Top 10 Worst Games Based on Anime

VOICE OVER: Ashley Bowman
WRITTEN BY: Ty Richardson
How could you release such bad games based on great source material! Welcome to, and today, we're counting down our picks for the Top 10 Worst Games Based on Anime. For this list we'll be looking at terrible games based on popular anime franchises such as Dragon Ball Z, One Piece and Naruto.
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Top 10 Worst Games Based on Anime
The power level of these games are way below nine thousand… Welcome to, and today, we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Worst Games Based on Anime.
For this list, we’re showing off some of the worst games based on our favorite anime shows. Prepare for a kamehameha of disappointment!
Despite its resounding success in television and manga, the “Attack on Titan” franchise had a rocky start in video games. For what few titles it’s spawned so far, the worst is without a doubt “Attack on Titan: Humanity in Chains”. On top of the incredibly repetitive missions, critics and fans agreed that “Humanity in Chains” had missed what makes “Attack on Titan” so exciting. Instead of fast-paced action, players had to go through quick-time events, which could kill Titans in only a couple of hits. So, nothing felt intense, causing people to get tired of the game very quickly. Needless to say, you’re better off playing one of Koei Tecmo’s “Attack on Titan” games instead.
The “One Piece” franchise has spawned some solid video games in the past decade or so. “One Piece: Pirates’ Carnival” was not one of those games. At the start of a new game, you’ll quickly feel the fatigue set in from the lifeless presentation of moving PNG files and astoundingly basic environments. For the rest of the game, you’ll be assaulted with some of the blandest minigames imaginable. Seriously, we didn’t think you could dumb down a minigame collection any further than something like “Mario Party”, but “One Piece: Pirates’ Carnival” proved us wrong.
“Zatch Bell! Mamodo Fury” should have been a great game. Packed with a variety of game modes and a hearty roster of playable characters, “Mamodo Fury” had potential to be yet another terrific multiplayer game for the Nintendo GameCube and PlayStation 2. What decimated all hopes of accomplishing this was the gameplay itself. Between the shoddy camera, terrible controls, and broken gameplay, you’ll become so frustrated that the thyroids in your neck will show. Regardless of if you liked the anime or manga, this wasn’t worth anyone’s time.
When “Eureka Seven Vol. 1: The New Wave” released, fans were more than irritated with the mouthful of a title. The game lacked the same energy and excitement from the TV series. Surely they could fix all of these problems in the sequel, right? We couldn’t be more wrong! Somehow, the sequel was far worse than its predecessor! “Eureka Seven Vol. 2: The New Vision” was another mouthful of a title that sucked even more life out of its source material, turning the game into a total snoozefest. Couple the lifeless presentation with terrible writing and uneven pacing, and you can guarantee no one was asking for a “Vol. 3”!
What...what even is this? Why did we need a “Yu-Gi-Oh!” party game? Yes, “Yu-Gi-Oh! Destiny Board Traveler” is a party game for the Game Boy Advance, and it’s one of the worst games you can get on the handheld. Players move around on a board, rolling the die, and collecting Victory Stars from duels. This should sound somewhat enjoyable, but you’ll quickly become frustrated with how reliant on luck the game truly is. It doesn’t help the fact that every board has exactly the same layout, which makes the whole experience feel extremely tedious. And with that we send “Destiny Board Traveler” to the Graveyard.
The GameBoy Advance boasted many wonderful adventure games when it was around. As you might expect, there were many games that simply couldn’t replicate that success. For example, “Yu Yu Hakusho: Spirit Detective” suffered severely from its level design and combat, components that are crucial in an action-adventure game such as this. Players could easily get lost in levels unless they religiously checked the compass every second. Enemies were total pushovers, too, easily defeated with basic punches. And for anyone to make sense of the story, you would had to have been a hardcore fan of the show, shutting out any newcomers. In the end, who was this game really for?
