Top 10 Best Harry Potter Actors Who Were Perfectly Cast From the Book

#10: Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter
You never quite know how it’s going to pan out when you cast for child roles – especially when they’re the lead – but safe to say it’s hard to imagine anyone else playing Harry Potter these days. Radcliffe brought the character’s quick wit and unwavering determination to life right from the start. As he grew with the franchise, learning from some of the best Britain has to offer, the weight of the world his character carried began to translate to the screen. It’s a shame we never got to see as much of book-Harry’s sharp tongue in the movies, but when given the opportunity, Radcliffe can do sass with the best of them.
#9: Ralph Fiennes as Voldemort
Few can argue against Voldemort’s rebirth in “Goblet of Fire” being a visual triumph. Pale white with a skull-like face and slitted nostrils - the Dark Lord is born again exactly as described on the page. Aside from the red eyes, which were supposed to have cat-like pupils, everything is pretty spot on. Add actor Ralph Fiennes to the mix, and you have the ice cold delivery to match. He absolutely threw himself into this iconic role, trading wailed outbursts and whispered threats that always keep us on our toes.
#8: James & Oliver Phelps as Fred & George Weasley
Though Julie Walters adds weight and warmth to Molly, we’re giving the title of ‘best adapted Weasleys’ to the twins. Fred and George are always together in the books – it’s even difficult for their mother to know which is which sometimes. Likewise, James and Oliver Phelps are pretty impossible to tell apart – or at least they were during the time of filming. Their shared lines of dialogue allowed them to play off each other in a way that was almost telepathic. The pair have less to do in the movies, mostly because Percy isn’t around to tease, but the actors certainly held their own with all the wit and charm of the book-twins.
#7: Tom Felton as Draco Malfoy
Tom Felton has surprisingly little screen time across all eight movies, but the young actor showed incredible maturity to play all sides of a changing character, completing Draco’s turnaround in just over 30 minutes. Jason Isaacs is worth a mention here for his delightfully cruel take on Lucius, creating some sympathy for Malfoy Junior in the process. But Felton did the rest with a fantastic turn in “Half-Blood Prince”. In a single performance, Felton turned a cocky and arrogant boy into a nervous and tortured young man, fulfilling all the promise of one of the book’s most important arcs.
#6: Helena Bonham Carter as Bellatrix LeStrange
The role of Bellatrix LeStrange originally went to Helen McCrory, who eventually landed the role of the character’s sister, Narcissa. The studio went the opposite way in recasting. Best known for playing some of the wackiest roles Tim Burton could think up, Helena Bonham Carter stuck to what she knew, and turned Bellatrix up to 11. As the series’ most unhinged character, Carter feels right at home, outshining Death Eaters already established and even improvising some of her craziest lines. Bonus points for being versatile enough to expertly portray Hermione as Bellatrix too!
#5: Evanna Lynch as Luna Lovegood
Already a fan of the books, Evanna Lynch identified with the quirky, non-judgemental Luna Lovegood right from her debut. Before even being cast, she had become pen pals with J.K. Rowling after first writing to her publisher. The author offered advice and even the details of the casting agent, but Lynch landed her dream role on merit, beating out over 15,000 other girls to win the part. In the words of producer David Heyman, “the others could play Luna. Evanna Lynch is Luna.” Rowling even began writing book Luna with Lynch in mind. Talk about a perfect fit.
#4: Maggie Smith as Minerva McGonagall
A universally beloved character, so much of Professor McGonagall’s appeal is in the respect she shares with the title hero. Their bond is made obvious a few different times in the novels, like when it took McGonagall being severely disrespected for Harry to perfect the Cruciatus curse. Maggie Smith, who already has status as a British national treasure, commanded authority from her very first appearance. The unspoken relationship she has with her students and her fine sense of justice is probably most evident in “Order of the Phoenix”, where she actively opposes Professor Umbridge to become an instant fan favorite.
#3: Imelda Staunton as Dolores Umbridge
Speak of the devil. Dolores Umbridge is a living reminder that not all cold-blooded villains in the Wizarding World are Death Eaters. She’s certainly prejudiced enough to be one, after all. Spectacularly evil and described as toad-like in appearance, it would have been easy to present the latest Defense Against the Dark Arts professor as cartoonish in the movies. Luckily, they found just the right actress. Imelda Staunton brought all the worst parts of Umbridge to life in a way that’s sickeningly believable – right down to the high-pitched giggle that never fails to make us shudder. Staunton’s portrayal of a power trip gone wrong briefly makes Umbridge the most hated character in the series. It’s extra impressive as she debuts right after Voldemort’s return.
#2: Robbie Coltrane as Rubeus Hagrid
The importance of Robbie Coltrane’s performance cannot be understated. He was the first and preferred actor Rowling had in mind for the role of Hagrid. From his first appearance on the page, Hagrid starts as physically intimidating, lands on clumsy and comical, and soon after becomes the story’s emotional heartbeat. Playing a character out of place in the familiar Muggle world but a reliable guide into the Wizarding World, Coltrane had big boots to fill – pun very much intended. The late actor ticked every box, from his tangled beard to his thick West Country accent, and proved Rowling was right on the money.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Emma Thompson as Sybil Trelawney
Thompson Adds Layers of Sincerity to an “Old Fraud”
Timothy Spall as Peter Pettigrew
A Fittingly Creepy Performance Right Down to the Fur-Like Hair
Kenneth Branagh as Gilderoy Lockhart
We Would Love to Have Seen an “Order of the Phoenix” Reappearance
Richard Harris as Albus Dumbledore
A Calmer, More Book-Accurate Dumbledore
Gary Oldman as Sirius Black
No One Else Could Have Embodied That Charm & Daredevil Attitude
#1: Alan Rickman as Severus Snape
Severus Snape may be younger in the books, but we don’t dock points for aging up if Alan Rickman is involved. Not many actors can pull off such a complex character, but Rickman had us guessing in every one of his slow-talking scenes. The “Die Hard” baddie looked right at home in all black, but where he best captured the Potions master was in his performance. It’s well-known that Rickman knew the character’s backstory all along, and he played to the inner conflict we just don’t see on the page. Whether Snape is truly redeemed is up for debate - but the best adapted “Harry Potter” character? “Always.”
Who did we miss? And which “Harry Potter” actors are least like their book characters? WatchMojo asked calmly…