Top 10 Best Megan Pranks on Drake & Josh

#10: Spicy Food
“Hug Me Brother: Pilot”
Although Megan’s first prank of the series may not seem groundbreaking, the chaos that ensues is nothing short of hilarious. It also introduces the audience to a scheming little girl who has much more on her mind than ponies and stickers. When we see her douse Drake and Josh’s spaghetti and soda with heaps of hot sauce, it seems pretty clear what the outcome will look like. Tried and true, the boys offer an over-the-top slapstick reaction, going so far as to run headfirst into an aquarium and out the window to the garden hose. To top it all off, she shuts the window behind them, locking both boys outside. Now that’s what we call improving on a classic.
#9: The Undefeated Megan
“Smart Girl”
If there’s one rule Drake and Josh should always follow it’s this, never mess with a mastermind like Megan. She makes this especially clear when Josh tries to enact his revenge after being burned by her tricks one too many times. Claiming to always be one step ahead, she omnisciently dodges his feeble attempts at retribution all while tricking him into accepting an explosive ice pop and dumping a water balloon full of disgusting goop on his head. Sure, bugging their room with a microphone helped her plan ahead, but that just goes to show that this kid is on a whole other level.
#8: Susan Exposed
“Believe Me Brother”
Drake believes his girlfriend Susan is cool, funny and awesome. But Josh soon finds out she’s more into lying and cheating. Not only does she start flirting with him the moment Drake leaves a room, but denies anything ever happened. Thankfully, Megan is spotted throughout most of the episode filming the boys private moments (Drake playing the rockstar and Josh singing in the tub) as well as Susan kissing a frightened Josh. Meaning to hijack their school project and splice in the embarrassing footage, she unintentionally outs her brother's cheating partner instead, exposing her lies and confirming Josh’s innocence.
#7: Snake in the Backpack
“First Crush”
The first in a series of exotic animal escapades, here we meet Robert, Megan’s new pet snake. The reptile unfortunately doesn’t last too long in the Parker/Nichols home however, with the dad Walter too terrified to keep it around. But instead of sending it back to the pet store like she was told, Megan instead slips it into Drake’s backpack the same day he’s meant to audition at a local coffee shop. Suffice it to say things don’t go down too well for him and his band when they start performing on stage. Not only does everyone freak out when the snake is thrown into the crowd, but the owner of the cafe is quick to blame Drake for the incident, banning him for life.
#6: Sheep Thrills
“Sheep Thrills”
Featuring an animal of the barnyard persuasion, this episode sees Drake and Josh stumble upon another one of Megan’s exotic pets, a sheep named Baaab. She persuades them to look after it for a few days, promising to go three months without pranking them. Unable to resist such an offer, the brothers hide Baaab in their room. Things get out of hand pretty fast though when the sheep trashes their room, gives birth to a lamb and wanders off around the house. To top it all off, once their parents find out, Megan feigns innocence, causing the boys to get grounded for a month - while she goes ahead and adopts another pet [broll: zebra].
#5: Cold Room
“Paging Dr. Drake”
While most siblings will fight over control of the thermostat, not many will go so far as to dramatically alter the temperature of a room to prove a point. Clearly Megan is not like most little sisters, because that’s exactly what she does to get back at Drake and Josh for blasting the upstairs air conditioning. Equipped with a blowtorch and a welding helmet, she manages to significantly adjust the thermostat’s settings, getting the temperature to below freezing. By the time Drake and Josh get back from their stint in the hospital, not only is the room beyond cold, it starts to snow right over their heads. Better start knitting some sweaters boys.
#4: Trapping Drake & Josh in a Treehouse
“Tree House”
It’s truly amazing how every one of Drake and Josh’s attempts to get back at Megan comes full circle to bite them in the butt. After destroying a neighbours tree house with a model rocket, Drake, Josh and Megan are forced to spend the day rebuilding it, making her miss a friend's birthday party. Included in the punishment thanks to her brothers, she doesn’t let them go unchecked. Fortunately for her, the opportunity comes when Drake forgets to cut out the door, trapping both him and Josh inside the tree house. Not only does Megan leave them in there for most of the night, she also makes them miss their much anticipated double date with twins.
#3: Drake’s Disease
“Mindy Loves Josh”
It’s been clearly established that if you cross Megan Parker, and your name is Drake or Josh, you're going to pay dearly. Such is the outcome for Drake when Megan catches him eating her big cookie. Thanks to a recently discovered skin disease website, she plots her revenge by spray painting his extremities while he sleeps, making him believe he has a rare skin condition called dermatemeculitis - a condition where the hands and feet turn green. As gullible as ever, he even goes so far as to try the only known home remedy for this affliction, soaking the affected areas in buckets of lizard pee. This seems like a pretty harsh, albeit hilarious, punishment, even if he did eat her big cookie.
#2: The Peruvian Puff Pepper
“The Peruvian Puff Pepper”
Drake and Josh partner up to win the grand prize at a salsa competition, a plasma screen TV. Since they refuse to let Megan join their team, she decides to enter on her own. Scared they'll lose to her, the boys decide to steal the rare peppers she purchased, peruvian puff peppers, an ingredient sure to help win the competition. Although they initially succeed in obtaining first place, their victory is short-lived when they reveal the secret to the sauce. Turns out the pepper is not only illegal in the US, but causes kidney failure and chapped lips. Megan ends up collecting the prize instead, revealing that she had orchestrated the entire scenario. Now that’s one heck of a burn.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Tormenting Josh While He Sleeps, “Smart Girl”
Josh Really Needs to Learn to Sleep with One Eye Open
Hacking the Opening Monologue, “The Gary Grill”
Megan Wreaks Havoc When She Gets a Hold of the Video Effects Box
Exploding Cake, “Josh Runs Into Oprah”
Megan Offers Josh an Exploding Cake for His Birthday
Classroom Prank, “Megan’s New Teacher”
Megan Plots to Get Josh Fired When He Teaches Her Class
Phone Frenzy, “Two Idiots And A Baby”
A Ringing Phone Glued to the Receiver & a Crying Baby Are Not a Good Combination.
#1: Megan’s Revenge
“Megan’s Revenge”
Out of all the pranks Megan has pulled on these two, this one is definitely the darkest. As Josh enters Megan’s room to return her camera, he snaps a picture of her pet hamster Hervé. Unfortunately, the bright flash makes the poor hamster keel over, seemingly killing it (although he’s only knocked unconscious). Drake and Josh start to panic, fearing the wrath that will rain down upon them when Megan discovers her deceased pet. Her calm reaction only reinforces their paranoia while they wait for her retaliation. It’s only when they start to turn on each other that she finally reveals her psychological warfare, watching them slowly get eaten alive by their own fear. You don’t mess with Megan’s pets.