The 10 WEIRDEST NPCs in Zelda Games

VOICE OVER: Johnny Reynolds
WRITTEN BY: Johnny Reynolds
Welcome to MojoPlays, and today we're looking at the 10 weirdest NPCs in “The Legend of Zelda.” For this video, we'll be exploring the oddest, most eccentric characters Link has met on his journeys throughout Hyrule and beyond. Our list includes The Hand in the Toilet, Great Fairies, Kamaro, Ooccoo, Tingle and more!
Script written by Johnny Reynolds
Welcome to MojoPlays, and today we’re looking at the 10 weirdest NPCs in “The Legend of Zelda.”
For this list, we’ll be exploring the oddest, most eccentric characters Link has met on his journeys throughout Hyrule and beyond.
Which of these NPCs do you think is the strangest? Is there a bizarre character you wish we’d included? Share your “Zelda” love in the comments!
The entry title alone should be plenty of evidence that this NPC deserves a spot. In “Majora’s Mask,” if Link visits the Stock Pot Inn’s bathroom after midnight, he’ll meet this unfortunate fellow seemingly stuck inside the toilet. He’ll ask for paper, though we’re unsure how that’ll help in this particular predicament. He appears again in “Oracle of Ages,” being part of the trading quest but still requiring paper. The character was based on Japanese ghost stories about spectral hands that grab you from below. Nintendo took a further step towards that inspiration in “Skyward Sword” with Phoeni. This actual ghost hand can be found in the Skyloft Academy’s bathroom, and will fall in love with Cawlin should Link hand over the love letter meant for Karane.
Most appearances of the Great Fairies aren’t that weird. But it’s the other instances that are much more memorable. In “Ocarina of Time” and “Majora’s Mask,” they wear only vines and shriek with laughter when you call them. Not only that, but the early 3D graphics make some of their features a bit pointier than they should be. Then you have the Great Fairies of “Breath of the Wild,” who can strengthen Link’s armor sets. What’s weird is that their magic must apparently be doled out in a sensual nature. They’ll blow Link a kiss for upgrading armor once. But by the 4th time, they’ll drag him into their flower as the screen fades to black. Afterward, Link will lie on the ground exhausted while the Great Fairy looks very happy indeed.
In Link’s floating home of Skyloft lies a lesson to never treat others based on appearance. At a certain point, the little girl Kukiel will go missing. Link will hear word of a monster, and will come running to Kukiel’s aid when he hears her scream outside the monster’s home. Instead of finding a mini-boss fight, Link will meet Batreaux, who dreams of being human and often plays the “scream-as-loud-as-you-can” game with Kukiel. Inviting a small child to your home while her parents are worried sick isn’t a great first impression, but despite his massive wings and horns, Batreaux is completely harmless. In fact, he’ll give Link rewards for Gratitude Crystals earned through sidequests, eventually becoming the human he always dreamed of.
Throughout “Majora’s Mask,” Link fills his Bomber’s Notebook with Termina citizens who need his help. While most are regular people, some, like Kamaro, are not. You’ll find the dancing spirit at night near the entrance to the Mountains. Everything from his dreamy way of speaking to the fact that he only wears a loincloth is weird. He feels sorrow for the fact that he came up with some sick dance moves, but died before he could teach them to the world. Being the helpful lad he is, Link uses the Song of Healing to ease Kamaro’s pain and gains one of the weirdest masks in the game. Completely blank except for the Kamaro head haphazardly stitched on top, it lets Link shake a leg whenever he wants.
Some people take gardening WAY too seriously. One of the game’s many Shrines can be found at the Floret Sandbar, surrounded by a maze of flowers planted by Magda. She’s honestly done a great job, but you better pray you don’t step on her work. If you do, Magda will be upset enough to make Link start the maze over. A second offense will cause her to become more irate, but the third time he steps on them…hoo buddy. Magda will lose all sense of composure, slouching forward before throwing a world class tantrum. She’ll then attack Link, knocking off three hearts no matter how strong your armor is. That’ll teach you to respect someone’s hard work.
Ooccoo is one of the most helpful characters in “Twilight Princess,” doubling as an item that lets Link quickly exit and return to any dungeon. That doesn’t change the fact that she has one of the strangest character designs across the entire series. Ooccoo is of the Oocca race, small bird-like beings with human heads. While her personality isn’t that weird, we marveled at her odd design every time we came across her. You can imagine our surprise and dumb-struck awe when we eventually made it to the City in the Sky, Ooccoo’s home populated by countless others like her. Her egg-shaped head, the confusing decision to give her breasts, her son who is really just a baby head with wings on the side; everything about Ooccoo confounds and fascinates us.
