The Most Rewatched Big Bang Theory Moment of Every Season

VOICE OVER: Phoebe de Jeu
WRITTEN BY: Jesse Singer
These are the most rewatched "Big Bang Theory" moment of every season. Our countdown includes the elevator works, game night, the Nimoy napkin, and more!
The Most Rewatched Big Bang Theory Moment of Every Season
Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for The Most Rewatched Big Bang Theory Moment of Every Season
For this list, we’ll be looking at those funny, sweet, most memorable moments from the long-running sitcom - the one that stands out the most from each season.
What moments do you find yourself rewatching over and over and over again? Let us know in the comments.
#12: Season 12: The Elevator Works
“The Change Constant”
Heading into the final few episodes of the series, there were probably three things that fans were hoping for. We all wanted Sheldon and Amy to win the Nobel Prize, we wanted to find out Penny’s last name and we wanted that broken elevator to work again. Well, two out of three ain’t bad and the revelation of the latter was definitely the most memorable moment of the entire final season. When those elevator doors opened up and Penny was standing there, it was a moment, literally 12 seasons in the making. As actress Kaley Cuoco recalled, even the studio audience “screamed for like five minutes” when it happened.
#11: Season 11: Relaxed Sheldon
"The Relaxation Integration"
We caught a little glimpse of what a laid back, go with the flow, Sheldon might be like when he couldn’t get a haircut and he played bongos back in season 5. But that was just the tip of the iceberg compared to the beach-going, cornet-playing, whatev-saying Sheldon that Amy discovers next to her in bed when the stress of wedding planning has him talking in his sleep. Because Sheldon is always so straight-edged and intensely unrelaxed, whenever we see him let loose in any way, be it with the help of alcohol or in his sleep, it’s always very funny and very rewatchable.
#10: Season 10: Sheldon Proposes
"The Long Distance Dissonance"
One of the great things about much of the Amy/Sheldon relationship is how unpredictable it was. When Sheldon announced he was going to have coitus with Amy… who saw that coming? Before that, when Amy broke up with him and we found out he had an engagement ring... you could hear the shocked surprise from the studio audience. But when Ramona Nowitzki kisses Sheldon and he walks out of the office in season 10, who would have guessed that he was on his way to propose to Amy? Obviously it isn’t a surprise anymore, but this is still a great scene and one we are sure we aren’t the only ones rewatching over and over again.
#9: Season 9: Penny & Leonard’s Vegas Wedding
"The Matrimonial Momentum"
This was the wedding over eight seasons in the making. From the very first moment that Leonard laid eyes on Penny in the Pilot, we’d been waiting for this. It didn’t happen exactly the way fans expected, and it wasn’t the way Penny and Leonard anticipated either, but that is also what makes it so rewatchable. The couple even puts the Leonard-kissed-another-girl revelation aside - well, at least until after their vows. As for the moments during the ceremony itself, it is all about the two of them, their love for each other and “Toy Story.”
#8: Season 8: Howard's Mother Dies
"The Comic Book Store Regeneration"
Audiences only knew her as a loud, off-screen voice, but Mrs. Wolowitz was also a huge part of the show for more than seven seasons. And of everything that happened in season eight, it’s hard to imagine anything more memorable, rewatchable and sad than when Howard found out that his mom had passed away. The scene is also memorable for Sheldon being the one to say the most meaningful and touching thing. How many of you were like Penny and expected him to say something inappropriate? How many of you still expect it everytime you rewatch it?
#7: Season 7: "If I Didn't Have You"
"The Romance Resonance"
There are few things a guy can do that are more romantic than writing a song for the woman he loves. In season 7, Howard Wolowitz celebrates his and Bernadette’s first-date anniversary, while also banking some brownie points for the next horrible thing he does with Bernadette’s song. “If I Didn’t Have You” is a sweet, romantic and super-catchy tune that wins us over every single time we rewatch it. And it’s way more romantic than the sorry-for-proposing “Sweet Bernadette '' song he wrote for her in season three. Although Bernie was surprisingly impressed by that one as well.
#6: Season 6: Game Night
"The Re-Entry Minimization"
Season six had many candidates for this spot on our list, including Sheldon faking a wormhole to mess with Howard and Raj. But while Sheldon is adept enough to create a fake video of himself being attacked by an Alien via an interstellar wormhole, he can’t identify a simple drawing of a chocolate chip cookie. Which brings us to game night and Sheldon and Leonard losing to Amy and Penny over and over and over again. It never gets old watching Sheldon overcomplicate the word “present” in pictionary or Leonard trying to find Waldo without his glasses on. Penny beating Sheldon at dizzy math is also totally demoralizing for the guys and completely rewatchable for us.
#5: Season 5: Howard's Night of Survival Training
"The Werewolf Transformation"
While lengthy monologues and stories are usually Sheldon’s domain, this memorable moment was Howard’s time to shine. Howard’s monologue to Bernadette, describing his night of NASA survival training, is one of the funniest moments of the entire series, let alone season five. Each time you think his night couldn’t have gotten any worse, he ends up in the middle of a sand storm and eating a butterfly. And no matter how many times you rewatch it, the image of Howard sleeping in a self-dug hole and being spooned by an armadillo is always funny.
#4: Season 4: The Magic Trick
"The Prestidigitation Approximation"
When most people see a magic trick, they are amazed. When Sheldon watches Howard do one, he is at first dismissive of the magic, followed by determined to figure it out, and then frustrated that he can’t. There are so many great, rewatchable moments in this magical episode, from Penny “figuring out” how the trick is done to Howard telling Sheldon to just “believe in magic, you muggle.” But the final scene is the perfect culmination of Sheldon’s growing frustration as Raj surreptitiously helps Howard guess Sheldon’s card one final, and amazing, time. All Sheldon can say is “I hate you.”
#3: Season 3: Flashback
"The Staircase Implementation"
Sheldon’s Bazinga-filled ball pit scene is a very rewatchable season 3 moment, but we had to go with this flashback episode. For a group of nerds obsessed with comic books and superheroes, these moments combine to make something like their origin story. How did Sheldon and Leonard meet? When did Raj, Howard and the couch enter the picture? How did the elevator break? All those burning questions and more are answered in this awesome, fan-favorite, flashback episode. And sure, it does lead to some timeline problems in the BigBangverse and doesn’t all mesh with information we get in other episodes, but who cares? Leonard with the awful hairdo, Raj looking like an Indian Don Johnson, Sheldon’s spot and an exploding elevator shaft are all too good to not rewatch.
#2: Season 2: The Nimoy Napkin
"The Bath Item Gift Hypothesis"
How could it be anything else? The napkin, Sheldon’s reaction to it, the many baskets of bath items and of course…. The hug! The entire scene truly is so funny, sweet, memorable and one of, if not the most, talked about moments of the entire series, let alone the second season. Even critics couldn’t deny how wonderful it was, with one calling it “golden” and “nearly perfect.” And while Sheldon never did get that ovum and grow his own Leonard Nimoy, he and Penny did birth us the most rewatched moment of the season.
#1: Season 1: The Grasshopper
"The Grasshopper Experiment"
There’s no denying the rewatchability of the first singing of the “Soft Kitty” song, especially given how big a part of the show the tune would become over the rest of the series. However, the moment when Raj takes that sip of his drink and says, [“where did my life go, Penny?”] is, dare we say, an historic moment in the life of the show. Sure, it was only eight episodes into the first season, but Raj’s mutism around women was already an important, and well-established plot point of the series. Our astounded reaction to those first alcohol-aided words was maybe only equaled by the shocked surprise several seasons later when he told Penny [“I haven’t had a drink since last night.”]