Top 10 Best Jackass Members

So many different types of wild and crazy to choose from! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’ll be counting down our picks for the Top 10 Jackass Members.
For this list, we’re looking at the both major and minor players – from the early 2000s TV series and the more recent feature films. While Jackass is often a team effort, much of our ranking is based on the skits, stunts, and pranks that help define the individual greatness of each Jackass.
#10: Brandon DiCamillo
Before Jackass, DiCamillo starred in, narrated, wrote, produced, and directed many of the now-famous “CKY” videos where Bam Margera, Ryan Dunn, and other Jackasses got their starts. Many of DiCamillo’s “CKY” pranks and comedy-fueled stunts ended up on episodes of the MTV show. He is arguably the Jackass crew’s best – if not only – impressionist, doing everything from Jean-Claude Van Damme to a pirate. And, of course, he’s participated in some of the usual Jackassery, including crashing shopping carts in parking lots, rolling office chairs down skate ramps, and flying off concrete stairs in a wheelchair.
#9: ‘Danger’ Ehren McGhehey
Although “Danger” Ehren McGhehey was the unwitting victim of what WatchMojo named the Most Insane Jackass Prank, there’s more to him than this epic double-cross … and let’s just call it the worst beard of all-time. For many, “Danger” Ehren is best known for the stomach-churning Yellow Snow Cone and getting the wrong end of a real jackass while playing Pin the Tail on the Donkey. And McGhehey might have the world’s most famous detachable tooth. It has been knocked out twice, including a head-on collision during Mini Motorcycle Mayhem. For “Jackass 3D,” Ehren figured he’d just expedite the process by letting a string -- and a high-speed Lamborghini -- take it out for him.
#8: Dave England
When it comes to Jackass’ scatological pranks, you might say Dave England is their go-two guy. On the show, he gave us the Poo Diaper, a skit where he’s filled a diaper with chocolate pudding and puts it in the trash can. Moments later, he comes back and starts eating it, to the horror of bystanders. In “Jackass: The Movie,” England dropped his pants and befouled a hardware store’s display toilet. In “Jackass 3D,” he upped the ante with the Poo Volcano, which is exactly what you think it is. England has called himself the “world’s first professional shitter,” and it’s hard to disagree.
#7: Preston Lacy
Preston Lacy’s weight makes him a target … literally. In creating a human goalpost for former NFL kicker Josh Brown, the Jackass crew provided the largest frame to kick at … Preston. The crew also loves taking advantage of Lacy’s fear of heights. He has shaked in fear as King Kong on top of a portable toilet, walking the plank off of a battleship, and two-man bungee-jumping with Jason “Wee-Man” Acuña. In a recurring bit also partnered with Wee-Man, Lacy chases Acuña through the streets - both men only wearing their tighty-whities.
#6: Chris Pontius
How do we put this delicately? Chris Pontius is the Evel Knievel of a certain part of the male anatomy. He’s used it as a baseball bat, cast it and let a woodpecker peck away, dressed it as a mouse and put it in a snake tank, tied it to a remote-control helicopter, pleasured himself with a sea cucumber, and filled his mesh underwear with shrimp before swimming with whale sharks. And in both the show and in the films, he’s given us character “Party Boy,” a stereo shopper who strips off his clothes and dances. At least “Party Boy” keeps his G-string on.
#5: Ryan Dunn
Ryan Dunn seemed to do the stunts that no one else would do. Need someone to go into the ring with a champion female kickboxer, Dunn will do it. Need someone to scuba dive into raw sewage? Dunn will do it. Need someone to ride a bike off a ramp right into a cactus? Dunn will do it. Need someone to somehow jam a toy car up their you-know-what then have a doctor give them an X-Ray? Dunn will do it. Sadly, Dunn died in a 2011 car accident, but he’ll always be remembered for his can-do spirit.
#4: Jason ‘Wee-Man’ Acuña
Jason Acuña may be called “Wee-Man,” but it seems clear that he has gigantic cajones. He has stripped down to his drawers and let six Jackasses pummel him with paintballs. He has taken on a bull with nothing more than a yoga ball. He has let a heavy woman jump on top of him. And, of course, Jackass has taken advantage of his size, whether that be the ol’ kidnapped guy in a bag trick or hiding in a cooler and shooting the thirsty with a pee-filled water gun.
#3: Bam Margera
Like other cast members, Bam Margera has had his fair share of dangerous, squirm-inducing, and downright gross stunts and pranks. But Bam’s best material may come when Bam’s torturing his parents, April and Phil. On the show and in the movies, he has woken them up at ungodly hours with everything from electric guitars and fireworks. Bam has busted up April and Phil’s home, one time turning their stairway into an indoor ski slope. He’s scared the hell out of April and Phil with everything from a crocodile in the kitchen to a gorilla in their hotel room. He may not be son-of-the-year, but he’s a top-notch Jackass.
#2: Steve-O
During one of Steve-O’s first appearances in Season 1 of the show, he drank a goldfish and threw it up … alive. And that was just a taste of his future outrageousness. Steve-O snorted wasabi. He pierced one of his cheeks with a fish hook and became human shark bait. He shot fireworks out of his butt. He donned a self-contained Fart Mask with a gassy Preston on the other end. And for the culminating stunt for “Jackass 3D,” Steve-O strapped into a poo-packed porta-potty and was shot into the air on bungee cords. When it comes to Jackass’ most iconic stunts, it seems like Steve-O is usually front-and-center.
#1: Johnny Knoxville
Johnny Knoxville is the heart and soul of Jackass. Every installment starts with Knoxville’s now iconic welcome. In the first season, he helped set the tone for the show by stepping into the first poo cocktail and using 10,000 live bees as underwear. In Jackass’ 2008 Evel Knievel tribute show, Knoxville’s failed jump left him with a broken urethra. He was also the jokester behind WatchMojo’s #1 Jackass Movie Stunt, The High Five. And then there’s Knoxville’s old man character Irving Zisman. It started on the show, continued in the movies, and culminated in 2013 hit film, “Bad Grandpa.” He is Johnny Knoxville and, more than anyone, he is Jackass.