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Top 10 Adult Jokes in Wizards of Waverly Place You Missed

Top 10 Adult Jokes in Wizards of Waverly Place You Missed
VOICE OVER: Kirsten Ria Squibb WRITTEN BY: Emily Blair
These adult jokes in "Wizards of Waverly Place" flew over our heads. Our countdown includes Alex's pocket elf, mistaken identity, Justin's vitamins, and more!

#10: Alex’s Pocket Elf
“I Almost Drowned in a Chocolate Fountain”

When Alex desperately needs to pass her Spanish class in order to go on a date with her crush, she enlists some magical help in the form of a Spanish-speaking pocket elf to cheat on her test. Justin catches her with the elf, and Alex makes up a weak lie about a retainer to cover for herself, and doubles down when Justin calls her out on it. Her retort itself could easily be taken the wrong way without context. But what the pocket elf says in response makes the whole scene just feel creepy. Hearing a presumably adult elf compliment a teenage girl’s mouth is just not what we expected or wanted from a Disney Channel show.

#9: A Horror Movie Parody

Due to some magical mishaps while trying to sneak into an R-rated movie, Alex somehow finds herself literally in the movie. The totally cheesy horror movie is filled with references to some of the most annoying and unrealistic scary movie cliches, like pillow fights between sorority sisters and girls running right into the showers to escape the killer. Obviously nothing actually R-rated happens in these scenes, but they’re still clearly paying homage to the horror genre as a whole. These jokes are entirely for the parents who might be watching with their kids, as it’s very unlikely that the children watching have seen the types of movies this episode is parodying.

#8: Mistaken Identity
“Three Monsters”

As Justin shares a hug with his vampire girlfriend Juliet, she remarks that Justin’s hand is a little too close to her backside for comfort. Always the gentleman, Justin apologizes and goes to move his hand just as Alex reveals it was actually her touching Juliet with a fake hand. It’s very odd to see a joke involving that sort of touching on a Disney show, but it’s reassuring to see how respectful Justin was in the situation. As for Alex’s reasons for making the joke in the first place, after an entire episode of Alex admiring and complimenting Justin’s cool new girlfriend, it almost seems like Alex might even have a crush on the friendly vampire. If that’s the case, then that would have been pretty progressive for Disney at the time.

#7: Justin and Juliet in Separate Rooms
“Wizards vs. Vampires: Tasty Bites”

When Justin asks his dad if he can join Juliet on her family vacation, Jerry Russo is very agreeable to the idea, much to Justin’s surprise. Of course, even wizard fathers aren’t immune to a good dad joke, and Jerry comes up with a pretty corny one about the two teenagers sleeping arrangements. Obviously this means he doesn’t trust Justin and Juliet to sleep in the same room together, and most parents of teenagers would probably feel the same way. This joke isn’t very subtle, but might have taken some kids a few years to fully understand why Juliet and Justin couldn’t share a room.

#6: The Supermodel in Justin’s Bedroom
“Fashion Week”

In order to save a prestigious fashion show being put on by Harper’s boss Mr. Frenchy, Alex must bring Justin’s poster of fictional supermodel Bibi Rockford, played by Cindy Crawford, to life. Rockford makes a few pointed remarks about how often Justin stares at her poster, leading us to wonder what exactly he’s thinking about while he’s staring. Later, when Bibi runs into Zeke and Justin and explains she came out of Justin’s room, Zeke proudly high-fives Justin, assuming that she and Justin somehow knew each other. Like many teenage boys, Zeke only had one thing on his mind at that moment, and it certainly wasn’t a magical copier that brings posters to life.

#5: Dangerous Pants
“Who Will Be The Family Wizard”

A season two episode of this series introduces the magic “Smarty Pants,” which grant the wearer basically unlimited knowledge of the universe, though not without some serious side effects. The smarty pants appear again in the series finale when Zeke finds them in the wizard lair and Harper advises him not to touch them. Zeke doesn’t understand why a seemingly harmless pair of pants could be dangerous, giving us a totally questionable one-liner. Of course, in Zeke’s mind the only dangerous part of wearing pants is the possibility of taking them off, depending on the situation of course. This could have been an innocent moment of ditziness for Zeke, but something about the audience laughter makes this definitely feel like a sneaky innuendo.

#4: Lincoln Tunnel Tuna
“Credit Check”

At the Russo Family’s new sandwich idea meeting, Justin debuts his “sandwich naming dice” to come up with new names for menu items. Unbeknownst to Justin, Alex has rigged the dice to only land on “Lincoln Tunnel Tuna,” which the whole family agrees is a gross sounding name for a sandwich. Apparently there’s a rumor that this was a nickname for sex workers who used to work in that area. Though the rumor is unverified, it’s just plausible enough to make this joke one to make parents do a double take. If we saw that sandwich on a menu we’d definitely skip it in favor of something that sounds more appetizing.

#3: The Space Rocket
“Captain Jim Bob Sherwood”

When Alex and Justin both win a contest to become the writer and illustrator for one of Justin’s favorite comic books, they pitch story ideas to each other for their first issue. Alex wants to shake things up. Her story idea for the titular Captain Jim Bob Sherwood hints more at the blue in wild blue yonder. Judging by the wording of Alex’s story, along with the accompanying laugh track, this is definitely an innuendo the writers snuck in. They easily could have said “space ship” instead and avoided any double meanings. Admittedly, though, this joke does truly capture Alex’s mischievous side, even if most of the kids watching likely didn’t fully understand it.

#2: Justin’s Vitamins
“Captain Jim Bob Sherwood”

Everyone’s gotten a sketchy spam email trying to sell them something, including the eldest Russo wizard Justin, who complains about an abundance of misleading inbox filler. The joke is, of course, that Harper walks in moments later and reveals that Justin has fallen for the scam and bought the vitamins. This joke only gets more questionable when you think about what kinds of vitamins they might be. One can’t help but think about the infamous ads for certain male enhancement pills that are notoriously sketchy and appear often in online spam. Could those be the kind of vitamins Justin was shopping for? His embarrassed face certainly makes it seem very plausible.

#1: Back Scratching Innuendo
“Helping Hand”

When Jerry sees that Max has borrowed his back scratcher, it sets off an argument between Theresa and Jerry over back scratching that sounds like it could easily be about something else entirely. Jerry complains Theresa is always pretending to be asleep to avoid scratching his back, and Theresa is quick to argue back with her own reasoning. Their conversation is almost word for word the kind of classic sitcom dialogue between married couples that are unsatisfied in their sex lives, just with one obvious difference. This was definitely a joke just for parents, but now that the kids who watched this show are old enough to get the joke, they’ll probably never look at back scratching the same way again.
