Top 10 America's Next Top Model Photoshoot Fails

#10: Political Controversies
Cycle 8
This ill-conceived shoot found the models representing opposing sides of political issues, like wearing fur, the right to bear arms, and same-sex marriage. Not only was this challenge a recipe for offending viewers who care deeply about a cause, but also many political stances proved near-impossible to illustrate in a photo. The off-kilter concept translated into images that were either vague or way too literal, like Jael chaining herself to the door of an abortion clinic. Brittany's take on the pro-fur stance looked editorial, but the show’s glamorization of the trend hasn’t aged well. The point of the challenge was to teach the models how to make a statement - but the overall message was muddled at best.
#9: Posing in a Giant Greek Salad
Cycle 17
Greece is full of iconic landmarks and idyllic scenery - the perfect setting for a fashion photoshoot. But when the models landed there in the show’s All-Stars season, there was a giant bowl of Greek salad waiting for them instead. This idea is infamous for being downright ridiculous, wasteful, and extremely unappetizing all at once. With the models lying on a huge amount of fresh ingredients in the hot sun, we can’t help but imagine how the set smelled. The judges loved several of the photos despite it all - but even they admitted that Laura pouring olive oil on her head was downright wrong.
#8: Taxidermy Heads
Cycle 19
Photoshoots on “Top Model” were very often influenced by flora and fauna, and this led to some of the show’s best pictures. But 19 cycles in, stuffed and mounted animal heads were the inspiration of choice for the girls’ second-ever challenge. The prompt required the models to pose using just their faces, but that's about the extent of the intrigue this concept offered. The result was equal parts ludicrous and boring, with many models looking like deers in headlights - literally. If that weren’t enough, the post-production effects were less than stellar, and the nametags made the whole shoot even weirder.
#7: Celebrity Couples
Cycle 7
The styling department often came up with incredible looks for the girls on “ANTM” - but sometimes, as in this ill-fated challenge, they clearly struggled. Each model was transformed into both members of an iconic celebrity couple, with a photo of each later being spliced together. However, some of the transformations were seriously lackluster, featuring cheap-looking wigs and pedestrian outfits. But the drag king looks were the real issue, with sparse facial hair applications and a Stedman Graham costume that was botched from head to toe. Melrose’s portrayal of the Trumps was oddly spot-on, but most of these photos clearly missed the mark. And why were they posing around that restaurant fireplace?
#6: Model Stereotypes
Cycle 7
This challenge aimed to address common stereotypes about models, including eating disorders and substance use. These touchy topics were handled carelessly, with the visual representation of each coming off as graphic, sensational, and in poor taste. Oddly enough, the assignment seemed intended to distance the fashion industry from these issues, rather than interrogate why they might exist. With the show often seeing contestants criticized for their appearance, the challenge seemed totally unsympathetic towards models struggling with eating disorders and body image. The series wasn’t often interested in nuance, but that was especially the case with this downright offensive shoot.
#5: Zodiac Signs
Cycle 4
It was only the show’s fourth season, but Tyra deemed Lluvy's sequin-encrusted depiction of Pisces the worst photo ever - and this may still be true. With each model meant to embody a sign from the Western Zodiac, the styling possibilities in this challenge were numerous. However, some of the girls were given outlandish accessories that affected their photos, like giant red crab claws for Cancer and sparse fake fur for Leo and Capricorn. And it wasn’t just the animal signs that encountered problems, with Virgo sporting cheap-looking angel wings and Libra decked out in gold glitter for no apparent reason. The concept could have been high-fashion at its finest, but the costumey props sunk this shoot.
#4: Floating in a Wind Tunnel
Cycle 7
This notorious photoshoot was plagued by several serious issues. The models visited a wind tunnel to simulate floating in outer space - but looking glamorous while being blown around by a powerful stream of air proved easier said than done. And the concept itself - models in space suits reaching towards floating foundation against an astral backdrop - was about as wacky as they come. The only photo that really managed to scrape by was Caridee's shot, but the others totally failed to highlight the models and the makeup alike. To make matters worse, the CoverGirl foundation wasn’t even matched to the models’ skin tones. This idea truly belongs in outer space.
#3: Four Personalities
Cycle 8
This prompt was inspired by a compilation of portraits in a Tyra Banks book - and there was nothing wrong with the idea in theory. Left to direct their own hair and makeup, the models were challenged to portray four different aspects of their personalities in one photoshoot. But several models struggled to show a range of emotion, and the resulting photos were shockingly unfinished-looking. Combining a cheap-looking digital picture frame effect with plain overlaid fonts, the final shots looked like they were doctored up in mere minutes. The fact that the models were often making silly expressions didn’t help this challenge rise past its strangely amateurish production values.
#2: Posing as “Biracial” Beauties
Cycle 13
“Top Model” has come under serious fire for its use of makeup that caricatures Black people, and this challenge was particularly cringe-worthy in that respect. The final six contestants visited Maui and were immediately made to embody women of different mixed ancestries. Although the photoshoot was ostensibly inspired by Hawaiian hapa or mixed-race identity, it made a mockery of its source by attempting to transform the models using skin-darkening makeup. But that wasn’t the only problem, as the stereotypical costuming revealed that the creative team knew little about the cultures they intended to represent. This concept was doomed from the start, and although Tyra addressed the controversy in 2009, the shoot is still remembered as one of the show’s biggest disasters.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
“Fashion Victims” on a Treadmill, Cycle 5
Miss J Is Always Hilarious, But These Poorly Edited Photos Are Anything But Fashionable
NeNe Leakes & Snooki on a Motorcycle, Cycle 17
White Models Were Once Again Made to Impersonate a Black Person in This Utterly Strange Shoot
Superheroes, Cycle 5
With Tacky Costuming & Awkward Posing, This Photoshoot Did Not Take Off
Seven Deadly Sins, Cycle 4
Kahlen Was Forced to Get into a Coffin After Getting News of a Loved One’s Passing
“Homeless” Photoshoot, Cycle 10
Fetishizing Homelessness in Designer Clothes Will Never Be a Good Look
#1: “Got Milk?” Photoshoot
Cycle 4
Many shoots on the show have drawn backlash from fans, but this one crossed multiple lines - perhaps like no other. The challenge was a campaign for “Got Milk?” that had the models sporting milk mustaches. Inexplicably, though, the contestants were made to switch ethnicities using hair, makeup, and costuming. With several girls dressed in makeup caricaturing Black people and others assigned Native American, Native Hawaiian, Korean, and Indian ancestries, this concept was as outrageous and widely disrespectful as they come. You would think it couldn’t possibly get worse, but child models were brought in to help the girls evoke motherly energy. For being so wrong in so many ways, this shoot deserves its status as a truly infamous reality TV moment.