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Top 10 Awesome Kristen Bell Moments

Top 10 Awesome Kristen Bell Moments
Script written by Savannah Sher

She's super talented and funny! We love Kristen Dunst and these are her best moments. We've included dressing up as Elsa, being ultra chill about Dax Shepard's attempted swinging, when she and Dax “did” Africa, her performance in “Never Have I Ever”, when she and Dax played Game of Thrones, her rescue of Josh's Gad's family, the sloth moment on Ellen Degeneres show, her uncomplicated wedding and when she performed a frozen-metallics mashup with Dave Growl for his kids.

#10: Dressing Up as Elsa

It could be argued that Kristen Bell’s biggest role to date was when she gave voice to Anna, from a little mega hit of a film called “Frozen.” Rather than be too on the nose by dressing as her own character though, she went as Ice Queen Elsa. She apparently did it under extreme pressure from her daughter who (adorably) was also going as Elsa for Halloween. Though we love that mom acquiesced to her daughter’s demands, it’s Bell’s hilarious and angsty instagram post that really made this a winner. There’s no grin in sight, but we “forkin” love it! The real kicker here is that apparently her kids don’t even like Frozen that much.

#9: When She Hosted the SAG Awards

Leave it to Kristen Bell to own being the first-ever host of the SAG Awards. Right out of the gate, she threw in some self-deprecating – and relatable – humor about being a Disney fan when she was a kid. In just her opening monologue, she managed to cram in a jab at First Lady Melania Trump, some sly TV references, and an important message about the wave of change in 2018. Over the course of the night, Bell reminded us why we love her so much, whether she was praising Greta Gerwig or shouting random words like fire pit and meat city. But let’s not forget she knows what the people want in their heart of hearts.

#8: When She & Dax “Did” Africa

As we were saying… Kristen and Dax are a comedic one-two punch the likes of which few couples, celebrity or otherwise, can compete with. Before introducing children into the mix, the two took a trip to Africa, and to honor the occasion, they basically turned the entire thing into one big music video for American rock band Toto’s hit from the ‘80s, “Africa”. Their over-the-top dance moves, lip-syncing and unabashedly campy aesthetic certainly did the original video proud - while producing a bona fide viral hit of their very own.

#7: Her Performance in ‘Never Have I Ever’

Ellen DeGeneres, with her naturally magnetic personality, is one of those hosts that stars genuinely want to be friends with. She also has an uncanny knack for getting them to open up about things they don’t mean to. In this hilarious segment, Bad Moms co-stars Kristen Bell and Mila Kunis get surprised by hubbies and ex-Punk’d co-stars Dax Shepard and Ashton Kutcher, and then proceed to play a game of “Never Have I Ever”. Though all parties involved were funny, Bell won the day by showing a complete lack of shame about what her and Dax have done together, while also throwing him under the bus with some faux drama.

#6: When She & Dax Played ‘Game of Thrones’

The comedic duo and real life comedic partners in crime strike again, this time giving us their best impersonations of some notable characters from the Westeros. Playing their way through the hit HBO series’ intro song, Bell and Shepard frequently switch up instruments and characters to hilarious effect. They give us a little taste of incest, a quick duel between Brienne and the Hound, and perhaps most hilariously, a pair of sparrows, where you can really see Bell’s commitment to the gag. Though it might be short, it packs a lot of entertainment value.

#5: Her Rescue of Josh Gad’s Family

Though Kristen Bell most often owns our news feeds with her hilarious antics, she’s also got a heart of gold. She proved this beyond a shadow of a doubt when crisis struck Florida, where her Frozen costar Josh Gad’s family lives. Stuck in Tampa, where they had gone in hopes of avoiding Hurricane Irma’s destructive path, they found themselves in harm’s way when the hurricane changed directions. Luckily for Josh Gad, he had an ally in the area at the time who was able to pull some strings - Kristen Bell. A true friend and real life hero, she assured Gad that she would take care of them, even if it meant sharing her own room.

#4: When She Got REAL Candid About Motherhood

Kristen Bell isn’t interested in acting out a picture-perfect life for the cameras. She and Dax Shepard are often put on a pedestal because of all the fun they have together, but she’s made a point of stating that they have problems just like any other couple. Another way in she has been refreshingly honest is when she discusses having children. She clearly loves her kids, but as she made hilariously clear when talking to Ellen, it’s not all smiles and baby pictures. She compared visiting the show to “being on vacation,” voiced her appreciation for the audience being able to wipe themselves, and shared tidbits about her drugged-out birthing experience.

#3: When She Performed a Frozen-Metallica Mashup with Dave Grohl for His Kids

When the iconic Foo Fighters frontman guest-hosted Jimmy Kimmel Live! dressed as David Letterman, a mustachioed Kristen Bell, in a full Tom Selleck costume, performed the song “Do You Want to Build a Snowman?” from Frozen, before transitioning it into “Enter Sandman” by Metallica. Honestly… it’s hard to say which one she did a better job of. Though jamming with Grohl would be a dream come true for many, the iconic rocker claimed that the privilege was all his, given that his kids apparently LOVE Kristen Bell and Frozen. Of course, her own hosting stint on the show was equally awesome.

#2: Her Uncomplicated Wedding

Though it can be a lot of fun to read about crazy, over-the-top celebrity wedding ceremonies, we’ve got a real soft spot for stars who buck the trend and choose to keep it simple. First, these two refused to get married until same-sex marriage was allowed. How cool is that? When the time came, they kept it super casual, tying the knot with a barebones ceremony at the Beverly Hills County Clerk's office. But the icing on top of this wedding cake is Bell’s ability to laugh at herself, which she reaffirmed by sharing this throwback Thursday pic of her crying during the ceremony as Dax laughs at her.

Before we get to our top pick, here are some honorable mentions:

“Up Where We Belong” Duet with James Corden

Mary Poppins Quits


#1: The Sloth

Speaking of Kristen Bell crying… her obsession with sloths and her reaction to the very possibility of being in the same room as one, just might be some of the best content available on the internet. It all started when Dax decided to surprise her with a visit from a sloth to celebrate her 31st birthday. Though the video itself is priceless, she literally gets choked up just talking about it. Then, of course, at a later date, Ellen brought out Lola the sloth to meet Bell in front of the studio audience, and sure enough, Bell loved it.
