10 Times Dragon Ball Invaded Video Games

VOICE OVER: Ty Richardson
WRITTEN BY: Ty Richardson
With so much influence in pop culture, "Dragon Ball" has cameoed in a lot of video games. Welcome to MojoPlays, and today, we're taking a look at 10 times "Dragon Ball" showed up in other games! Our list of games "Dragon Ball" has invaded includes “Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars” (2009), “Persona 5” (2017), “Fable II” (2008), “Metroid” (1986), and more!
10 Times Dragon Ball Invaded Video Games
Welcome to MojoPlays, and today, we’re taking a look at 10 times "Dragon Ball" showed up in other games!
“Fortnite” (2017)
This was perhaps the biggest crossover to happen in "Fortnite". The second Goku and company were announced, a ton of us started flooding the servers. From the Nimbus Cloud glider to the ability to actually obliterate enemies with a kamehameha, this event was oozing in "Dragon Ball" fandom. "Fortnite" even got an in-game movie theater to play marathons of "Dragon Ball Z", so you could chill and watch an episode or two or get eliminated while watching. As for the cosmetics, various skins and gear continue to pop into the store from time to time.
“It’s Over 9000” Memes
We can all quote the scene verbatim now. Vegeta's "it's over 9000" line has been referenced across video games so many times that we could have made a Top 100 out of it. While some games will have a character say it, other titles will dedicate entire trophies and achievements to it. Occasionally, some games will mess with the number being said, but we all get the reference. The frequency of the line just shows how impossible it is to imagine anyone working in games has never seen or heard of "Dragon Ball".
“Ace Attorney: Trials & Tribulations” (2007)
Just as recognizable as the "it's over 9000" line is the object destroyed in that scene: the Scouter. The Scouter has become such an influential piece of tech in fiction that it's been heavily borrowed in other games. "Sonic Adventure 2", "Star Fox", and even some of the WWE games have featured the headwear, but "Ace Attorney" straight up has a character wearing one for an entire case. Glen Elg is the victim of "Trials & Tribulations'" third case, and he, along with other Blue Screens, Inc. employees, are wearing Scouters. Oddly enough, no "Dragon Ball" quote is referenced, but instead, they quote the movie "300".
“Fable II” (2008)
Now, this one might have been too obscure for the casual fans to have noticed. In the sixth “Dragon Ball” movie, three aliens invade Earth to plant a parasitic plant known as “the Tree of Might”. This tree was designed to deplete a planet of its life, turning it into a sandy wasteland. But perhaps someone from centuries earlier already tried this plan? In “Fable II”, there is one house you can find called “the House of Might”, and inside is a very large collection of plants. The previous owner was even a strong person who could withstand most punches, almost like the strength of a Saiyan. He died from poison, though.
“Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars” (2009)
“Chinatown Wars” comes in with a double whammy for “Dragon Ball” fans. One mission in the game is titled “Dragon Haul Z”, and if you thought it was already on the nose, just wait until the end of the mission. You are tasked with picking up a dragon costume and doing a dance while wearing it. And yes, the dragon costume is remarkably similar to the look of the great Eternal Dragon, Shenron. All we’re missing here is a Spirit Bomb.
“Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age” (2018)
Given that Akira Toriyama, the creator of “Dragon Ball”, had a hand in “Dragon Quest” across the series, there’s bound to be a few references to his magnum opus manga. Sure enough, eagle-eyed fans saw a big, BIG reference in the opening to “Dragon Quest XI”. When the Luminary is sent floating down the river, he is discovered the following day by an old man named Chalky. The way Chalky discovers the Luminary and the way he holds him up in the sky are both the same exact way Goku is discovered by Grandpa Gohan. Goku is found abandoned as a baby, Grandpa Gohan finds him, and then, hoists him up like Simba at Pride Rock.
“Metroid” (1986)
The original “Metroid” game has a pretty crazy password system. Some are purely numeric while others are more on the profane side. But one password you can type in is straight up “Dragon Ball Z”. Really, just type that in twice; once in All Caps and again in regular casing. What this password does is start you in Norfair suitless, but it also equips you with the Screw Attack, Ice Beam, Morphball with bombs, Long Beam, High Jump Boots, five energy tanks, and an arsenal of 172 missiles. Yeah, it’s an oddly specific password for oddly specific things.
“Persona 5” (2017)
“Persona 5” (and pretty much most of the franchise) has made references to a wealth of games, movies, TV, and anime. But for “Dragon Ball”, there’s a reference made on three separate occasions in this game! One art question asks what object King Kamehameha, the founder of Hawaii, is holding in his hand, and one answer you can choose is “A dragon ball”. Then, the first time Joker tries to use a treadmill, he immediately wipes out and ends up in a pose similar to Yamcha when he dies for the billionth time. But the most noticeable reference happens when Yusuke messes with Futaba’s action figures. After messing them up, Yusuke tries to fix them but only winds up putting them in the same poses as the Ginyu Force.
“Kamehameha” References
Speaking of King Kamehameha, this move is the most legendary attack ever seen in fiction. It’s probably also the most referenced! Just about every video game in existence has referenced, borrowed, reused, or stolen the Kamehameha in one form or another. If you ever see a character take a firm stance and pretend like they’re harnessing a ball of energy by their hip, you know exactly where that is from! Doesn’t matter if it’s in “Overwatch”, “Street Fighter”, or “Super Smash Bros.”, we all know where these games are pulling the idea from.
“Sonic the Hedgehog” series (1991-)
Of any video game to lift ideas from “Dragon Ball”, none have gone to Toriyama’s work as repeatedly as SEGA has. It’s no secret either! Most would immediately point to Super Sonic’s appearance, and you’re not wrong in doing so. But the rabbit hole goes a bit deeper than that. Sonic, Shadow, and Silver hold a lot of traits similar to Goku, Vegeta, and Trunks respectively. Heck, even some of their hairstyles and aesthetics are just like their “Dragon Ball” counterparts! And this all goes without mentioning how the boss fight against Giganto ends in “Sonic Frontiers”. It’s the fight against Piccolo all over again.
What’s your favorite “Dragon Ball” reference in a video game? Let us know down in the comments, and be sure to subscribe to MojoPlays for more great videos everyday!