The 10 Most Underrated Resident Evil Characters

VOICE OVER: Ty Richardson
WRITTEN BY: Ty Richardson
We all love Leon Kennedy and Jill Valentine, but these "Resident Evil" characters deserve some love, too! For this list, we'll be looking at the more underrated characters from Capcom's seminal survival horror series. Our list incudes Rachel Foley, Rebecca Chambers, Barry Burton, Lord Saddler, and more!
Welcome to MojoPlays, and today, we’re taking a look at the 10 Most Underrated “Resident Evil” Characters. It’s about time these folks are given their roses. Who is your favorite “Resident Evil” character regardless of their popularity? Did they make our list? Let us know down in the comments.
Chris’s sister seems to always get left in the dust as Capcom focuses the story primarily on her brother, Jill, and Leon. Poor Claire has been left as the star of “Code: Veronica” (which does not get as much attention as it should) or “that other character in RE2”. Emphasis on her being the other half of RE2 because most folks typically focus on Leon and his dumb quips. Claire has quips, too, and they’re just as dumb! Look, all we’re saying is don’t let the himbo outshine the waifu. That’s all we’re asking.
The cast of “Revelations 2” seem to be largely forgotten. Of them all, we’re dying to have Moira Burton back. First off, that sense of fashion? We’re digging it. More importantly, her place within “Resident Evil’s” story is a unique one, perhaps one that could grant an entire game to her line of work. Moira works as a member of TerraSave, an organization built to help victims of bioterrorism. Moira could serve as an excellent vehicle for us to experience the aftermath of the various viruses that have plagued the world of “Resident Evil”, and it could open the door up in giving Moira a story just as great as the main stars.
Moira’s father just does not get the recognition he so rightfully deserves. Like Claire, he seems to always be second fiddle to the rest of the S.T.A.R.S. team. Unlike Claire, he does not get enough attention from us in the “Resident Evil” community, and he certainly does not get enough from Capcom. Barry is the reason why our favorites are alive in the first place! Who saved Jill from all those traps in Spencer Mansion? Barry! Who saved Jill and Carlos before Raccoon City was blown to Hell? Barry! Who uttered the “Jill sandwich” line we quote and love to death so much? IT WAS ALL BARRY! With everything he has done, Barry is a damn saint!
Speaking of Carlos, where is the love for this man? (And for the record, we’re only talking about RE3 Remake Carlos because no other version exists.) Throughout Raccoon City’s collapse, Carlos seemed like the only person who still had their head on straight. Not only is he a formidable and persistent soldier, he also does a fantastic job keeping everyone focused on the mission at hand. In other ways, a true leader and one who respects and treats his allies as equals. It’s almost hard to imagine a possible douchey iteration of Carlos ever existing, right?
It really is a shame that Capcom kind of did away with Excella as quickly as they introduced her in RE5. The reason we feel she is underrated is mainly because of the potential she could have had as an overarching villain. Clearly, she can be just as manipulative and lethal as Wesker, and the two are together purely because of their lust for power. But imagine a story where Wesker dies and Excella takes on a role to carry out Wesker’s plans and attempt a second takeover with the Uroboros virus. We know something similar happened with Alex in “Revelations 2”, but, eh, Alex’s existence as Wesker’s sister felt like such a cop out.
We can understand why most folks may not be attached to Rachel. The whole thing with her hair hiding her eyes the entire time? Stupid. But the reason why we want to see more of her is mainly because of her voice actress. Mari Ueda makes Rachel one of the most terrifying parts of “Revelations” (for what few there may be). Should “Revelations” ever get remade (which it absolutely should), Rachel could potentially evolve into being a true terror like the Beneviento Estate. We just hope her running animations won’t make her look as goofy…
You know, there’s a lot of dunking on Ethan happening, and we’re not quite sure how we feel about it. Yes, the number of times his hands get grated, sliced, and skewered like blocks of cheese is absolutely ridiculous. Thing is that we love how he brings this obnoxious dad rock vibe. Every time he utters some hokey line, we’re begging for “Kickstart My Heart” or “Shoot to Thrill” to just start blaring. Ethan does seem like the kind of guy who would do that, and for that, we gotta give him some love.
When it comes to the main enemies of “Resident Evil”, many will immediately gravitate towards the usuals: Wesker, Nemesis, the Bakers, even Birkin… You don’t really hear any praise for Saddler, and that disturbs us more than some parasite-worshiping cult. Of the villains, Saddler is one of the few that has successfully carried out ninety percent of his plan by the time the hero shows up. He was just one ritual away from succeeding before Leon came in and started spouting snark and sarcasm everywhere. Every other villain has either been caught in the middle of their plan or is slowly trying to set it all up before making a last-ditch effort. Compared to them, Saddler is a freakin’ cunning genius. Also, his design in RE4 Remake is just…beautifully haunting. Excellent character design right there!
Think about this for a second. Imagine you were put into a video game, garnered a horrible reputation of being one of the worst AI companions in gaming, and were virtually never spoken of again aside from a couple of files scattered around in two sequels. That was the fate of Sheva, and it was a major crime against her. Had it not been for Sheva being controlled by a second entity, Chris never would have made it out of Africa, he would have never taken down Wesker, and he would have never gotten his time to try out boulder-punching. If she didn’t stand around in the line of fire so much, maybe folks could have seen what makes her so great.
Poor, poor Rebecca… With all of the focus on Leon, Jill, and Chris, it feels like the new age of “Resident Evil” is intentionally leaving Rebecca out of the franchise’s second wave of popularity. The sweet and lovely Miss Chambers has only ever appeared in “RE2 Remake” in her basketball uniform as Wesker’s eye candy. And before that? RE0, a few cameos here and there, maybe a playable character in Mercenaries, but nothing really noteworthy. You know, when an online game like “Dead By Daylight” is giving more love to a character than you are, something is very wrong. Remake RE0, you cowards! Bring us Rebecca!!
