Top 10 Fights on America's Next Top Model

#10: The Girl with the Request to SHUT UP!
Brittany vs Keenyah: Cycle 4
We’re not surprised to see friendships turn sour on this show. The pressure of the competition, combined with reality TV elements, is enough to make anyone snap. Such was the case for Brittany and Keenyah, two gal pals who reached their breaking point after traveling overseas. What started as an argument about Keenyah not having money for dinner exploded into an all out yelling match about... Nelson Mandela? Old frustrations came to light, leading to a sonic boom of a SHUT UP from Brittany. That was just the appetizer; the fight continued back at the house where they tried to drag Naima along for the ride. Fortunately, Kahlen was spared any involvement.
#9: The Girl Who Asks to Call Another Girl a Bitch
Fatima vs Shalynda: Cycle 10
Ah, the casting call, the perfect time to show the judges who you are and get to know your fellow contestants in a calm, rational-... yeah we’re kidding, that’s not how Top Model works. As Fatima comes to the realization that the other girls must be intimidated by her, she butts heads with Shalynda, a self-described bitch who, quote, “knows who she is”. Fatima asks if that means she can call Shalynda a bitch and, well... it goes about as well as you’d expect. We’ll answer the question for you, Fatima: no, you cannot, because you don’t know her like that. Or Shalynda can yell the answer to you, either way.
#8: The Girl Who Calls Out Fakeness
Dionne vs Renee: Cycle 8
Our #8 entry has all the elements of your average ANTM fight: getting in each other’s faces, yelling, girl A calling girl B a bitch - you know the drill. But what makes this a unique case is that the fight happened after two of the girls made up. Renee had said some particularly nasty things about Brittany, but the two patched things up to the point of being able to laugh about the harsh words that were said. This didn’t sit well with Dionne — or Wholahay, if you’d prefer. She called the girls out for being fake, predicting that they’d be at each other’s throats, which somehow led to... getting in each other’s faces, yelling... you know the drill.
#7: The Girl Who Beats the Tall Bitches
Eva & Ann vs Amanda & Jennipher: Cycle 3
There’s not a single ANTM fan who doesn’t know Little Miss Eva Diva. Short. Spunky. Always and forever speaking her mind. While some contestants came to love her for it — hi there, Anna Banana — others said they should bake a cake to celebrate “the bitch” leaving the house for an hour after she won one a challenge. Of course, Eva heard Jennipher say this to Toccara and Yaya. And Eva did NOT take this lying down. Of course, Jennipher pointed out how Eva had called them all bitches earlier. Of course, Ann defended Eva, then Amanda got involved, then someone got shoved, then... phew, poor Kristi’s boyfriend surely heard every word while he was on the phone.
#6: The Girl Who’s F-ing Crazy
Dominique vs Claire, Lauren & Whitney: Cycle 10
Have you ever seen someone and immediately thought, “Do NOT pick a fight with this person!?” Meet Lauren. What, did you think we’d say Dominique? Maybe it was the way Lauren stood up on a chair to yell back at Dominique in the middle of a housewide argument that gave us a bad vibe. Despite Dominique being the central focus of the fight, she’s, oddly, the calmest one as Claire, Whitney, and, oof... there goes Lauren at high volume to end the fight with a bleeped out declaration of who the craziest person in the house is. At least she was quieter about telling Fatima to choke on her coffee in the very next episode?
#5: The Girl Named Monique
Monique vs Everyone: Cycle 7
Ladies and gentlemen: Monique Calhoun. If she wasn’t fighting with everyone, she was pouring water on their beds or rubbing her underwear on them while they slept. Seriously, we cannot make this up. It’s honestly hard to pick just one fight that involved her. Do we talk about the time she stayed on the phone for so long that Anchal barged into the room and went off on her? Or how about the time she threw away food because someone supposedly ate her Doritos? THERE’S FOOD THERE, MONIQUE! Hard to believe that she was only around for three episodes... four, if you count the recap. We’re pretty sure that Melrose and the girls had that party.
#4: The Girl Who Is Told to Take Her Place
Teyona, Aminat & Tahlia vs Allison, Celia & Natalie: Cycle 12
After being stuck in a house for weeks on end while dealing with an extremely judgemental competition, Tahlia reached a point where she wanted to go home. But after doing well in a photoshoot, she finally started to feel good about herself. Enter Celia, who decided to reveal to Tyra that Tahlia, gasp, said she wanted to leave the show. Tyra was quick to put Celia in her place — literally, she told her to go back to the spot she’d been standing in. After judging, this led to a huge fight in the house between six, yes, six of the girls... seven if you count Sandra. Where exactly is she going with this?
#3: The Girl Who Was Being Supportive
Binta vs Courtney: Cycle 23
New host. New station. Same ol’ drama. While reality TV thrives on vicious fights between its contestants, watching some of the altercations can be a bit... uncomfortable. Such was the case when Binta confronted Courtney about her challenge win. There’s a real feeling of discomfort when the fight begins, with the other girls cramped together on their ride back to the house. Initially, it seems like some of the girls are eager to see the drama unfold — Cody, for example — but as Binta and Courtney get louder it’s clear that no one likes the direction it’s going in. Watching the girls react and realize that they’re stuck in that situation until they get home is nervewracking.
#2: The Girl Who Keeps Thighs in Check
Bianca vs Saleisha: Cycle 9
Oh, Bianca. Looking back at Cycle 9’s mean girl made us realize that not every confrontation was her fault — we’re looking at you, Cycle 17. That being said, she certainly did know how to end a conversation — a true poet, Bianca was, if you foolishly tried to come at her. Once she determined that Saleisha had said enough, she responded to the latter’s declaration of being the one who was gonna win the competition with the now iconic line of, “Check your thighs in the mirror, and I’m done.” Except she actually wasn’t done because then it was Chantal’s turn to join the battle and just... please stop messing with Bianca, guys.
Before we get to our number one pick, be sure to not pick a fight with these honorable mentions:
The Girl Who Fights Back with Gospel
Ebony vs Robin: Cycle 1
The Girl with the Corns
Angelea vs Sandra: Cycle 12
The Boy Who Heatbutts His Way Out
Romeo vs Adam: Cycle 21
#1: The Girl Who Gets Beer on Her Weave
Tiffany vs the Stank Ho: Cycle 3
Listen. We “stan” a Top Model legend. Tiffany Richardson will go down as the girl who was the catalyst to Tyra Banks’ meltdown, but when it comes to full-on, bare knuckle brawls? It’s not her moment with Tyra, but her moment with the, quote, “stank ho.” To be fair, Ms. Stank — whose name we never learn — started it, turning a dance-off into the perfect opportunity to pour beer all over Tiffany. Tiffany immediately went on the offensive, which led to glasses and bottles being thrown around in the bar, blood, and a breakdown while on the way back to the hotel. Just another day on Top Model.