The 10 Most Satisfying Kills In Red Dead Redemption 2

VOICE OVER: Mathew Arter
WRITTEN BY: Mathew Arter
There are a lot of dastardly characters in "Red Dead Redemption II," which makes their ends all the more satisfying. For this list, we'll be looking at those brutal takedowns that had a little bit of our hearts in them, whether they were performed by the player or just witnessed at close proximity. Our list includes the Aberdeens, Catherine Braithwaite, Sheriff Grey, Milton, and more!
Script written by Mathew Arter
Welcome to MojoPlays, and today we are sitting back and enjoying the 10 most satisfying kills in Red Dead Redemption II. For this list, we’ll be looking at those brutal takedowns that had a little bit of our hearts in them, whether they were performed by the player or just witnessed at close proximity. Revenge is a dish best served cold, but it’s also pretty satisfying when it’s still warm. Revenge is delicious and we’ll get a round for the table, please. Which of these was your personal favorite? Let us know down below.
Is there any more despicable type of person than a serial killer? John Wayne Gacy, Ted Bundy, Jeffery Dahmer, or Red Dead 2’s own Edmund Lowry Jr. Tracking down Lowry’s sadistic murders is a part of a strangers and freaks mission that ends with our very own Arthur being ensnared in his trap. Lowry’s crimes and personality are equally disgusting and egregious, so watching Arthur beat the snot out of him is almost as satisfying as watching him put a bullet in this awful pig person.
Let’s get this out of the way, the Aberdeens are yucky, they are icky yuck town, and for any players who decided not to kill these two... Whyyy? The Aberdeen siblings are incestuous murderers and possible cannibals. How do we know they are incestuous? TAKE ONE LOOK AT THEM! After drugging, robbing and attempting to kill Arthur, the player (should they want to) gets the opportunity to make their way back to the farm to retrieve the money that was stolen. When they enter the house, a shocked Brad and Tammy Aberdeen wait, and the player is free to enact their revenge on these two societal monstrosities. Shoot them. Please.
A lot of the gangs in RDR2 are evil. By comparison, our own personal gang are angels because they have a handful of morals. One of these gangs is the Foreman Brothers gang, the old gang of our own sweet Tilly Jackson, the one she escaped from after murdering the head of the gang's cousin. Now look, we never get a clear idea of why Tilly murdered this gang member, but after they track her down and kidnap her, we begin to understand why. After finding and killing as many of the gang that get in our way as we can, only to discover Tilly tied up and beaten, we get all the information we need to chase down the leader, Anthony Foreman, bring him back to Tilly, and make the decision of what to do with him. I recommend the most satisfying option, treat him like a pin cushion.
Sheriff Grey is an incompetent and self aggrandizing dingbat. Grey is a clear recipient of nepotism as he is a member of the wealthy Grey family, a family whose main front is the town that Grey is Sheriff of. Grey is designed to annoy the player. His smug belief that he is in control of a room when he is clearly the dumbest person there, makes him the perfect recipient of a swift bullet in the head. After he sets up a trap for our gang which results in the death of the loveable Sean MacGuire, he brings himself into view of the player underestimating the foes he’s put himself up against. There’s no theatrics, no drawn out death, and the player has the opportunity to swiftly and quickly drop this loud mouthed hick in less than 1 second.
Colm spends a massive chunk of the game being the oldest and most direct antagonist of our gang, and in particular our gang's leader, Dutch. Colm and the O’Driscoll gang represent the moral opposite of ours. Colm and his boys were directly responsible for the death of fan favorite Sadie Adler's husband, so when Colm is sentenced to hang to death, it’s all the more satisfying that Sadie is there to make sure it happens. Colm walks up to the rope smugly, as he has a plan in place to ensure his escape, a plan that the player directly stops. Although we don’t pull the trigger ourselves, it’s immensely satisfying to see Colm panic when he realizes his plan has been quashed. If it was just about Dutch, we might have felt bad for Colm in those brief moments of realization. But unfortunately, when you come for our girl Sadie, you get the bladie... Well actually, you get the ropie, but that doesn’t rhyme.
After the events that ended Red Dead Redemption 1, we’ve grown to have a justifiable hatred towards the law, in particular Edgar Ross. In RDR2, Ross appears with the Pinkerton detective agency and his superior Andrew Milton. If Milton is teaching Ross the ways of the world, we can only assume he is one bad, bad man. Milton and his forked tongue make many attempts at coercion and deceit throughout RDR2, and towards the end of Arthur's adventure, and following a tussle that Arthur is losing, our very own Abigail Marston steps in to take a chunk out of Milton's brain. Hopefully Ross doesn’t remember this.
