All The Big Bang Theory Seasons: RANKED

#12: Season 8
We have to start this off by admitting that it was very hard to put Season 8 in last place given that it was the season that gave us “Emily or Cinnamon.” However, when looking at the overall season, it is generally acknowledged as the weakest link in this nerdy chain. While Penny’s new pharmaceutical job was a positive character development, it also felt a little forced and unrealistic. Kind of like Raj and Emily’s compatibility... Also, the appearance of Howard’s half-brother is a huge moment that’s completely forgotten about by the next episode. But, regardless of the disappointing details, the season did have some good moments and the loss of Howard’s mom, actress Carol Ann Susi was handled with heartwarming care.
#11: Season 10
Season 10 started with Leonard and Penny’s second wedding and ended with Sheldon’s proposal to Amy. Those are some great bookends, but in between them the season just wasn’t as solid as most of the others. The whole Air Force project storyline starts off strong, but slowly loses steam and never provides the guys with any rewards - after spending all that energy forming the contractual partnership the previous season. Similarly, Raj starts off strong romancing the beautiful custodian at CalTech, only to have it end without any reason given. On the plus side, there were some standout episodes, including Penny at the comic book convention and Sheldon trying to seduce Amy into making a baby.
#10: Season 1
First seasons, especially sitcoms, are usually not the best a show has to offer. That isn’t to say “Big Bang’s” first season wasn’t good, because there are definitely some standout episodes and some classic moments - from the first “Soft Kitty” to Raj’s first “grasshopper.” But while the season provided plenty of laughs, it was also still trying to figure out who the characters were, especially when it came to Penny and Sheldon. The pilot episode is particularly cringe-worthy for how ditzy they made Penny and how sexual they made Sheldon. In the first 15 minutes of the season, Sheldon contemplates performing an intimate act for money and blushes when a pretty girl is impressed by his whiteboard. Does any of that sound like the Sheldon we all know?
#9: Season 5
Season 5 picked up right where season 4 left off, with everyone still dealing with the revelation that Penny and Raj hooked up. But while Penny and Raj get the season started, the main relationship of season five is Howard and Bernadette, as they work their way towards a season ending wedding. Sheldon and Amy also take their relationship to the next level when she becomes his actual girlfriend (no air quotes required). The season also sees the end of Leonard and Priya and the beginning of Leonard and Penny again. And for pure laughs we can’t forget Howard’s astronaut training, Sheldon’s bongos and Amy’s painting.
#8: Season 9
Season nine sees Penny and Leonard finally get married and Amy and Sheldon finally get busy. Although, when the season started, Amy and Sheldon were no longer a couple. And while we all knew they would get back together eventually, this break-up storyline was a smart thing for the writers to do and made sense given how much Amy had put up with for years. It also, like when she went on a date with Stuart back in season five, forced Sheldon to recognize how important she was to him. Season 9 also saw Bernadette getting pregnant, Raj dating two women and a great guest starring role from Michael Rapaport as a black market liquid helium guy.
#7: Season 11
The main thrust of the entire season is Sheldon and Amy’s wedding. The season begins with her accepting his surprise proposal and ends with the day that sees them become husband and wife and discover Super-Asymmetry, which will eventually win them a Nobel Prize. And speaking of relationship arcs, Howard and Raj’s relationship goes through some rough times when Raj finally decides to stand up for himself and all the ridicule Howard is constantly laying on him. Penny and Leonard play second-fiddle to the big season storylines, but still provide some great moments and are good show anchors for all of the stuff going on around them.
#6: Season 12
The final season of a show can be a very hit or miss proposition as the writers try to finish strong and wrap up all the important storylines in a nice little bow. And we think “The Big Bang Theory” did it quite well. Sheldon and Amy got their Nobel Prize and Leonard and Penny got pregnant. The fact that, after 12 years Raj, the biggest romantic of the group, still hasn’t been able to find his special someone didn’t sit well with all the fans, but at least he got to escort “Buffy the Vampire Slayer.” And besides Sheldon’s completely unselfish and heartwarming Nobel Prize speech, the biggest moment of the season might have been Leonard seeming to finally reconcile with his mother.
#5: Season 4
In Season four, Howard gets back together with Bernadette and eventually gets engaged, while Sheldon and Amy begin their “not-my-girlfriend” relationship. But while those relationships will become a huge part of the show, season four is really all about Priya. Raj’s sister initially shows up as a fun fling for Leonard post-Penny, but eventually becomes a very serious relationship that affects everyone around them. Raj hates that Leonard is sleeping with his sister, Penny realizes she shouldn't have broken up with Leonard and Sheldon realizes that Leonard is the center of their group. But regardless how you feel about the whole Priya storyline, the season has some truly top-notch moments, including Shel-Bot, Zazzles, Sheldon’s acting lesson and the magic trick.
#4: Season 6
From Penny finally telling Leonard she loves him to Raj being able to talk to women without the help of alcohol, season 6 treated fans to moments they had been waiting for, for years. And we can’t forget that Howard spent the first few episodes in space, and the next few episodes talking about it…. alot! We also learnt some things about the characters we never knew. Sheldon is a decent hacky-sacker but is terrible at pictionary, while Amy doesn’t mind a little spanking now and then. Season six was also when we were introduced to Professor Proton and we got our only ever glimpse (albeit quick) of Mrs. Wolowitz.
#3: Season 7
One of the complaints levied against season seven is the stalled development of most of the characters. And while it may be true that there was no great seasonal arc or character growth, it’s also true that pound-for-pound this is just one of the best and funniest seasons the show ever produced. Season seven brought us Raj’s scavenger hunt and his murder mystery party, Leonard’s itchy red sweater and Amy’s ruining of “Raiders of the Lost Ark.” Also in season seven, a drunk Penny proposes to Leonard, a stalking Sheldon meets James Earl Jones and an embarrassed Howard recounts the story of the first time he met Raj’s new girlfriend Emily. Howard also melted our hearts with his song for Bernadette.
#2: Season 3
Season three gave us our first real taste of “they will” in the ongoing Leonard and Penny will-they-or-won’t-they relationship. While they did go on a date back at the end of season one, season three saw them fully commit to a relationship upon Lenny’s return from the Arctic. At least until Leonard’s unreturned “I love you” and the evil genius doings of Wil Wheaton. Season three was also the season that saw Sheldon sing “Soft Kitty” to Penny and get a restraining order from Stan Lee. We also finally found out how the elevator broke in the classic flashback episode.
#1: Season 2
While the writers were still working out the kinks and ironing out the characters in season one, in season two they had everything right where they wanted it on this smooth sailing, hysterical nerdy ship. Sheldon is now the Sheldon we all know and love and Penny and Leonard’s post date friendship is getting stronger. Leonard even gets his first real girlfriend of the series when he starts dating, and unwittingly moves in with, Dr. Stephanie Barnett. Howard and Raj have also grown into fully-developed characters and aren’t just supporting caricatures. Howard even shows some true emotion when Leslie breaks off their friends-with-benefits relationship, leading to the awesome Jewish-Girlfriend-Experience. And finally we have just three words for you, “Leonard Nimoy Napkin.” ‘Nuff said!