10 MORE GTA Theories That Might Actually Be True
![10 MORE GTA Theories That Might Actually Be True](/uploads/blipthumbs/MP-10-More-GTA-Theories-That-Might-Actually-Be-True_C6S9G4_480.webp)
VOICE OVER: Mathew Arter
WRITTEN BY: Mathew Arter
The GTA series is full of compelling theories about its world and characters. For this video, we'll be jumping back into this topic by looking at 10 MORE GTA theories That Might Actually Be True. Our list includes Niko Bellic is Alive, The Police Are Corrupt, The NPCs Are Revolting, Trevor Killed His Father, Lester Knew Trevor Was Alive and more!
10 More GTA Theories That Might Actually Be True
Welcome to MojoPlays, and today we are jumping back into this topic by looking at 10 MORE GTA theories That Might Actually Be True.
For this list, we’ll be looking at those theories that have a significant player backing behind them. Whether they are believable, or totally far-fetched, as long as they have some evidence, we’re gonna talk about them.
If you think we missed one, make sure to check our first video on 10 GTA Theories. Let’s go!
#10: Niko Bellic is Alive
Connecting the GTA universes is always a fun fan service that rarely yields negative results. Bringing Johnny from GTA IV to GTA V, bringing Claude in for some backstory with Catalina in GTA San Andreas, bringing Lazlo all over the game’s worlds - it’s a nod that players appreciate, and it shows Rockstar’s love for their own games. In GTA V, players were left to surmise that our GTA IV protagonist Niko Bellic had died, after Lester mentions his old crew from Liberty City, and the Eastern European who had “gone dark”. However, players who were particularly observant, noticed that Niko had a Life Invader page, leading players to believe that he’s currently alive! And may possibly show up in the future of GTA Online... Oooooh.
#9: GTA V Protagonists Represent Different Forms of Currency
Redditor Choppy_LaStatche has formed an interesting theory that has been supported online in a handful of forums. The theory is simple, each of our playable characters in GTA V represents a different type of physical money. Franklin represents green back cash, Trevor represents gold, and Michael represents silver. Each character's color that covers the screen when their special abilities are activated match their assigned cash, and certain physical characteristics in their appearance as well. But the theory runs deeper than color! The connection between gold and silver, with green back being more current and relevant, is just an example of the story links that support this theory. Rockstar has been known to tell wilder metaphors than this!
#8: GTA Online is a Testing Ground for GTA VI
Put your tinfoil hats on kids, because things are getting weird. This theory suggests that due to the amount of focus and time that has gone into the multiplayer experience of GTA V (as opposed to the single player focus of previous games post launch), Rockstar is using GTA Online as a testing ground for things that will appear in GTA VI. Not only that, but they are also gathering information based on player experience to specifically tailor the GTA VI experience to what gamers seem to want to do, and (I’m sorry to use this word again) experience. Wow! It’s not TOTALLY crazy? I mean... It's a little crazy.
#7: The Police Are Corrupt
The idea of the police being corrupt is not a new theory in the GTA universe, but this theory focuses specifically on GTA V, and the discriminatory and targeted way the police behave. A simple traffic infraction can quite easily lead to a massive shootout, leading to your character being hospitalized. Some players believe that the cops and hospitals of San Andreas are in kahoots, and the antagonistic behavior of the cops leads credence to the theory behind them intentionally providing a consistent stream of money for the city through unethical means.
#6: Insurance Companies Are Tracking You
The theories that try to explain the less realistic elements of GTA are always the most fun. How is it that when you attack a player, cops are immediately alerted? Even when there are no cops around? Well redditor Gallagher222 theorizes that insurance companies in the Grand Theft Auto universe actually implant citizens with tracking chips that allow them to monitor their health, and also location. This allows emergency services to act quickly when they notice a player... I mean, a citizen’s health dropping. The theory also suggests that the reason hospital fees are so cheap is because of this privacy tradeoff. Honestly, I’d take the chip.
#5: The NPCs Are Revolting
This theory for GTA Online has a LOT of backing and evidence behind it, and was even reported on by Kotaku. The theory suggests that the NPCs’ anger in GTA Online, and their general behavior, has been negatively ramped up with every GTA Online update. Proof has come out of players noticing NPCs swerving to hit them and becoming hostile for no reason. Is Rockstar intentionally making their NPCs more hostile in preparation for them taking over GTA V Online? Are the NPCs going to force players over to GTA VI Online when it eventually drops? Who knows? For now, let’s show them who’s boss.
#4: Trevor Killed His Father
This theory relies on us accepting that Rockstar are very careful and particular with their scripts and the words they use, as the only piece of evidence to suggest that Trevor killed his father is this: When speaking to Debra, he explains that his father was not very ‘nice’ to him. Later in this scene, he says that these people who he is with are not very ‘nice’, and he then… unalives them. This simple scene, as well as Trevor’s general behaviors, vibe, and overall demeanor, have led many to believe that he did in fact dispose of his father, possibly in a similar way as he disposed of Debra and Floyd. That would be pretty cathartic.
#3: The GTA Islands Are A Metaphor
This one is going to cut a little deep for my American brothers and sisters, so block your ears or skip to the next entry. Redditor angrypuppy put forth a theory about the GTA games and their worlds. GTA game maps are always surrounded by water, and are always more or less an island. The theory suggests that the island is a metaphor for America. With the game worlds often being a heightened version of American, and Western civilisation - our obsession with celebrities, guns, fame, glitz, media, and lack of understanding for the lower class - angrypuppy suggests the island and small size of these very full worlds is Rockstar pointing out the self obsession and self aggrandizing nature of stereotypical America, and although America isn’t an island, that they may as well be in their minds. Rough.
#2: Lester Knew Trevor Was Alive
The idea that Lester didn’t know Trevor was alive during the events of GTA V is absurd. He is the member of their heist team that he would most want to have kept tabs on, yet the story suggests that Lester had no idea. Not only does he have an almost encyclopedic knowledge of the criminal world of their city and surroundings, but he was able to keep track of Michael WHILE he was in protective custody. How does the story expect us to believe Lester was in the dark on Trevor? Someone who was not at ALL quiet, and kept his real name. This theory suggests that the game doesn’t want us to believe that. It’s not at all clear (if this theory is true) why Lester would keep this information from Michael, but what is clear is that there is absolutely zero chance Lester wasn’t aware of Trevor’s whereabouts and life, even if the story seemingly suggests otherwise.
#1: GTA Takes Place in an Alternate History
Redditor Zpopee has laid out an incredibly in-depth analysis on the seemingly dystopian world of GTA, but for the sake of time, here is the short version. Grand Theft Auto and all of its games take place in an alternate universe in which the Business Plot of 1933 was successful. The Business Plot was a real-world historical event, where wealthy businessmen of the time tried to overthrow President Franklin D. Roosevelt. FDR’s new deal would result in a redistribution of wealth, and they didn’t like that one bit. Spoiler alert, their attempt to overthrow FDR failed, but you guys knew that already... right? Zpopee theorizes that the pro-business, anti-consumer practices that litter the GTA universe, would be a direct butterfly effect of this Business Plot having gone the other way. With less regulation, consumers would be less in the loop, and big business could use subliminal messaging freely. Corporations would have a total monopoly, resulting in the world of GTA. Not too hard to believe.