There’s nothing more satisfying than when somebody underestimates us and it blows up in their face. The smug and often abrasive Angelo Bronte essentially runs the city of Saint Denis using his money as a tool to control politics and law. Bronte was also the man who took John’s son Jack from the Braithwaites in order to traffic him for a profit (we assume). Bronte plays above us at all times, always thinking he has control of the situation, and can use his money to get himself out of any tight spot. In his final moments, he remains smug in his belief that he can’t be harmed, and this smugness is what tips Dutch over the edge. After drowning him, Dutch feeds his remains to the alligators, and a shaken John and Arthur realize that Dutch is losing himself. I for one am so happy Dutch lost himself, because Bronte is absolute poo.
This old biddy is the worst! Catherine Braithwaite, the matriarch of the Braithwaite family, enlists the help of our gang to do damage to the rival Grey family. She is tough, we’ll give her that, but she also locked her mentally ill daughter in an outhouse and let her starve to death to not tarnish the family name, so she’s also just not that chill. Catherine drags us into her business, double crosses our gang, and kidnaps Jack and sells him to Bronte. The revenge here is as delicious as it gets. After gunning down her entire family, and setting her mansion ablaze, Dutch drags her through the house by her hair and the gang surrounds her outside. Look, the hair dragging was hard to watch, that’s for sure, but after stealing and selling John’s son Jack, and causing the problems she did, there is nothing more satisfying than watching her running into her burning house crying… Oh god, I think I might be a psychopath.
This might surprise you, but there was a bunch of racism in 1899 - I know, I know, but it’s true. Our gang does not discriminate based on race or gender, and when faced with racism in the open world, there is only one option. Chitty chitty bang bang, b*tch. Throughout Red Dead Redemption 2, the player can have a totally random encounter in wooded regions of the map when traveling at night. There is no set location, but if they’re lucky, the player can come across the KKK in the middle of either a meeting, an initiation or a ceremony. Then, the player is free to do whatever they wish with these people. I recommend shooting each and every one of them dead. Normally, shooting and killing unarmed citizens in RDR2 means that you’ll lose honor, the game has one exception though: these jamokes.
Are you surprised? Micah Bell is the bad egg of the group. From the beginning of the game, the player can tell Micah is here NOT because he believes in the same core values that the rest of the group holds, but because he just wants a gang around him. He terrorizes Sadie when we first meet her, he is racist towards his fellow gang members, he most definitely killed Jack’s dog, he corrupts Dutch with his silver tongue which essentially dooms the gang, he shot Mrs Grimshaw, he WAS the mole for the Pinkertons, and WORST OF ALL, he kills Arthur (if you got either of those two endings). Micah is as evil as evil gets, and that’s why he becomes our final antagonist and boss. His death is beautiful, and the game allows you to decide just how many bullets you want to put into the piece of trash. Micah Bell, see you in hell.
Welcome to MojoPlays, and today we are sitting back and enjoying the 10 most satisfying kills in Red Dead Redemption II. For this list, we’ll be looking at those brutal takedowns that had a little bit of our hearts in them, whether they were performed by the player or just witnessed at close proximity. Revenge is a dish best served cold, but it’s also pretty satisfying when it’s still warm. Revenge is delicious and we’ll get a round for the table, please. Which of these was your personal favorite? Let us know down below.
Edmund Lowry Jr.
Is there any more despicable type of person than a serial killer? John Wayne Gacy, Ted Bundy, Jeffery Dahmer, or Red Dead 2’s own Edmund Lowry Jr. Tracking down Lowry’s sadistic murders is a part of a strangers and freaks mission that ends with our very own Arthur being ensnared in his trap. Lowry’s crimes and personality are equally disgusting and egregious, so watching Arthur beat the snot out of him is almost as satisfying as watching him put a bullet in this awful pig person.
The Aberdeens
Let’s get this out of the way, the Aberdeens are yucky, they are icky yuck town, and for any players who decided not to kill these two... Whyyy? The Aberdeen siblings are incestuous murderers and possible cannibals. How do we know they are incestuous? TAKE ONE LOOK AT THEM! After drugging, robbing and attempting to kill Arthur, the player (should they want to) gets the opportunity to make their way back to the farm to retrieve the money that was stolen. When they enter the house, a shocked Brad and Tammy Aberdeen wait, and the player is free to enact their revenge on these two societal monstrosities. Shoot them. Please.
Anthony Foreman
A lot of the gangs in RDR2 are evil. By comparison, our own personal gang are angels because they have a handful of morals. One of these gangs is the Foreman Brothers gang, the old gang of our own sweet Tilly Jackson, the one she escaped from after murdering the head of the gang's cousin. Now look, we never get a clear idea of why Tilly murdered this gang member, but after they track her down and kidnap her, we begin to understand why. After finding and killing as many of the gang that get in our way as we can, only to discover Tilly tied up and beaten, we get all the information we need to chase down the leader, Anthony Foreman, bring him back to Tilly, and make the decision of what to do with him. I recommend the most satisfying option, treat him like a pin cushion.