Oh, hey, they made a game of spinning tops! I mean, hey, look, it’s “Beyblade”! If you’re looking for a game where stuff just happens with no rhyme or reason, “Beyblade VForce: Super Tournament Battle” isn’t just an awful name, but it’s one of the most chaotic and confusing games out there. And that’s saying something for a game where you only move and occasionally “summon a beast”. When stripped to its bones, it’s nothing more than boring game of virtual tops knock about. They couldn’t even do anything interesting with the graphics, huh?
“Naruto” has seen a healthy amount of success with the “Ninja Storm” games among other titles. Unfortunately, when we sat down to play “Naruto Shippuden: Dragon Blade Chronicles”, we couldn’t believe it… This was one of the most fatiguing hack-&-slash games ever. Levels were straightforward, lacking any real design or room for exploration. Enemies were consistently being reused, making the game a breeze to blast through. Oh, and lest we forget the occasional frame dips and lagging! If there’s anything we learned, it’s that “Dragon Blade Chronicles” desperately needed a lesson in “patch-it-su”.
The anticipation for a new “Mobile Suit Gundam” game should be exciting until the very end. Besides, this is a franchise built around kickass robots with guns, rockets, and beam sabers! So, how is it that a game like “Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire” manages to make the series so dreadfully boring to experience? Well, for starters, look at all that saturated brown. Seriously, where’s color in this game? To add to the dull visuals, none of your actions feel satisfying to pull off. It feels like you’re just running around and watching graphics happen. Seeing as how this was PS3 launch title, we can only assume this was supposed to be a tech demo.
This was even more dissapointing than Yamcha. No, you didn’t miss twenty-one other “Dragon Ball” games. “Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Battle 22” is titled that way because of its twenty-two character roster, and that’s all it’s good for. As for everything else, the game is trash with its broken controls and awful animation. What makes everything more frustrating is when you consider all of the good fighting games that came before it, like “Tekken” and “Street Fighter II”, it makes you wonder where the effort put into this game went to.
The power level of these games are way below nine thousand… Welcome to, and today, we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Worst Games Based on Anime.
For this list, we’re showing off some of the worst games based on our favorite anime shows. Prepare for a kamehameha of disappointment!
#10: “Attack on Titan: Humanity in Chains” (2015)
Despite its resounding success in television and manga, the “Attack on Titan” franchise had a rocky start in video games. For what few titles it’s spawned so far, the worst is without a doubt “Attack on Titan: Humanity in Chains”. On top of the incredibly repetitive missions, critics and fans agreed that “Humanity in Chains” had missed what makes “Attack on Titan” so exciting. Instead of fast-paced action, players had to go through quick-time events, which could kill Titans in only a couple of hits. So, nothing felt intense, causing people to get tired of the game very quickly. Needless to say, you’re better off playing one of Koei Tecmo’s “Attack on Titan” games instead.
#9: “One Piece: Pirates’ Carnival” (2006)
The “One Piece” franchise has spawned some solid video games in the past decade or so. “One Piece: Pirates’ Carnival” was not one of those games. At the start of a new game, you’ll quickly feel the fatigue set in from the lifeless presentation of moving PNG files and astoundingly basic environments. For the rest of the game, you’ll be assaulted with some of the blandest minigames imaginable. Seriously, we didn’t think you could dumb down a minigame collection any further than something like “Mario Party”, but “One Piece: Pirates’ Carnival” proved us wrong.
#8: “Zatch Bell! Mamodo Fury” (2006)
“Zatch Bell! Mamodo Fury” should have been a great game. Packed with a variety of game modes and a hearty roster of playable characters, “Mamodo Fury” had potential to be yet another terrific multiplayer game for the Nintendo GameCube and PlayStation 2. What decimated all hopes of accomplishing this was the gameplay itself. Between the shoddy camera, terrible controls, and broken gameplay, you’ll become so frustrated that the thyroids in your neck will show. Regardless of if you liked the anime or manga, this wasn’t worth anyone’s time.