While he has appeared in other games, we all know it’s the “Majora’s Mask” version who’s the strangest and, by far, most unsettling. He’ll seem to know an awful lot about Link when you first meet him, inducting him to be his savior. But what has been rubbing players the wrong way for more than two decades is his demeanor. The constantly smiling face, the creepy laugh, and his cryptic behavior are all very unnerving. He can switch at the drop of a dime, however, as seen when Link fails to bring him Majora’s Mask, yelling at and shaking the poor boy. With his obsession with masks and their history, he’s one of the more mysterious figures in “Zelda” lore.
Maggie of Windfall Island may seem and look like a regular girl, but her sidequest makes it clear she’s anything but. Once incredibly poor, she returned home after Link rescued her from the Forsaken Fortress with a ton of rare Skull Necklaces. Her father earned a fortune selling them, but it’s actually one of her captors he should thank. While imprisoned, Maggie fell in love with a Moblin named Moe. During her sidequest, Link can deliver a letter from Moe where he proclaims a desire to eat her…a message she takes for a marriage proposal. What!? We’re not ones to shame this romance, since we did put Sidon on our list of sexiest “Zelda” characters after all. But Moblins are near-mindless pig monsters and we’ve gotta draw a line somewhere.
There have been some odd shopkeepers in the “Zelda” series. We’re big fans of Beedle, the overly-polite workaholic. But the award for weirdest salesman in Hyrule has to go to Kilton from “Breath of the Wild.” This Hylian looks like he’s taken on some physical attributes of the monsters he’s obsessed with. And “obsessed” is definitely the right word to describe him. Kilton’s shop, the Fang & Bone, can only be found at night but periodically changes locations. He deals in trading monster parts, offering wares that no one else has. He even sells homemade masks based on them so Link can blend in. We’ve never seen someone as giddy about monstrous beasts as Kilton is.
From the moment we came across this mapmaker in “Majora’s Mask,” we knew something was off. Tingle dresses like a “forest fairy” in an attempt to attract a fairy of his own, and is jealous of Link’s partnership with Tatl. The thirty-five year old has never really wanted to grow up, even creating his own magical catchphrase. He’s appeared in several other games since, getting others to dress like him and overcharging us to decipher maps. Although his childlike nature and sense of style are certainly peculiar, that has also made him one of the more well-known side characters of the franchise. His quirkiness has led to an equally strange spin-off series in Japan, and an appearance in “Hyrule Warriors.” There’s nothing quite like seeing this odd duck in an all-out battle.
10 Weirdest NPCs in The Legend of Zelda
Welcome to MojoPlays, and today we’re looking at the 10 weirdest NPCs in “The Legend of Zelda.”
For this list, we’ll be exploring the oddest, most eccentric characters Link has met on his journeys throughout Hyrule and beyond.
Which of these NPCs do you think is the strangest? Is there a bizarre character you wish we’d included? Share your “Zelda” love in the comments!
The Hand in the Toilet
VariousThe entry title alone should be plenty of evidence that this NPC deserves a spot. In “Majora’s Mask,” if Link visits the Stock Pot Inn’s bathroom after midnight, he’ll meet this unfortunate fellow seemingly stuck inside the toilet. He’ll ask for paper, though we’re unsure how that’ll help in this particular predicament. He appears again in “Oracle of Ages,” being part of the trading quest but still requiring paper. The character was based on Japanese ghost stories about spectral hands that grab you from below. Nintendo took a further step towards that inspiration in “Skyward Sword” with Phoeni. This actual ghost hand can be found in the Skyloft Academy’s bathroom, and will fall in love with Cawlin should Link hand over the love letter meant for Karane.
Great Fairies
VariousMost appearances of the Great Fairies aren’t that weird. But it’s the other instances that are much more memorable. In “Ocarina of Time” and “Majora’s Mask,” they wear only vines and shriek with laughter when you call them. Not only that, but the early 3D graphics make some of their features a bit pointier than they should be. Then you have the Great Fairies of “Breath of the Wild,” who can strengthen Link’s armor sets. What’s weird is that their magic must apparently be doled out in a sensual nature. They’ll blow Link a kiss for upgrading armor once. But by the 4th time, they’ll drag him into their flower as the screen fades to black. Afterward, Link will lie on the ground exhausted while the Great Fairy looks very happy indeed.
“The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword” (2011)In Link’s floating home of Skyloft lies a lesson to never treat others based on appearance. At a certain point, the little girl Kukiel will go missing. Link will hear word of a monster, and will come running to Kukiel’s aid when he hears her scream outside the monster’s home. Instead of finding a mini-boss fight, Link will meet Batreaux, who dreams of being human and often plays the “scream-as-loud-as-you-can” game with Kukiel. Inviting a small child to your home while her parents are worried sick isn’t a great first impression, but despite his massive wings and horns, Batreaux is completely harmless. In fact, he’ll give Link rewards for Gratitude Crystals earned through sidequests, eventually becoming the human he always dreamed of.