Sheriff Grey
Sheriff Grey is an incompetent and self aggrandizing dingbat. Grey is a clear recipient of nepotism as he is a member of the wealthy Grey family, a family whose main front is the town that Grey is Sheriff of. Grey is designed to annoy the player. His smug belief that he is in control of a room when he is clearly the dumbest person there, makes him the perfect recipient of a swift bullet in the head. After he sets up a trap for our gang which results in the death of the loveable Sean MacGuire, he brings himself into view of the player underestimating the foes he’s put himself up against. There’s no theatrics, no drawn out death, and the player has the opportunity to swiftly and quickly drop this loud mouthed hick in less than 1 second.
Colm O’Driscoll
Colm spends a massive chunk of the game being the oldest and most direct antagonist of our gang, and in particular our gang's leader, Dutch. Colm and the O’Driscoll gang represent the moral opposite of ours. Colm and his boys were directly responsible for the death of fan favorite Sadie Adler's husband, so when Colm is sentenced to hang to death, it’s all the more satisfying that Sadie is there to make sure it happens. Colm walks up to the rope smugly, as he has a plan in place to ensure his escape, a plan that the player directly stops. Although we don’t pull the trigger ourselves, it’s immensely satisfying to see Colm panic when he realizes his plan has been quashed. If it was just about Dutch, we might have felt bad for Colm in those brief moments of realization. But unfortunately, when you come for our girl Sadie, you get the bladie... Well actually, you get the ropie, but that doesn’t rhyme.
After the events that ended Red Dead Redemption 1, we’ve grown to have a justifiable hatred towards the law, in particular Edgar Ross. In RDR2, Ross appears with the Pinkerton detective agency and his superior Andrew Milton. If Milton is teaching Ross the ways of the world, we can only assume he is one bad, bad man. Milton and his forked tongue make many attempts at coercion and deceit throughout RDR2, and towards the end of Arthur's adventure, and following a tussle that Arthur is losing, our very own Abigail Marston steps in to take a chunk out of Milton's brain. Hopefully Ross doesn’t remember this.
Angelo Bronte
There’s nothing more satisfying than when somebody underestimates us and it blows up in their face. The smug and often abrasive Angelo Bronte essentially runs the city of Saint Denis using his money as a tool to control politics and law. Bronte was also the man who took John’s son Jack from the Braithwaites in order to traffic him for a profit (we assume). Bronte plays above us at all times, always thinking he has control of the situation, and can use his money to get himself out of any tight spot. In his final moments, he remains smug in his belief that he can’t be harmed, and this smugness is what tips Dutch over the edge. After drowning him, Dutch feeds his remains to the alligators, and a shaken John and Arthur realize that Dutch is losing himself. I for one am so happy Dutch lost himself, because Bronte is absolute poo.
Catherine Braithwaite
This old biddy is the worst! Catherine Braithwaite, the matriarch of the Braithwaite family, enlists the help of our gang to do damage to the rival Grey family. She is tough, we’ll give her that, but she also locked her mentally ill daughter in an outhouse and let her starve to death to not tarnish the family name, so she’s also just not that chill. Catherine drags us into her business, double crosses our gang, and kidnaps Jack and sells him to Bronte. The revenge here is as delicious as it gets. After gunning down her entire family, and setting her mansion ablaze, Dutch drags her through the house by her hair and the gang surrounds her outside. Look, the hair dragging was hard to watch, that’s for sure, but after stealing and selling John’s son Jack, and causing the problems she did, there is nothing more satisfying than watching her running into her burning house crying… Oh god, I think I might be a psychopath.
This might surprise you, but there was a bunch of racism in 1899 - I know, I know, but it’s true. Our gang does not discriminate based on race or gender, and when faced with racism in the open world, there is only one option. Chitty chitty bang bang, b*tch. Throughout Red Dead Redemption 2, the player can have a totally random encounter in wooded regions of the map when traveling at night. There is no set location, but if they’re lucky, the player can come across the KKK in the middle of either a meeting, an initiation or a ceremony. Then, the player is free to do whatever they wish with these people. I recommend shooting each and every one of them dead. Normally, shooting and killing unarmed citizens in RDR2 means that you’ll lose honor, the game has one exception though: these jamokes.
Micah Bell
Are you surprised? Micah Bell is the bad egg of the group. From the beginning of the game, the player can tell Micah is here NOT because he believes in the same core values that the rest of the group holds, but because he just wants a gang around him. He terrorizes Sadie when we first meet her, he is racist towards his fellow gang members, he most definitely killed Jack’s dog, he corrupts Dutch with his silver tongue which essentially dooms the gang, he shot Mrs Grimshaw, he WAS the mole for the Pinkertons, and WORST OF ALL, he kills Arthur (if you got either of those two endings). Micah is as evil as evil gets, and that’s why he becomes our final antagonist and boss. His death is beautiful, and the game allows you to decide just how many bullets you want to put into the piece of trash. Micah Bell, see you in hell.