Top 10 Best Leonard & Sheldon Moments on The Big Bang Theory

Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Leonard and Sheldon Moments. For this list, we’ll be looking at the funniest, sweetest, and most entertaining times that, underneath it all, Leonard and Sheldon really were BFFs. Which Lendon moment was friendship goals for you? Let us know in the comments.
#10: Working Together
While Leonard often complains that living with Sheldon can be a lot, even he can’t resist collaborating with his beautiful mind. And while he might soon regret it, we can’t help but revel in the chaos as it unfolds. Are they always the perfect team? Obviously not. We haven’t heard of too many presentations of co-penned papers that end in brawls— although Howard assures us they’re not all that unusual. However, they had each other’s back during the whole shady helium-acquiring ordeal. And their co-paper on superfluids did receive rave reviews— even from Stephen Hawking! It’s always fun to see Mr. Insightful and Mr. Innovative work together.
#9: Saying Goodbye at the Train Station
“The Status Quo Combustion”
We all know that Sheldon’s strongly averse to change. And unfortunately for Sheldon, in this episode, those changes just keep on coming. So he does the only rational thing he can think of— get on a train and leave Pasadena. Luckily Leonard tracks him down before he takes off and tries to convince him to come home. When even a trip to Legoland can’t win him over, Leonard, with some convincing from Penny, realizes he has to let his friend go. It’s a sweet moment between the duo showing how much Leonard loves and cares for his buddy. And Sheldon does his part by making their farewells that much easier.
#8: Standing Up for Each Other
While Sheldon can often be the biggest jerk in Leonard’s life, he certainly won’t stand for anyone else picking on his little buddy. How many friends would join a quest to retrieve their new neighbor’s TV? And be so understanding when they leave without the television and their pants? Or have their friend’s back when they’re in a standoff with a guy twice their size?! And would they stand by you if an unpleasant blast from the past sauntered back into your life? Leonard’s there for Sheldon, too (well, he tries to be). Would you be willing to drive out on a rescue mission to save your friend’s battle ostrich?
#7: Being Best Men (& “Weird Other Husband Who Came With the Apartment”)
“The Bow Tie Asymmetry”
Since Leonard and Penny eloped, they didn’t exactly need a best man. However, that didn’t stop Sheldon from getting in there at their second wedding. Meanwhile, Sheldon puts his friends through a series of tasks before ultimately choosing Leonard as his best man. And when the big day arrived, the pair shared a touching moment that made us both happy, cry and cry with laughter. Their heart-to-heart encapsulates everything we love about their friendship. And it’s so great that Leonard could be there for one of the most significant moments of Sheldon’s life. Oh, and watch him get married, of course.
#6: Leonard Signs Out of the Roommate Agreement
“The Friendship Contraction”
After one emergency drill night too many, Leonard’s had enough and opts out of the roommate agreement, thereby nullifying its friendship clauses. While Leonard enjoys his newfound freedom, Sheldon realizes just how much he relies on his roommate, heck, he even misses his companionship. And what won’t he do to try and win him back?! We know Sheldon can be pretty insufferable, but unlike that marshmallow, he sure made our hearts melt. We guess we’ll never know who caused the power outage, but at least they helped rekindle this friendship and founded Leonard’s Day. We hope Sheldon never forgot to get Leonard a card.
#5: Splitting Up Their Stuff
“The Property Division Collision”
It finally happened! Sheldon’s moving out! But before we start any dance parties, first, we need to get through the division of possessions— and, if we know Sheldon, that won’t be any picnic. Indeed, to no one’s surprise, Sheldon wants pretty much everything. But Leonard’s not taking it lying down. Their feud escalates with Sheldon changing the WiFi password, Leonard getting all snug in the apartment’s flag, and Sheldon inviting a stranger to sublet his room. Understandably that last one is the final straw leading to a heated argument. But sometimes, it takes a stranger to unmask the real feelings hiding underneath all that anger and vengeance.
#4: The Start of a Beautifully Wacky Friendship
“The Staircase Implementation”
This episode answers the questions many “Big Bang” fans had been wondering. How did Sheldon and Leonard wind up living together? Why did Leonard stay? And what happened to the elevator? Despite numerous warnings, Leonard goes ahead and signs the roommate agreement. And yes, Sheldon can be so infuriating, but perhaps a roommate with better social skills wouldn’t have (albeit unintentionally) saved Leonard from serving time. He also has the foresight to rescue Leonard and co when their experiment goes wrong. Look, they’d just met; anyone else might’ve ratted Leonard out. Instead, Sheldon proves that he’s Leonard’s ride-or-die, and we see the beginnings of a beautiful, if somewhat unhinged, friendship.
#3: Misadventures on Skywalker Ranch
“The Skywalker Incursion”
On their way to give a lecture, Leonard and Sheldon stop by Skywalker Ranch with the hopes of getting in. While the answer is no, the nice security guard offers them souvenirs instead. It's a generous offer but not enough for Sheldon. We almost weren’t surprised when, thanks to Sheldon, they ended up getting detained. Luckily they’re let off with a warning, but Leonard’s still pretty mad. That is until Sheldon puts a glass-half-full spin on the day’s proceedings. With that in mind, they agree that, actually, it had been a pretty cool day. Say what you will about Sheldon, but he certainly knows how to have some unique adventures.
#2: Sheldon Thinks He Nose Best
“The Septum Deviation”
Sheldon freaks out when Leonard announces he’s having minor surgery. He spends the episode trying to talk him out of it with horror stories and constant reminders of the worst that can happen. And as annoying as that sounds, we could read between the lines. He’s actually super worried about his buddy, and it’s kind of adorable. Leonard tries to get the surgery without Sheldon knowing, but nothing gets past Sheldon Cooper. When a small tremor causes a power outage, Sheldon is beside himself. We’ve heard of sympathy pain, but he really took that to the next level. Even if Sheldon doesn’t admit it, everyone nose how much he loves Leonard.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Sheldon Covers for Leonard, “The Irish Pub Formulation”
Sheldon Hates to Lie, but He’ll Do It for His Buddy (Whether He Wants It or Not)!
Sheldon Wishes Leonard the Best, “The Bon Voyage Reaction”
After Much Introspective Work, Sheldon Finds It in Him to Be Happy for His Pal
A Nobel Shout-Out, “The Stockholm Syndrome”
Sheldon Gives Leonard the Acknowledgment He Deserved. We. Were. Bawling.
Finding Comfort in Friendship, “The Proton Transmogrification”
Sheldon’s Not Much of a Hugger, So This Really Is a Testament to Their Bond
Ball Pit Bazinga, “The Einstein Approximation”
Are You Even BFFs if One of You Isn’t Willing to Chase the Other Around a Ball Pit in the Middle of the Night?
#1: Leonard & Sheldon Aren’t Ready to Give Up Roomie Status
“The Space Probe Disintegration”
As we’ve already mentioned, Sheldon isn’t a fan of change. And while he and Leonard often butt heads over their living arrangement, he certainly can’t imagine life any other way. While sitting in a clothing store with no cell reception, the roommates reflect on their time together. They get pretty riled up talking about the compromises they’ve made for each other. But of course, under all their grievances, there’s a lot of love, and they weren’t the only ones reaching for the tissues. Each realizes how the other has positively impacted their life and how they'll always be there for each other. Now, excuse us while we go hug our best friends.