Top 10 Best Joey Quotes

How much do we love this friend? Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’ll be counting down our picks for the Top 10 Best Joey Quotes.
For this list, we’re looking at the things Joey Tribbiani said on Friends that fans still can’t get enough of. So, if you fancy yourself a real Friends fan, then these quotes are guaranteed to make you laugh.
#10: “If I Had to, I’d Pee on Any One of You!”
“The One with the Jellyfish”
If you want a friend who’ll always be there to help, then Joey’s your man. During a trip to the beach, Monica is stung by a jellyfish, and is horrified when Joey and Chandler tell her what the only cure is. Although it’s initially left ambiguous over which of the two men volunteered - as the three refuse to share their dark secret with the rest of the group - the truth eventually does come out. While Chandler and Monica are embarrassed, Joey proudly claims that he was the only one who took charge for Monica’s sake, something he’d do for the others too. However, he then reveals he couldn’t get the job done because of “stage fright.” But hey, it’s the thought that counts, right?
#9: “Nice Try. See, The Netherlands Is This Make-Believe Place…”
“The One with the Football”
Geography was never Joey’s strong suit, especially considering he seemed to have knowledge of US states that didn’t even exist. However, his lowest point has to be when he came across the beautiful Dutch girl, Margha. In this episode, the competition between the friends get fierce to win the “Gellar cup” with Joey and Chandler also competing for Margha’s affections. In order to improve his chances, Chandler sets Joey up by asking questions about Dutch people as Margha watches. Unfortunately for Joey, he ends up confusing the Netherlands with Neverland, leading to an embarrassing situation as his chances with Margha fall apart. On the plus side, at least Joey’s up-to-date with his Disney trivia.
#8: “Well, the Fridge Broke, So I Had to Eat Everything.”
“The One with Joey’s Fridge”
We all know that Joey doesn’t shy away from a challenge when it comes to food. And he demonstrated his large appetite when we saw him try and make the best out of a bad situation. Having become used to Chandler paying for most of his livelihood, it was an odd situation for Joey once Chandler moved out. Eventually he realizes he needs money to buy a new fridge, and comes up with hilariously awful excuses to make others to pay for it. Before this happened, we saw Joey’s genius solution to avoid getting all the leftover food go to waste, even eating something he had no idea about.
#7: “Pizza, We Like Pizza!”
“The One with Unagi”
Joey never had a brother growing up, being the only son among seven sisters. Joey never had a brother growing up, being the only son among seven sisters. Although if you were to ask him, he may have something else to say. After moving on from his failed attempts to convince his “hand twin” to go into show business, Joey turned his sights to having an identical twin. Planning to fool a research study into paying him $2000 for a twin study, he hires the gullible Carl to play his brother. Assuming that all twins behave the same way, Joey forces his hired help to take upon his mannerisms, also denying the poor guy some dessert because ("pizza, we like pizza!"). Even after his plan predictably fails to work, Joey still continues to blame Carl. Looks like Carl is never going to get that pizza.
#6: “Could I Be Wearing Any More Clothes?”
“The One Where No One’s Ready”
Out of all the friends’ mannerisms, Chandler’s distinct way of speaking garnered him the most jokes at his expense– especially when Joey wanted to get a good laugh at him. In this episode, Ross’ efforts to get everyone ready for his big event is hampered when Joey and Chandler quarrel over who gets to sit in the big chair in Monica’s apartment. After Chandler gets back at Joey for stealing the chair’s “essence” by hiding his underwear, Joey retaliates by flaunting Chandler’s entire wardrobe. Imitating the way Chandler speaks, he adds insult to injury by pointing out that he’s “going commando”, much to Chandler’s horror. Remind us never to get on Joey’s bad side in the future.
#5: “If He Doesn't Like You, This Is All a Moo Point…”
“The One Where Chandler Doesn’t Like Dogs”
Calling Joey’s vocabulary and grammatical skills bad would be an understatement. We’ve seen him be confused by simple air quotes, and witnessed his infamous use of a thesaurus to write a letter. In this episode, while Monica and Phoebe attempt to discourage Rachel from pursuing her crush Tag, who also happens to be her assistant, Joey manages to convince her she has a shot. That is, until he mentions what he’s basing his theory on. When she hears him compare his opinion against something a cow might say, Rachel decides not to heed Joey’s advice. However, he does turn out to be right in the end as Joey’s “Moo point” inadvertently brings Rachel and Tag together.
#4: “I’m Not Even Sorry!”
“The One With The Birth Mother”
Joey has always been open to apologizing whenever he does something wrong - even if the apology ends up hilariously backfiring. These sentiments don’t extend to the matters of food, though, where he throws etiquette out the window. It doesn’t even have to be his own meal either, something we saw very well during his date with Phoebe’s friend Sarah. After Joey tells her off for trying to eat off his plate, Sarah refuses to let him have her dessert as well. However, once Joey tries to sneak in a taste, he knows he’s in trouble. Cut to the next scene, we watch as a scandalized Sarah catches Joey devouring the entire cake with no remorse.
#3: “Paper! Snow! A Ghost!”
“The One Where The Stripper Cries”
After being excited to appear as a celebrity guest on Pyramid, Joey learns he isn’t cut out to compete in this game. Although his role here is to help the contestant Gene by either guessing answers or providing clues, Joey has no idea how to give Gene any hints and ends up answering them himself. It doesn’t get better the other way round either, as his guesses are so random they defy all logic. We then watch as Joey ruins Gene’s chances by giving wild answers nobody could think of, before repeating the same answer to every clue. Maybe Joey should stick to hosting game shows; he did make “Bamboozled!” look extremely entertaining.
#2: “Joey Doesn’t Share Food!”
“The One with the Birth Mother”
If there’s one thing to learn about Joey, it’s to stay far away from him when he’s having a meal. Always in the mood to eat, we’ve seen Joey complete seemingly impossible eating challenges and still have room for more. As far as he’s concerned, food is a matter of life and death, as he even risked his life to save his sandwich from a bullet. So, it comes as no surprise that Joey has no interest in sharing his food, something he makes perfectly clear whenever someone comes near his food or even brings up the subject. Then again, what else can you expect from someone who has a habit of having his lunch in the shower?
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions:
“Sup, the Wack Playstation, Sup?”
“The One With Monica’s Thunder”
“Suppose We’re a Divorced Couple…”
“The One with Joey’s Fridge”
“Over the Line? You're So Far Past the Line That You Can't Even See the Line…”
“The One Where Chandler Crosses the Line
“You Can't Just Give Up. Is That What a Dinosaur Would Do?”
“The Last One”
“What’s Not to Like? Custard? Good. Jam? Good. Meat? Good.”
“The One Where Ross Got High”
#1: “How You Doin'?”
Out of every quote Joey’s uttered on the show, this one has stood the test of time. Whenever Joey wanted to seal the deal with a girl he was interested in, this was his go-to line. First heard when Rachel asks him how to make a move on someone quick, Joey demonstrates its use on Phoebe, and the rest is history. The quote is also adopted by a number of other characters too, although nobody says it better than Joey, who perfected the use of this line to point where he didn’t need to say it out loud. And it worked every time too, well, almost every time. Now considered a catchphrase, even Matt Leblanc has used this quote to the delight of some famous fans.