love of fantasy is also evident, in that he admitted to growing his hair long to better resemble Legolas in Lord Of The Rings. But, while he has the picture-perfect aesthetics for the part, we feel there is someone even more suited for embodying our spiky-eared hero.

And yes, while many have pointed to actor, singer and all round teen heart throb Ross Lynch for the role, I’m ultimately going to silence those screams in favour of: Ezra Miller.

With a filmography that includes action / adventure genre movies the likes of Justice League and the Fantastic Beasts series, Ezra proves to be the ideal choice: he’s charming, engaging, more than a little scrappy, and has just the right acting chops to mould Link into the layered champion we need him to be.

And for the purposes of this Blueprint, and reasons that will become clear later, we also require a younger version of Link - someone who still represents the character’s good-hearted heroics, but is younger in age.

It just so happens there is an on the rise teen talent who is perfect for the job: Levi Miller. Yep, he’s not only got the right appearance for Link, but one needs not look any farther than 2015’s Pan to see him excel in the fantasy adventure hero role!

Now onto the heart of the story – the all-important PRINCESS.

Zelda might be the focus of Link’s journey, in that he has to “save her,” but thanks to the Princess’s evolution over the years, she is much more than just a damsel in distress.

That is why whomever portrays this royal highness, must be able to bring the character’s regal benevolence to life, presenting her as someone who truly is wise beyond their years.

And while there are lots of great choices for Zelda, namely the always-timeless Elle Fanning and teenage witch extraordinaire Kiernan Shipka, there’s a certain actress who just seems destined for the part of the Hyrule Princess - and that is: Hunter Schafer!

A breakout star on the risqué HBO teen drama Euphoria, Hunter brings with her a great deal of beauty and sensibility, not to mention a particularly strong will. Add in her glittery glam style, and she’s got the makings of one idyllic Princess Zelda.

But what about the other woman in the castle? I speak of IMPA of course – the guardian, bodyguard, and nursemaid to the Princess. Impa is especially important to the Zelda mythos, in that she is the one who gives extensive information and guidance to Link for his journey.

Luckily, there appears to be no shortage of strong Hollywood starlets who could bring this devoted character to life:

Helen Mirren would no doubt strike the perfect balance between kind-hearted caretaker and tough as nails defender.

Charlize Theron makes for a more than believable protector, having kicked her fair share of butts on cinema screens.

BUT, perhaps it is Michelle Yeoh’s superb physical skills and motherly charm that makes her the best choice. Plus, Yeoh does most of her own stunts, giving filmmakers the perfect opportunity to have Impa lay the Smackdown on some Gerudo scum!

And finally, what would a Legend of Zelda film be without its big bad: GANON - AKA Ganondorf, AKA The Great King of Evil, AKA the Dark Lord, AKA the ugly giant pig-beast guy!

So, just who out there is capable of portraying this monstrous entity of pure evil, even while shrouded in inevitable CGI should we see him take on a monster form?

Well, Idris Elba showed great bad guy gusto in Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs and Shaw.

Michael Shannon is no stranger to playing a would-be world-conquering villain.

But, I say we look no further than: Dave Bautista

A capable actor in his own right, this former professional wrestler has also broken bad on occasion - with terrifying results no less. And given his gargantuan size and strength, Dave would make for one hell of an imposing “final boss” for Link and co.

“Batista bomb” anyone?


Ok, so given the Legend Of Zelda is set in a multifaceted fantasy-laden world, it’s only fitting the director of this film know their way around some horses, castles and sword fights.

With that said, one might think Peter Jackson is the obvious choice, seeing as how his work on The Lord Of The Rings and The Hobbit trilogies have been lauded by fans and critics alike.

Or, perhaps it’s best to hand off the directing duties to David Benoiff and D.B Weiss, as they no doubt know how to make quality fantasy drama and action, as evidenced by their time as show runners of the multi-award winning program Game Of Thrones. Maybe you’ve heard of it?

And while not bad choices, I say - not so fast.

This movie needs someone at the helm that can deliver a sense of wondrous fun and adventure, while not taking things too dark.

That’s why my top choice for director is: Patty Jenkins

Not only has Patty proved herself a skilled storyteller over the years, but has since shown she is capable of breath-taking mythological world building and exciting action sequences. In fact, one needs not search anywhere but the opening scenes of her 2017 phenomenon Wonder Woman to see just how the magical world of Hyrule can be brought to life.

So, when it comes to making Zelda shine on the silver screen, it’s in Patty we trust!


Through the course of the franchise’s rich history, the core story of The Legend Of Zelda has roughly stayed the same: a young warrior must save a princess and defeat an evil monster. The Triforce, an all-powerful object representing Power, Courage, and Wisdom, is usually part of the story as well, but not always.

You see, with nearly each game representing a new generation of Link and Zelda fighting the forces of evil, there are many variations on who stands in their way, the worlds Link must explore, and the tools made available to him.

Which begs the question, what version of the story is best for a big screen adaptation?

The answer- Ocarina of Time

Considered one of, if not THE, best game in the franchise, 1998’s Ocarina of Time marked some big changes in the series, but more importantly, took the story to a whole new level. While 1991’s A Link To The Past established the idea of multiple worlds, Ocarina took the idea in a new direction when Link unlocks the ability to travel through time.

But this story is much more than just a time travel yarn, it’s an epic adventure that sees a young Link sent on a journey to recover the Master Sword and Triforce, only to be sealed in a temple by Ganon for 7 years, awaken as an adult, and receive help from an inconspicuous Princess in order to seal the villain in the Sacred Realm.

And if all that’s not enough for you, this is also the story that introduces Epona, Link’s faithful horse. I mean, who doesn’t like a good horse origin?

There is one issue to address; how would a film represent a protagonist that infamously does not say a word within his source material? Yes, most fans would probably want him to retain his silence. But if he does speak; then his first line should leave the audience speechless. Just like with Caesar in “Rise of the Planet of the Apes.”

All that to say, Ocarina of Time would make for a perfect grand cinematic spectacle, bringing to life perhaps Link’s most epic of quests yet!

So there you go!

What do you think? Did we get it right?

Would you watch a live action “Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina of Time” movie directed by Patty Jenkins starring the likes of Ezra Miller and Dave Bautista?

Have other ideas?

Sound off in the comments below, and be sure to let me know if you think there are any other properties that could use the Mr. Hollywood blueprint treatment.

Til next time,

I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship!
