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VOICE OVER: Ty Richardson WRITTEN BY: Ty Richardson
These pieces of advice might make your playthrough a little more enjoyable. For this video, we're giving you 10 tips and tricks for beating "Marvel's Spider-Man 2". Our list includes Adjusting Your Settings, Specing Your Spidey, Wind Tunnels, Using Your Gadgets, Prioritizing Enemies and more!

10 Tips & Tricks in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

Welcome to MojoPlays, and today, we’re giving you 10 of our tips and tricks for beating “Marvel’s Spider-Man 2”!

Adjust Your Settings

This might seem like a no-brainer on the surface. After all, the settings are the first thing you’re presented with when booting up the game for the first time. However, this isn’t just “choose Performance or Fidelity and get moving”. Developers have been getting carried away with the whole “cinematic” thing and have been turning on certain filters by default. If you really care about how the game looks on your TV, do yourself a favor and turn off chromatic aberration, turn off film grain, and set the motion blur to zero.

Deviate From the Main Story

Some open world games prefer you complete the main story before you do open world stuff. “Spider-Man 2” is not one of those games. If you notice some fights are becoming harder than usual, you probably aren’t doing a lot outside of the main campaign. Take the time to go do some side missions and grab collectibles. Doing so will help you upgrade quicker and be a more formidable Spider-Man in the story. We can tell you firsthand that the game does get tougher as you progress. Do not bully your way through unless you want a challenge.

Spec Your Spidey

When spending skill points, it’s important that you balance out where you’re dumping them. Putting them all in the shared skill tree is great for powering up both Spideys at the same time, but not so useful when you need more juice in their powers. The best way to go about it is to prioritize Peter and Miles individually while occasionally investing in the shared skill tree. This way will let you have access to their abilities quicker and beef them up in the second half at the same time. Of course, do what you feel is necessary.

Wind Tunnels

It can be so tantalizing to fast travel everywhere just as you would in other open world games. Thing is that fast travel is locked behind progression in saving each region from crime and completing side missions. To make traversal easier, “Marvel’s Spider-Man 2” introduces wind tunnels, which allow you to travel faster with the wingsuit. This makes getting to those 3000-4000m locations a lot faster. We advise you take these not just for saving time; there’s a good chance you’ll come across another side mission or find another collectible along the way. Speaking of collectibles…

Grab ‘Em When You See ‘Em!

Collectibles will either make or break you. Not everything is marked on your map, which might make it a hassle to grab everything, especially Spider-Bots. This sort of goes back to what we were saying about how you should deviate from the main story. As you go from mission to mission, do not be afraid to stop to grab something. If a crime spawns in, go stop it. If you see a signal for a Spider-Bot, go grab it. If you see a blue or yellow crate somewhere, stop and open it. You wind up getting a lot out of stopping what you’re doing for a few seconds.

Fully Explore the Map

This admittedly goes without saying, but uncovering the map will be greatly beneficial to you. Unfortunately, it isn’t going to be as simple as unscrambling police radar signals. You are going to have to explore all of Manhattan, Queens, and Brooklyn. If you really want to 100% the game, you will need to go to every block so your map is completely uncovered. Besides, searching that one tiny corner could lead to that one collectible you’re missing or some extra tokens to upgrade your suit!

Prioritize Enemies

Not everyone is going to be an EVO-level, MLG pro “Spider-Man” player. And that is totally okay! That is why we advise you to prioritize the enemies that are going to give you the most trouble. For us, we put brutes and drones at the top of the list as brutes are damage sponges and drones can block off access to your powers and gadgets. Letting these dudes hang around too long is going to make fights frustrating and go on longer than they need to be. Trust us, the basic grunts can wait.

Use Your Gadgets

In the previous two games, gadgets could almost break the game with how much they could do. “Marvel’s Spider-Man 2” scales them back to act more as assists in a way. They aren’t there to instantly defeat a bunch of enemies at once. However, they are a great way for crowd control! Launch them into the air, stun them, or pull them into one condensed spot to strike them all at once with one of your powers. These gadgets can get more powerful, too, so don’t hesitate to use these at the start of a fight!.

Use Your Web Shooters

One gadget we want to emphasize on are your web shooters. These things can really get you out of a pinch, especially when consistently upgraded. Land enough shots with enemies in the right position, and you can bind them to walls and objects for an instant takedown. This is exceptionally useful when dealing with ranged enemies as they tend to hug walls and hang off streetlights, columns, and the like. A few webs on them will render them useless for their allies. Plus, an early upgrade can allow you to build Focus just by webbing enemies. So, using these really is worth your while.

Play At Your Own Pace

We cannot stress this one enough. Please do not feel like you have to rush through this game. While it has been said that the game can be completed in roughly thirty hours, do not feel pressured to blast through it. “Marvel’s Spider-Man 2” is best enjoyed at whatever pace you desire. Do not let FOMO or YouTube videos or keeping up with a streamer’s pace ruin a good time for you. Play the story when you feel like it. Take a break and do side missions for a bit if you want. Don’t stress over not meeting sweaty competitive standards in how to “properly” web swing or min-max combat to the nth degree. Go be the Spider-Man you want to be. Savor it. Enjoy it. Play the way you want. And most importantly, have fun.

Got a tip out there for new Spidey players? Let them know down in the comments, and be sure to subscribe to MojoPlays for more great videos everyday!