Top 10 Best Fortnite Streamers

Did you know there's more than one guy streaming Fortnite? Welcome to WatchMojo, and today, we're counting down our picks for the Top 10 Fortnite Streamers on Twitch.
For this list, we're looking at some "Fortnite" streamers that are worth checking out on Twitch. Yes, they have to be on TWITCH. So, no, Ninja will not be appearing on this list.
#10: Aydan
If you’re tired of entering streams where someone is screaming out of rage or trying too hard to be comedic, this guy will gladly offer a change of pace. Aydan Conrad of Ghost Gaming is one of the most chill streamers we’ve come across and still puts on an excellent display of skill. He’s also one of the most reactive PC players around the block, able to manage inventory, build and edit structures, and swap items on the fly. So, if you just want to relax while watching top-notch gameplay, you won’t be disappointed tuning in to Aydan’s streams.
#9: Daequan
One of the many members of the famous Team SoloMid squad, Daequan is entertaining in a variety of ways. Every stream, you can expect some lighthearted smacktalk towards his enemies, a range of funny voices, and of course, excellent gameplay. Those of you looking to hone your sniping skills may want to swing by his channel as Daequan can take out just about anyone from a great distance. He doesn’t stream only “Fortnite”, either; you can expect some nights where he’ll spend time talking to the chat or switch over to games like the newest “Call of Duty”.
Just about anyone streaming “Fortnite” is playing on PC, but not NICKMERCS. Nick may be playing on console, but that doesn’t mean you should underestimate his prowess. He’s actually one of the more impressive console players and can take out enemies just as fast and accurately as PC players. Had it not been for PlayStation’s face buttons, you’d think he would be playing with a mouse and keyboard! You may catch him participating in “Fortnite’s” weekly tournaments for Solos and Squads. Should you participate, you best beware of Nick and his friends!
#7: Bugha
It isn’t uncommon to see other players building like crazy in “Fortnite”. While anyone can spam the build button and hope for the best, few can carry as much finesse and speed as Bugha does. Seriously, you need to watch this guy play! Rather than focus on his face, Bugha has his webcam set above his mouse and keyboard so you can see just how wild his motions can get. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself a tad disoriented, but amidst your confusion you’ll be wondering how in the world he survives.
#6: CDNThe3rd
Sometimes, you just need a stream that has good vibes all around, and if you’re one of those people who likes those experiences, chances are you’re already familiar with CDNThe3rd. This resident of New Jersey will always find a way to make you laugh, whether it is from making funny voices or trolling enemy players and bots. You may catch him streaming with other “Fortnite” hot shots, too, such as Summit1g, HighDistortion, or even Dr. Disrespect. So, if you’re having a rough day and need something to lift your spirits up, CDN might be able to turn that frown upside-down!
#5: Mongraal
As we all know, there are hundreds upon hundreds of kids playing “Fortnite” every chance they get. However, few have been able to impress us to the same degree as Kyle, aka “Mongraal”. Boasting more than 1.7 million followers on Twitch alone, this teen comes with some awe-inspiring credentials, having won thousands of dollars from competing in several “Fortnite” tournaments. Needless to say, the kid is a real pro! So, if you’re looking to improve your skills so you can play competitively, be sure to tune in to his streams.
#4: dakotaz
Before hopping into Epic Games’ battle royale, Dakotaz (or “DK”, as he is often referred to) spent his days streaming PvP modes from across various titles. While he may break away and play some other online games, DK has been one of the top “Fortnite” players since the game launched in 2017, accruing more than four million followers on Twitch. It isn’t hard to see why people like him so much - his streams are chill (for the most part), he’s entertaining when it comes to intense situations, and he’s just as talented in the game as he is funny.
#3: Myth
Another well-respected member of Team SoloMid, Myth boasts over 5.5 million followers on Twitch, and that isn’t too surprising. Every stream, viewers can expect some crazy plays and hilarious smacktalk as he dominates nearly every single match. (Really, with building skills like his, we can’t help feeling just a little jealous…) On top of that, Myth is one of the few big-name streamers that maintains strong communication with his community, reading the chat every chance he can get while sharing his favorite songs. It's nice to see that some of the top dogs still have a human side.
#2: Nick Eh 30
While he may not hold as high of a follower count as the likes of Myth or DK, this YouTuber-turned-Twitch streamer brings with him a playstyle we don’t see often. Rather than shake the camera everywhere when building, Nick develops new techniques for building that involve setting up traps or enabling a stronger defense. He’ll even guide viewers into what he’s thinking and how to pull off his strategies. Clearly, he’s put in the time to learn the game, experiment, and even go so far as to build his own training course! Informative and educational, Nick is well worth your time.
#1: DrLupo
Throughout this list, we’ve seen master builders, expert marksmanship, and great comedians. DrLupo is the ultimate mixture of all three. From the quick sniping to the erratic building, Lupo’s reflexes has made us wonder if the dude is actually a human or some kind of high-class machine built by Twitch themselves! Of course, when his mind isn’t racing at a million miles per hour, he’s joking around with his friends and chat. And if you thought is abilities in “Fortnite” were crazy, you should check out the possible future robot overlord when he’s playing other games.