Top 10 Best Reads on RuPaul's Drag Race

The library is open! Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’ll be counting down the Top 10 Best Reads on RuPaul’s Drag Race.
For this list, we’re picking out the most iconic, memorable, quoted, and infamous reads from the show. Since there are so many to choose from, we’ll be limiting the selection to the Reading Challenges. Any insults from outside the challenge, like Jade calling out Alyssa's back rolls, will not be included.
#10: Willam vs. Chad Michaels
"Dragazines" (Season 4)
Oh, what a burn. A geriatric burn, that is. Chad Michaels is certainly not one of the younger queens. Born in 1971, she was actually 40 years old during Season 4, considerably older than most of the other competitors. This fact was pointed out in Willam’s MySpace read. I mean, does anybody even remember MySpace? The 2003 online platform fell out of the mainstream long before the rise of current internet and social media obsession, so most millennials and gen z-ers probably never interacted with it much. Although, the Cher impersonating queen could still have a MySpace floating around somewhere on the world wide web.
#9: Eureka O'Hara vs. Everyone
“Snatch Game” (Season 10)
It’s pretty hard to deny that Eureka O’Hara is a funny queen. In this challenge, she treated all of her competitors equally, reading them all to filth. Well, except for Kameron Michaels. From calling Aquaria a pathological liar to coming for The Vixen’s hair, she pulled out all the stops. But her funniest read came at the end, when she said she couldn’t wait to hear the queen’s reads about her being fat. Honestly, there’s some truth to this, since larger queens, like Darienne Lake and Alexis Michelle, are often read about their bodies.
#8: Latrice Royale vs. Phi Phi O'Hara
"Dragazines" (Season 4)
Reading is what? Fundamental! Latrice Royale is a legend of a queen, and this read was certainly legendary. Latrice truly came for Phi Phi with this one, criticizing O’Hara’s brutally unfunny turn with the reading glasses on. While Ms. O’Hara is often stand-offish with other competitors, she couldn’t help but laugh at this read. I mean, come on, it’s Latrice Royale for crying out loud! She’s one of the most well-known and loved drag queens out there. It’s an honor for her to drag you through the filth. Right?
#7: Katya vs. Roxxxy Andrews
“All Star Talent Show Extravaganza” (All Stars Season 2)
Queen of comedy, and Mother Russia, is Yekatarina Petrovna Zamoldchikova, better known as Katya. On season 7, she was witty, weird, and whimsical, but still a bit shy and slightly reserved. When she entered All Stars Season 2 however, she had a more confident and freely silly personality. Which means nothing held her back for this reading challenge. On Roxxy’s original season 5, she shared the tragic story of how she was abandoned at a bus stop as a child. Very sad stuff. With this read, Katya turns tragedy into comedy, proving that if you can’t laugh, you’ll probably cry.
#6: Bob the Drag Queen vs. Robbie Turner
“Wizards of Drag” (Season 8)
Bob the Drag Queen, winner of Season 8, is known for being really freakin’ funny. She even managed to pull off 2 different comedy bits on her season’s Snatch Game, while many queens can barely do 1 successfully. She’s got a sharp mind and tongue, so she had no problems with the reading challenge. From making fun of Derrick Barry’s intelligence to Robbie Turner’s wiglines, her delivery is impeccable. The way she says Robbie Turnter’s name is hilarious in itself, but the read about Flipper really takes it home. This is one queen no one would want to throwdown with in the library.
#5: Darienne Lake vs. Adore Delano
“Oh No She Betta Don’t!” (Season 6)
There are so many reasons why this read is one of the best. The way Darienne delivers it, for one, is flawless. Her slow, hyper-enunciated way of speaking is a great hook into the punchline read. Adore is an easy queen to make fun of because she doesn’t have much shame or issue with calling herself out. She knows she’s out of the box and she fully embraces it. Admittedly, she can be a bit of an airhead, often getting confused or not knowing what everyone’s talking about. For this reason, Darienne’s read on Adore’s intelligence was just downright good.
#4: Alaska vs. Adore Delano
“All Star Talent Show Extravaganza” (All Stars Season 2)
Did someone say Adore Delano is easy to read? Well, here’s another one. Adore had a short stint on All Stars Season 2 and she stayed around long enough for the reading Episode 1. There were many hilarious moments from the challenge, but Alaska delivered an epic read to Adore, once again making fun of her intelligence as well as her fashion. Though, it was a bit of a backhanded compliment, since Alaska did actually say that Adore didn’t have terrible makeup skills! Honestly, that seems like the best compliment you could get from a drag queen.
#3: Sharon Needles vs. Jiggly Caliente
"Dragazines" (Season 4)
With a name like Sharon Needles, you’ve got to have an interesting sense of humor. In the season 4 reading challenge, Sharon had some pretty great reads on Dida Ritz, Willam, and even turned a read from Phi Phi O’Hara on its head. And of course, there was Sharon’s read on Jiggly Caliente. Who knew smoking hams could be so funny? As mentioned earlier, many queens fall back on an easy read for larger bodies, but this was by no means similar. Sure, Sharon was making fun of Jiggly’s size, but she did it in a way that was actually comical and not just a boring “you’re fat”, and it worked in her favor.
#2: Jujubee vs. Tyra Sanchez
"Once Upon a Queen" (Season 2)
Ah, RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 2. A long-lost relic few have seen, even the most dedicated Drag Race fan. But a hidden gem is the reading challenge where Jujubee absolutely slays the competition. There were numerous reads from Juju that blew us all away, like pointing out Raven’s “legs and dairy” and saying Jessica “has a dog face” in a different language! Iconic. The best one was Juju’s read on Tyra Sanchez. RuPaul was laughing before the read was even finished, which is usually a good sign. It’s safe to say the barbecue was cancelled.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Phi Phi O’Hara vs. Tatianna
“All Star Talent Show Extravaganza” (All Stars Season 2)
Adore Delano vs. Laganja Estranja
“Oh No She Betta Don’t!” (Season 6)
Alaska vs. Alyssa Edwards
“RuPaul Roast” (Season 5)
Valentina vs. Peppermint
“RuPaul Roast” (Season 9)
Brooke Lynn Hytes vs. Silky Nutmeg Ganache
“L.A.D.P.!” (Season 11)
#1: Bianca Del Rio vs. Adore Delano
“Oh No She Betta Don’t!” (Season 6)
Bianca Del Rio is undeniably the funniest queen to win RuPaul’s Drag Race. She was one of the first queens to successfully be both funny, fashionable, and all around fabulous, proving you don’t have to have body-yody-yody to win Drag Race. Throughout her season, her confessionals were often the snarkiest and the sarcasm was always on point. During her reading challenge, her ever-present crass humor dominated, and she ruled. Her ultimate read was for Adore, and let’s just say that sometimes, simplicity is key. The read was comedy gold, and she didn’t even break a sweat in the process. Talk about an icon.