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Top 10 Absurd Things About Glee That Make NO Sense

Top 10 Absurd Things About Glee That Make NO Sense
VOICE OVER: Elise Doucet WRITTEN BY: Nathan Sharp
Well, no one said it was realistic, but that still doesn't excuse these absurd things that make no sense about Glee. We'll be analyzing weird story developments, nonsensical character arcs, and generally unrealistic things that probably wouldn't happen in the real world. We'll also be sticking more to the silly internal logic of the show rather than glaring plot holes. MsMojo ranks the most absurd things that make no sense about Glee. What do you think is the most nonsensical thing about Glee? Let us know in the comments!

Well, no one said it was realistic. Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Absurd Things That Make No Sense About Glee.

For this list, we’ll be analyzing weird story developments, nonsensical character arcs, and generally unrealistic things that probably wouldn’t happen in the real world. We’ll also be sticking more to the silly internal logic of the show rather than glaring plot holes.

#10: The New Directions’ Lack of Respect

“Glee” was a successful show, and as such, we came to expect genuinely great production values worthy of their high budget. After all, we wouldn’t want to watch a musical with mediocre, amateurish performances! However, this actually makes absolutely no sense within the world of the show. The New Directions perform some incredibly ambitious (and expensive) shows for a high school glee club, and both their singing and dancing are legitimately worthy of Broadway. So, why on Earth are they not more popular? You’d think a glee club THIS good would be killing it all over the Internet. They’re not even respected within their own school! What does a glee club have to do to get some positive attention?

#9: Terri’s Faked Pregnancy

The first season is beloved, but one of the major misfires is Terri’s fake pregnancy storyline. It just makes so little sense that it’s kind of infuriating. Pregnancy is a very complicated process, and it’s definitely not something that is easily faked. However, “Glee” would have you believe that it’s as easy as throwing on an artificial stomach and calling it a day. However, this only brings up MORE questions. Did Terri sleep with her clothes on to hide the fake belly? Did she plan on “giving birth” without her husband in the room? Like, seriously.

#8: Marley’s Money Problems

One of the defining traits of Marley Rose is that she was poor. REALLY poor. She was raised by a single mother who works as a lunch lady, and as such, they are on the verge of abject poverty. She is alienated from her classmates, she dresses rather frumpily due to a lack of money, and she and Sam bond over their similar experiences of growing up without money. And . . . before you know it, the whole thing is swept under the rug and swiftly forgotten about. She begins dressing like everyone else, and her money issues are never brought up again. It’s emblematic of the total lack of care or development that Marley received.

#7: The Club’s Budget

As we’ve touched on, the glee club churns out some truly incredible and jaw-dropping productions. However, one of the major storylines of the first couple of seasons is that the school is broke and has absolutely zero money to give to the arts, let alone the glee club. However, this doesn’t stop the club from utilizing extravagant lighting displays, elaborate props, matching costumes, and even a rain machine for their performances! Where on Earth is all this money coming from!? Oh well, let’s just ogle at the production design and not think too hard about it, right?

#6: Backup Performers

OK, only one more performances-related gripe, we promise. Throughout the show, we see back-up performers that are perfectly choreographed and synchronized with the members of the glee club. And just who on Earth are these people? We never get any names, they’re never seen at rehearsals or, you know, WITH the club at ANY other time, and we don’t really know why they’re there in the first place. Yes, obviously to dance, but why with the glee club? Are they technically a part of the club as well? If so, why are they never at the meetings? There are just too many questions around these mysterious singers and dancers!

#5: Quinn’s Miraculous Recovery

Apparently Lima, Ohio has the best doctors in the world, because Quinn’s recovery is nothing short of a miracle. In the episode “On My Way”, Quinn is distracted by a text from Rachel and gets into a significant car accident. She suffers serious injuries and loses the function of her legs, which relegates her to a wheelchair. So, you know, things are looking pretty serious. Luckily, she regained the use of her legs and was fully healed in time for prom! We’re not sure if Quinn is some sort of super woman or what, but we’re pretty sure that severe and debilitating injuries aren’t typically healed in a matter of weeks.

#4: Rachel Getting Her Own Show

Yep, they completely botched Rachel’s character arc, didn’t they? For one thing, the very idea of Rachel leaving her dream job as Fanny Brice to act on television is just insulting on so many levels. So, there goes five seasons worth of character development! To make the situation even more unrealistic and ridiculous, the entire television pilot is both centered around Rachel AND named after her! Sorry, but Rachel Berry is nowhere near famous or acclaimed enough to get her own television show, even if she killed it as Fanny.

#3: Brittany Becomes a Genius

We get wanting to make a character funnier for comedic reasons, but what they did with Brittany was just ridiculous. She started the show as a little ditzy and naïve, but later became pretty over-the-top stupid. Some of her greatest hits include getting lost in the Lima sewers, forgetting the alphabet, and yelling at shrubs because they were making fun of her. You start to wonder how she even manages to, you know, function. And despite once cheating off of Becky’s math work, we learn several seasons in that she is actually a bonafide math genius, so much so that she is given early acceptance to MIT. Where on Earth did that come from?

#2: The Teachers Are REALLY Close to the Students

We don’t know what kind of hippie-dippy high school this is, but the teachers and students of McKinley are WEIRDLY close. We understand that some students have close relationships with specific teachers, and that’s fine. However, “Glee” often transcends the typical and appropriate student-teacher relationship and ventures into trickier territory. Schue knows practically everything about his students’ personal lives, and the students intrude into their teachers’ private lives as well, often singing to them in times of great need. Who knows, maybe high schools have changed a lot since we’ve been there…

Before we laugh at the most absurd thing in “Glee,” here are a few honorable mentions.

Sugar Could Suddenly Sing

Artie Playing Football

Jesse Gets Dumber

Finn Falling for Quinn’s Explanation

Performing “Push It”

#1: Sue Never Gets Into Trouble

Yep, this is definitely a weird high school, because if it were like any other, Sue would have been fired in a matter of days. For one thing, she is horribly mean to the students, and borderline abusive towards Will. She even goes directly after students on numerous occasions, like redirecting the glee club’s flight to Libya; releasing actual hounds in the school; and hiring a plane to fly over the school with the message “Blaine is on the bottom.” We’re pretty sure all of those are fireable, nay, CRIMINAL offenses, and it’s simply amazing to think that she still has a job at McKinley.
