Top 10 Alien Races from Television
![Top 10 Alien Races from Television](/uploads/blipthumbs/Fi-T-Top10-Alien-Races-Television-480i60_480x270.jpg)
#10- The Narn “Babylon 5” (1994-1998)
Kicking off our list are the bald, tall and stocky aliens that have red eyes, a yellow-orange complexion and are covered in spots. Reminiscent of reptiles, they have acute vision and thick skin. Once peaceful, they have become hostile after being caught up in a war with the Centuri, Napoleonic aliens with ridiculous hair who conquered their species…twice. Throughout the series, they are both literally and figurative represented by G’Kar.
#9- Melmacians “ALF” (1986-1990)
A friendly alien species, these furry creatures are short, immune to disease, live around 650 years and have eight stomachs, giving them an insatiable appetite. Interestingly, their favorite food is house-cat. A loveable and wisecracking species, their best and only well-known member is Gordon Shumway, also known as Alf. Short for Alien Life Form, Alf lives with the Tanner family on earth after his crash landing.
#8- Weeping Angels “Doctor Who” (2007-)
The most frightening Doctor Who villain species, and that says a lot, these aliens are quantum locked humanoids that resemble statues when observed. Murderous psychopaths, they gather their victims time energy to survive. As they freeze up when seen, even by each other, they cover their eyes, giving themselves the distinctive weeping appearance. Incredibly fast and able to see in the dark, the only way to survive against them is to never blink.
#7- The Cylons “Battlestar Galactica” (2003-2009)
In the original ‘78 series, these evil robots were shown to be just that, evil robots. However in the 2004 reboot, they were shown to have taken a cue from Skynet and adapted a human look. Coming in thirteen distinct models, these skin jobs are indistinguishable from humans. Super strong, and able to transfer their consciousness to new bodies when killed, their primary motivation is religious, seeing humans as flawed creations undeserving of life.
#6- The Goa’uld “Stargate SG-1” (1997-)
This evil snake like alien race is parasitic. Requiring human hosts to survive, they ventured out to distant worlds to enslave humans, creating the mythology surrounding ancient Egypt in the process. While the larva Goa’uld are placed in the bellies of their slaves, upon maturity they take over the mind of their hosts. Host features include long lives, enhanced strength, glowing eyes and badass deep voices.
#5- The Asgard “Stargate SG-1” (1997-2007)
This benevolent alien species resembles Roswell greys, a design which they apparently inspired with their many visits to Earth. They are unusual for being asexual aliens that continually clone themselves, and have developed incredibly advanced technology. They use this to research and protect the planets and populations that inhabit the Milky Way galaxy, primarily against the Goa’uld. This involves interacting with less advanced planets by creating the Norse mythology and assuming the roles of its gods through holograms.
#4- Vulcans “Star Trek” (1966-1969)
This humanoid species come from the desert planet of Vulcan. The first alien species to make contact with, they are peaceful and are ruled reason and logic. They are the ones who helped the people of earth rid themselves of poverty and disease and helped them begin their Star Trek. Vulcans, as best showcased by Mr. Spock, are noted for their bowl cuts, pointed ears, angled eyebrows, use of nonfatal nerve pinch and their classic hand salute in the form of a “V”.
#3- The Borg “Star Trek: The Next Generation/ Star Trek Voyager” (1987-2001)
These space zombies are all about assimilating others into their collective through technology. A race seeking perfection through acquiring new technologies and races, Borg doe not have any sense of individuality, as they are drones that speak and think with one mind. They are best known for quickly adapting to any opposition, horrifically altering their victims, and riding around in their geometrically shaped ships.
#2- The Daleks “Doctor Who” (1963-)
To the uninitiated, these aliens that look like robot salt shakers. But, they are in fact Doctor Who’s greatest adversaries. Extraterrestrial mutants, they are cyborgs modified and integrated into tank like robotic shells for the purpose of war. Aside from their signature voices and plunger like appendage, they are best known for rolling along without pity, compassion or remorse. So what do they want? Intergalactic conquest and domination, duh.
#1- Klingons “Star Trek” (1966) Star Trek: The Next-Generation" (1987-1994)
Taking the top spot on our list is the race of honor bound space warriors with ribbed foreheads; well since The Next Generation at least. Created as metaphor for Cold War era Russians, they are driven by a Spartan-esque lust for the glory of battle. Eventually becoming uneasy allies of the Federation, this transition was best showcased via Lieutenant Commander Worf. Today, Klingons are such cultural icons that they even have a real-life language that you can learn, complete with it’s own dictionary. After learning how to say “Today is a good day to die” the second most popular phrase is “I have no friends”.
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