“The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask” (2000)Throughout “Majora’s Mask,” Link fills his Bomber’s Notebook with Termina citizens who need his help. While most are regular people, some, like Kamaro, are not. You’ll find the dancing spirit at night near the entrance to the Mountains. Everything from his dreamy way of speaking to the fact that he only wears a loincloth is weird. He feels sorrow for the fact that he came up with some sick dance moves, but died before he could teach them to the world. Being the helpful lad he is, Link uses the Song of Healing to ease Kamaro’s pain and gains one of the weirdest masks in the game. Completely blank except for the Kamaro head haphazardly stitched on top, it lets Link shake a leg whenever he wants.
“The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild” (2017)Some people take gardening WAY too seriously. One of the game’s many Shrines can be found at the Floret Sandbar, surrounded by a maze of flowers planted by Magda. She’s honestly done a great job, but you better pray you don’t step on her work. If you do, Magda will be upset enough to make Link start the maze over. A second offense will cause her to become more irate, but the third time he steps on them…hoo buddy. Magda will lose all sense of composure, slouching forward before throwing a world class tantrum. She’ll then attack Link, knocking off three hearts no matter how strong your armor is. That’ll teach you to respect someone’s hard work.
“The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess” (2006)Ooccoo is one of the most helpful characters in “Twilight Princess,” doubling as an item that lets Link quickly exit and return to any dungeon. That doesn’t change the fact that she has one of the strangest character designs across the entire series. Ooccoo is of the Oocca race, small bird-like beings with human heads. While her personality isn’t that weird, we marveled at her odd design every time we came across her. You can imagine our surprise and dumb-struck awe when we eventually made it to the City in the Sky, Ooccoo’s home populated by countless others like her. Her egg-shaped head, the confusing decision to give her breasts, her son who is really just a baby head with wings on the side; everything about Ooccoo confounds and fascinates us.
Happy Mask Salesman
“The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask” (2000)While he has appeared in other games, we all know it’s the “Majora’s Mask” version who’s the strangest and, by far, most unsettling. He’ll seem to know an awful lot about Link when you first meet him, inducting him to be his savior. But what has been rubbing players the wrong way for more than two decades is his demeanor. The constantly smiling face, the creepy laugh, and his cryptic behavior are all very unnerving. He can switch at the drop of a dime, however, as seen when Link fails to bring him Majora’s Mask, yelling at and shaking the poor boy. With his obsession with masks and their history, he’s one of the more mysterious figures in “Zelda” lore.
“The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker” (2003)Maggie of Windfall Island may seem and look like a regular girl, but her sidequest makes it clear she’s anything but. Once incredibly poor, she returned home after Link rescued her from the Forsaken Fortress with a ton of rare Skull Necklaces. Her father earned a fortune selling them, but it’s actually one of her captors he should thank. While imprisoned, Maggie fell in love with a Moblin named Moe. During her sidequest, Link can deliver a letter from Moe where he proclaims a desire to eat her…a message she takes for a marriage proposal. What!? We’re not ones to shame this romance, since we did put Sidon on our list of sexiest “Zelda” characters after all. But Moblins are near-mindless pig monsters and we’ve gotta draw a line somewhere.
“The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild” (2017)There have been some odd shopkeepers in the “Zelda” series. We’re big fans of Beedle, the overly-polite workaholic. But the award for weirdest salesman in Hyrule has to go to Kilton from “Breath of the Wild.” This Hylian looks like he’s taken on some physical attributes of the monsters he’s obsessed with. And “obsessed” is definitely the right word to describe him. Kilton’s shop, the Fang & Bone, can only be found at night but periodically changes locations. He deals in trading monster parts, offering wares that no one else has. He even sells homemade masks based on them so Link can blend in. We’ve never seen someone as giddy about monstrous beasts as Kilton is.
VariousFrom the moment we came across this mapmaker in “Majora’s Mask,” we knew something was off. Tingle dresses like a “forest fairy” in an attempt to attract a fairy of his own, and is jealous of Link’s partnership with Tatl. The thirty-five year old has never really wanted to grow up, even creating his own magical catchphrase. He’s appeared in several other games since, getting others to dress like him and overcharging us to decipher maps. Although his childlike nature and sense of style are certainly peculiar, that has also made him one of the more well-known side characters of the franchise. His quirkiness has led to an equally strange spin-off series in Japan, and an appearance in “Hyrule Warriors.” There’s nothing quite like seeing this odd duck in an all-out battle.