#7: “Eureka Seven Vol. 2: The New Vision” (2007)
When “Eureka Seven Vol. 1: The New Wave” released, fans were more than irritated with the mouthful of a title. The game lacked the same energy and excitement from the TV series. Surely they could fix all of these problems in the sequel, right? We couldn’t be more wrong! Somehow, the sequel was far worse than its predecessor! “Eureka Seven Vol. 2: The New Vision” was another mouthful of a title that sucked even more life out of its source material, turning the game into a total snoozefest. Couple the lifeless presentation with terrible writing and uneven pacing, and you can guarantee no one was asking for a “Vol. 3”!
#6: “Yu-Gi-Oh! Destiny Board Traveler” (2004)
What...what even is this? Why did we need a “Yu-Gi-Oh!” party game? Yes, “Yu-Gi-Oh! Destiny Board Traveler” is a party game for the Game Boy Advance, and it’s one of the worst games you can get on the handheld. Players move around on a board, rolling the die, and collecting Victory Stars from duels. This should sound somewhat enjoyable, but you’ll quickly become frustrated with how reliant on luck the game truly is. It doesn’t help the fact that every board has exactly the same layout, which makes the whole experience feel extremely tedious. And with that we send “Destiny Board Traveler” to the Graveyard.
#5: “Yu Yu Hakusho: Spirit Detective” (2003)
The GameBoy Advance boasted many wonderful adventure games when it was around. As you might expect, there were many games that simply couldn’t replicate that success. For example, “Yu Yu Hakusho: Spirit Detective” suffered severely from its level design and combat, components that are crucial in an action-adventure game such as this. Players could easily get lost in levels unless they religiously checked the compass every second. Enemies were total pushovers, too, easily defeated with basic punches. And for anyone to make sense of the story, you would had to have been a hardcore fan of the show, shutting out any newcomers. In the end, who was this game really for?
#4: “Beyblade VForce: Super Tournament Battle” (2003)
Oh, hey, they made a game of spinning tops! I mean, hey, look, it’s “Beyblade”! If you’re looking for a game where stuff just happens with no rhyme or reason, “Beyblade VForce: Super Tournament Battle” isn’t just an awful name, but it’s one of the most chaotic and confusing games out there. And that’s saying something for a game where you only move and occasionally “summon a beast”. When stripped to its bones, it’s nothing more than boring game of virtual tops knock about. They couldn’t even do anything interesting with the graphics, huh?
#3: “Naruto Shippuden: Dragon Blade Chronicles” (2010)
“Naruto” has seen a healthy amount of success with the “Ninja Storm” games among other titles. Unfortunately, when we sat down to play “Naruto Shippuden: Dragon Blade Chronicles”, we couldn’t believe it… This was one of the most fatiguing hack-&-slash games ever. Levels were straightforward, lacking any real design or room for exploration. Enemies were consistently being reused, making the game a breeze to blast through. Oh, and lest we forget the occasional frame dips and lagging! If there’s anything we learned, it’s that “Dragon Blade Chronicles” desperately needed a lesson in “patch-it-su”.
#2: “Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire” (2006)
The anticipation for a new “Mobile Suit Gundam” game should be exciting until the very end. Besides, this is a franchise built around kickass robots with guns, rockets, and beam sabers! So, how is it that a game like “Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire” manages to make the series so dreadfully boring to experience? Well, for starters, look at all that saturated brown. Seriously, where’s color in this game? To add to the dull visuals, none of your actions feel satisfying to pull off. It feels like you’re just running around and watching graphics happen. Seeing as how this was PS3 launch title, we can only assume this was supposed to be a tech demo.
#1: “Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Battle 22” (2003)
This was even more dissapointing than Yamcha. No, you didn’t miss twenty-one other “Dragon Ball” games. “Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Battle 22” is titled that way because of its twenty-two character roster, and that’s all it’s good for. As for everything else, the game is trash with its broken controls and awful animation. What makes everything more frustrating is when you consider all of the good fighting games that came before it, like “Tekken” and “Street Fighter II”, it makes you wonder where the effort put into this game went to.