Claire Redfield
Chris’s sister seems to always get left in the dust as Capcom focuses the story primarily on her brother, Jill, and Leon. Poor Claire has been left as the star of “Code: Veronica” (which does not get as much attention as it should) or “that other character in RE2”. Emphasis on her being the other half of RE2 because most folks typically focus on Leon and his dumb quips. Claire has quips, too, and they’re just as dumb! Look, all we’re saying is don’t let the himbo outshine the waifu. That’s all we’re asking.
Moira Burton
The cast of “Revelations 2” seem to be largely forgotten. Of them all, we’re dying to have Moira Burton back. First off, that sense of fashion? We’re digging it. More importantly, her place within “Resident Evil’s” story is a unique one, perhaps one that could grant an entire game to her line of work. Moira works as a member of TerraSave, an organization built to help victims of bioterrorism. Moira could serve as an excellent vehicle for us to experience the aftermath of the various viruses that have plagued the world of “Resident Evil”, and it could open the door up in giving Moira a story just as great as the main stars.
Barry Burton
Moira’s father just does not get the recognition he so rightfully deserves. Like Claire, he seems to always be second fiddle to the rest of the S.T.A.R.S. team. Unlike Claire, he does not get enough attention from us in the “Resident Evil” community, and he certainly does not get enough from Capcom. Barry is the reason why our favorites are alive in the first place! Who saved Jill from all those traps in Spencer Mansion? Barry! Who saved Jill and Carlos before Raccoon City was blown to Hell? Barry! Who uttered the “Jill sandwich” line we quote and love to death so much? IT WAS ALL BARRY! With everything he has done, Barry is a damn saint!
Carlos Oliveira
Speaking of Carlos, where is the love for this man? (And for the record, we’re only talking about RE3 Remake Carlos because no other version exists.) Throughout Raccoon City’s collapse, Carlos seemed like the only person who still had their head on straight. Not only is he a formidable and persistent soldier, he also does a fantastic job keeping everyone focused on the mission at hand. In other ways, a true leader and one who respects and treats his allies as equals. It’s almost hard to imagine a possible douchey iteration of Carlos ever existing, right?
Excella Gionne
It really is a shame that Capcom kind of did away with Excella as quickly as they introduced her in RE5. The reason we feel she is underrated is mainly because of the potential she could have had as an overarching villain. Clearly, she can be just as manipulative and lethal as Wesker, and the two are together purely because of their lust for power. But imagine a story where Wesker dies and Excella takes on a role to carry out Wesker’s plans and attempt a second takeover with the Uroboros virus. We know something similar happened with Alex in “Revelations 2”, but, eh, Alex’s existence as Wesker’s sister felt like such a cop out.
Rachel Foley
We can understand why most folks may not be attached to Rachel. The whole thing with her hair hiding her eyes the entire time? Stupid. But the reason why we want to see more of her is mainly because of her voice actress. Mari Ueda makes Rachel one of the most terrifying parts of “Revelations” (for what few there may be). Should “Revelations” ever get remade (which it absolutely should), Rachel could potentially evolve into being a true terror like the Beneviento Estate. We just hope her running animations won’t make her look as goofy…
Ethan Winters
You know, there’s a lot of dunking on Ethan happening, and we’re not quite sure how we feel about it. Yes, the number of times his hands get grated, sliced, and skewered like blocks of cheese is absolutely ridiculous. Thing is that we love how he brings this obnoxious dad rock vibe. Every time he utters some hokey line, we’re begging for “Kickstart My Heart” or “Shoot to Thrill” to just start blaring. Ethan does seem like the kind of guy who would do that, and for that, we gotta give him some love.
Lord Saddler
When it comes to the main enemies of “Resident Evil”, many will immediately gravitate towards the usuals: Wesker, Nemesis, the Bakers, even Birkin… You don’t really hear any praise for Saddler, and that disturbs us more than some parasite-worshiping cult. Of the villains, Saddler is one of the few that has successfully carried out ninety percent of his plan by the time the hero shows up. He was just one ritual away from succeeding before Leon came in and started spouting snark and sarcasm everywhere. Every other villain has either been caught in the middle of their plan or is slowly trying to set it all up before making a last-ditch effort. Compared to them, Saddler is a freakin’ cunning genius. Also, his design in RE4 Remake is just…beautifully haunting. Excellent character design right there!
Sheva Alomar
Think about this for a second. Imagine you were put into a video game, garnered a horrible reputation of being one of the worst AI companions in gaming, and were virtually never spoken of again aside from a couple of files scattered around in two sequels. That was the fate of Sheva, and it was a major crime against her. Had it not been for Sheva being controlled by a second entity, Chris never would have made it out of Africa, he would have never taken down Wesker, and he would have never gotten his time to try out boulder-punching. If she didn’t stand around in the line of fire so much, maybe folks could have seen what makes her so great.
Rebecca Chambers
Poor, poor Rebecca… With all of the focus on Leon, Jill, and Chris, it feels like the new age of “Resident Evil” is intentionally leaving Rebecca out of the franchise’s second wave of popularity. The sweet and lovely Miss Chambers has only ever appeared in “RE2 Remake” in her basketball uniform as Wesker’s eye candy. And before that? RE0, a few cameos here and there, maybe a playable character in Mercenaries, but nothing really noteworthy. You know, when an online game like “Dead By Daylight” is giving more love to a character than you are, something is very wrong. Remake RE0, you cowards! Bring us Rebecca!!