Top 10 Funniest Wizards of Waverly Place Moments

Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Funniest “Wizards of Waverly Place” Moments. For this list, we’ll be looking at scenes from the Disney teen sitcom where no spell was needed to make us laugh. What are the magical moments from this beloved series that always leave you in stitches? Let us know in the comments below!
#10: Alex’s House of Horrors
“Doll House”
After Harper’s parents decide to relocate and she decides to stay with her best friend Alex, the pair tidies up the Russos’ basement so that Harper can move into the space. They happen upon a used dollhouse, which Alex wants to make her new art studio. Yet after Alex uses her magical powers to fit into it, she finds herself and the dollhouse in Olive’s possession. How? Her parents had inadvertently offered the toy to the little girl while taking it out to the curb! Since Alex is still in it, she has to act as a living doll while Harper and Alex’s brother Justin hatch a plan to save her. And they do - but not before she undergoes a bit of light torture involving a pretty dress and a cat brush from Olive!
#9: The “Crazy Hat Song”
“New Employee”
Despite only appearing in one episode during the first season of the show, the corny but catchy “Crazy Hat Song” is one of the best examples of the lightheartedness that we often see in Alex and Harper’s friendship! Showcasing their silly and creative dynamic through lyrics about an embarrassing hair day hidden by a funky, junky, or just plain unsightly hat, this tune will stay with you throughout the series (and beyond!), especially considering that Harper herself is the queen of funky fits. Just try not to sing along, we dare you!
#8: Justin’s “Locker Combination” Song
“Disenchanted Evening”
As the eldest, Justin always leans towards being a bit more accountable than his younger siblings - or, at least, he usually tries to be. When he commits, he goes all in. His dedication to education in both the mortal and wizard worlds is prominent throughout the series. Of course, this means he has a shiny image to protect in his role as the responsible, overachieving big brother! Because of this, being late to class just isn’t an option, and Justin has a solution for any scenario… Even if it results in being made fun of by Alex. Enter the “Locker Combination” Song.
#7: From Booleader to Cheerleader
“Positive Alex”
Alex is set on going to homecoming with the school band conductor, George. When he tells her that he doesn’t return her feelings due to her sarcastic nature and pessimistic attitude, she resorts to magic to turn things around. Although her newfound positivity initially works well, things go downhill fast and George ends up rejecting her anyway. While watching Positive Alex was highly entertaining, the episode also showed that it’s better being yourself as the right person will come along to appreciate it. Just like we appreciate Alex’s true self for this sick burn that occurs when Harper suggests that they come up with a cheer for Justin after he joins the basketball team!
#6: Alex Gets Silenced
“Justin's New Girlfriend”
Before getting together with her boyfriend Zeke in later episodes, Harper’s not-so-secret crush on Justin serves as the basis for many funny moments. However, the two dating doesn’t seem so crazy for a moment after they find a common interest in a silent movie festival. Alex, of course, hates this and is set on stopping their newfound connection from developing into something more serious. Her attempts end with all three of them being trapped in their own version of a black-and-white silent film. A dramatic yet hilarious chase ensues, complete with the trio wearing period costumes.
#5: Max Becomes Maxine
“Three Maxes and a Little Lady” & "Daddy's Little Girl"
When members of a fancy wizard society convince Max to switch the dates of an important competition he and his siblings will be participating in, Alex and Justin decide to take matters into their own hands… which rarely ends well. Max being changed into “Maxine” wasn’t the result Alex and Justin had in mind, and it backfires even worse when Maxine becomes the family favorite. Alex, used to being the center of attention, obviously despises no longer being the only daughter. Maxine, however, uses her insane cuteness to her advantage… like when she shows off her karate skills on Justin at her dojo, all while knowing that he wouldn’t hit her back.
#4: Justin’s Rude Zit
“Pop Me and We Both Go Down”
Getting a massive zit on your forehead right before a school dance is already bad enough, but getting a rude, sentient, cat-calling one right before a school dance is even worse. When Alex mistakenly casts an animation spell on Justin’s pimple instead of vanishing it, the pimple wreaks havoc on his date by slinging insults at everyone in the vicinity. Having what seems like an embarrassingly large zit with tragic timing is a pretty standard high school experience though, and Justin learns that his date has one too after revealing the reason for his strange behavior. Hers, thankfully, doesn’t seem to be able to speak.
#3: Like Mother, Like Daughter
Growing up, Alex’s mother Theresa never got to experience her own Quinceanera. When Alex’s fifteenth birthday rolls around, Harper and Theresa start organizing the event in her honor. Alex, however, decides it simply isn’t her style. When her grandmother reveals that Theresa never got to have her own celebration because the family didn’t have the funds for it, she decides to cast a body-swapping spell. In true “Freaky Friday” fashion, Alex and Theresa trade bodies. While being a teenager twice may seem like a nightmare to some, it’s equally sweet and amusing to see Alex help heal her mother’s inner child a little, even if it’s also for her own benefit.
#2: Dwayne “The Starving Artist” Johnson
“Art Teacher”
When Max decides gym class isn’t worth his time, he has to come up with an excuse for ditching. Instead of a more classic excuse like having a headache or a sprained ankle, he settles on creating the world’s most fake-sounding disease. Max’s rare case of “mono-orangosis” gets him special attention from several famous people, resulting in a few sympathy visits. When she runs into Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Alex humorously pretends to be oblivious to the star’s success. She even implies he’s an aspiring actor moonlighting as a plumber to make some spare cash.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Justin’s Dolls, “You Can't Always Get What You Carpet”
Whoops. We Totally Meant Action Figures.
Horror Movie Faceplant, “Movies”
Just a Little Bit Dramatic
How Alex Handles Problems, “Misfortune at the Beach”
Alex Keeps It Too Real Sometimes
Alex Graduates… Kind Of, “Wizards vs. Asteroid”
Alex’s Academic Record Was the Real Catastrophe
Nothing Special, “Harper Knows”
Wizards... They’re Just Like Us
#1: Loco for Cocoa
“I Almost Drowned in a Chocolate Fountain”
When Alex’s romantic life hinges on passing a Spanish test, she resorts to help of the magical variety - also known as cheating. Despite being half-Hispanic herself, Alex hilariously bombs at one-on-one Spanish lessons with her mom (xref). Proving once again that she would rather do anything other than study, Alex decides to recruit the help of a tiny being who has endless knowledge and a bite with surprising side effects. Using the pocket elf to cheat works, but not without seriously funny, chocolate-covered consequences. It turns out that the elf has a bite that induces intense cocoa cravings. It just goes to show that you can’t always have your (chocolate) cake and eat it, too. Well, at least it was a memorable first date!