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Top 10 The Big Bang Theory Jokes That Will NEVER Get Old

Top 10 The Big Bang Theory Jokes That Will NEVER Get Old
VOICE OVER: Samantha Clinch WRITTEN BY: Jesse Singer
These "Big Bang Theory" jokes will NEVER get old! For this list, we'll be looking at the funniest jokes from the show that we've all laughed at many times before, and that we're sure to keep LOLing over in the future. Our countdown includes the bazinga ball pit, drunk sheldon, survival training, and more!

#10: “Come Back Here You Stupid Bird”
“The Ornithophobia Diffusion”

Sheldon has always had a rather hate/hate relationship with birds, due to a childhood of scarring experiences with them. He doesn’t like them, and they appear to feel the same way. That is until Lovey-Dovey flies into his apartment — and his heart. Although initially scared, Sheldon falls head over feathers for the bird, and even starts planning their future together. Watching him go from frightened to enamored is entertaining enough on its own. But when Lovey-Dovey flies out the open window, Sheldon hilariously yells after it. We feel bad, but it’s hard not to crack up watching the moment of desperation unfold. Well, you know what they say: it’s better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all!

#9: The Spanking
“The Fish Guts Displacement”

Spankings aren’t generally a laughing matter, but some movies and shows can make anything funny. And “The Big Bang Theory’s” spanking storyline also made us keel over with laughter, partly because it seemingly came out of left field! Given how opposed to physical touching Sheldon typically is, the idea of him spanking someone would never have crossed our minds. So imagine our stupor when he brings it up as a way of punishing Amy for lying to him about still being sick. The shock of it — plus her awesome reaction — never gets old. And neither does the moment itself, with Sheldon seeming somewhat oblivious to the reason for Amy’s apparent pleasure.

#8: Survival Training
“The Werewolf Transformation”

On “The Big Bang Theory,” lengthy speeches and monologues were usually Sheldon’s domain. But one of the best ones that consistently stands the test of time is actually Howard’s story about his night of NASA survival training. It’s filled with so many great tidbits, from the lack of food and water to his DIY bed. And it’s all made even better by his disheveled appearance. We’ll personally always love hearing him tell Bernadette about how he was spooned by an armadillo. Absurdity aside, it also sets up a great callback toward the end, when Bernadette surprises Howard in Houston only to find his mother is there, too.

#7: “Please Pass the Butter!”
“The Indecision Amalgamation”

In this season seven episode, Sheldon becomes obsessed with trying to decide if he should get a PlayStation 4 or an Xbox One. While having dinner with Amy, he continues to talk about the gaming systems. But all she wants him to do is get her the butter. When he questions her enthusiasm for his dilemma, she decides to give him her full and hysterically-exaggerated attention. The buildup is great, as Amy plays along while Sheldon goes through his pros and cons. The way it culminates really takes the cake though, and will never not make us laugh out loud.

#6: A Naked Howard in Sheldon's Spot
“The Parking Spot Escalation”

Sheldon’s spot on the couch was a running gag on the show, and was the catalyst for many funny moments. One that will never lose its punch was when Howard, wanting to get revenge on Sheldon for having taken his Iron Man helmet, sat in his spot. But he didn’t just sit there, he did so while completely naked, using Sheldon’s laptop to cover up his nether region. What makes the bit even funnier is Leonard and Raj’s reaction, especially when Howard points out what part of his body is touching Sheldon’s computer.

#5: Sheldon Tries to Teach Penny Physics
“The Gorilla Experiment”

When Penny witnesses Bernadette talking to Leonard about his work, she decides that she would like to better understand what he does. So she asks Sheldon to teach her a little physics. Although reticent at first, the challenge appeals to him and he agrees to walk her through the subject’s extensive 2600-year history. It begins all the way back on a warm summer evening in ancient Greece. And he keeps returning to that same warm summer evening over and over again. By the fourth time, it was definitely getting old for Penny – but not for us!

#4: Raj Slows Down the Earth
“The Adhesive Duck Deficiency”

Most of us would do almost anything for our best friends. But would we slow down the rotation of the earth? Well, Raj Koothrappali certainly would. In “The Adhesive Duck Deficiency”, Leonard, Howard, and Raj are in the desert, waiting to witness a meteor shower. However, when they accidentally get high on laced cookies, the evening takes a different, much funnier turn. And for Leonard we mean that literally, as the earth starts to spin quicker than he can handle. He asks Raj to slow it down for him, and the latter doesn’t hesitate to do so. His face as he focuses all his energy on this enormous task is simply priceless. And he’s successful – at least according to Leonard.

#3: Drunk Sheldon
“The Pants Alternative”

This season three episode is called “The Pants Alternative.” And what is the alternative to wearing pants? Yup, that’s right… not wearing them. That’s exactly what Sheldon ends up doing during his Chancellor's Award acceptance speech. Due to his fear of public speaking, he decides to try drinking alcohol to calm his nerves. And oh boy does it ever work! He has no worries – and plenty of wild jokes – up on that stage. He also has no memory of what happened to his pants when he wakes up the next morning! Thankfully it was all recorded and put on YouTube, so he’ll never forget again. It goes without saying, but neither will we!

#2: The Bazinga Ball Pit
“The Einstein Approximation”

Frustrated with his inability to figure out a physics question, Sheldon tries various ways to engage his brain. But his attempts to look at the problem differently lead to a pretty comical outcome. Indeed, Leonard is called to come pick up his sleep-deprived roommate in the middle of the night. But when he gets there, Sheldon refuses to leave the children’s ball pit. The subsequent chase is an iconic “Big Bang” moment. Sheldon popping up, repeatedly saying “bazinga,” and diving back down into the balls always makes us laugh so hard we cry.

Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.

Time Travel, "The Staircase Implementation"
Watching Them Look Around for Their Future Selves Always Cracks Us Up

Breaking Sheldon, "The Thespian Catalyst"
You Break It, You Buy It

The Portrait, "The Rothman Disintegration"
Penny Wishes It Would Disappear, but We Sure Don’t

Leonard Uses Sheldon’s Bongos Against Him, "The Werewolf Transformation"
It’s Both Called for & Really Funny

Emily or Cinnamon?, "The Anxiety Optimization"
Who Could Possibly Keep a Straight Face for This One?

#1: The Gift Baskets
“The Bath Item Gift Hypothesis”

You know that thing that happens when you absolutely love a song and then you play it over and over and over again until you almost don’t even like it anymore? Well, that’ll never happen with the gift basket joke from season two of “The Big Bang Theory.” Penny giving Sheldon the napkin with Leonard Nimoy’s signature on it is one of the show’s most popular scenes, and for good reason. But Sheldon going back to his room and reemerging, arms overflowing with gift baskets, is beyond perfect. Every time we see it feels like first, because it’s just as hysterical now as it was all those years ago. The scene gets us almost as excited as Amy is when Sheldon gets her a tiara!
