Top 10 Best Steve Harvey Reactions to Family Feud Answers
"Family Feud" has always been a great game show, but Steve Harvey's reactions have made so much better. For this list, we’ll be looking at the most outrageous reactions from Steve Harvey during his time hosting the long running game show, “Family Feud.” Our countdown includes the "Mother" incident, Snoop Dogg's pie in the horse, Leonardo DiCaprio's Mona Lisa, and more! Did we miss one of your favorite Steve Harvey “Feud” moments? Let us know in the comments below.
#10: Pork...Upine?
In a game of iconic questions, this one got the best of a contestant - and Steve. The question was “Name something that follows the word ‘pork?’” The contestant, Will, answers “upine,” which sends Steve for a loop. First, Harvey questions the man as if he didn't hear him. At this point, Will's family is already laughing at his answer. Then, Steve begins asking over and over, “What is cupine?” The answer almost destroyed a part of Steve's brain, causing him to endlessly repeat the answer. When Steve comes back to his senses, he correctly predicts that Will's response will make it to YouTube.
#9: The “Mother” Incident
“What’s another way people say ‘mother?’” Little did Steve know just how off the rails this question would take the game. To start off the chain reaction, contestant Cecilia says “nana.” It naturally receives an “X.” Next up is Sheila, who says “nana” with a different pronunciation. When asked to say something else, Sheila tries to offer "mommy" - twice, with different enunciations each time. Problem, it’s already on the board. Following a long play stoppage, Sheila comes up with “nana” again. This leads to another comedic derailment, where Steve resorts to tap dancing during the chaos!
#8: Pool Boy
Surely the “Family Feud” producers knew what they were getting into when they asked the Harvey family to compete. Steve's mother and his wife Marjorie faced off for the question “Some days I’d be willing to trade my man for a really good what?” Marjorie buzzes in to say she’d replace Steve with a pool boy. Through her laughter, Marjorie attempts to apologize to a visibly shaken Steve. Part comedy and part tragedy, Steve is half-serious when he pesters Marjorie about her pool boy fantasy. One can only imagine that the argument continued on the ride home that day.
#7: Pot-ato?
Another fill-in-the-blank question, this one served up a truly inspired answer! Asked to finish a word or phrase that starts with “pot,” contestant Laura managed up “potato” as her answer. After shooting a blank stare, Steve dishes back with critical commentary, saying that there’s no way “potato” is on the board. After laughing at the response, the board does in fact reveal "potato" as an answer. As Laura is vindicated, Steve was left embarrassed by his rush to judgement. Our host reacts with fake heart palpitations that send him into a dizzy spell. When Steve almost faints, you know you broke the show for the better!
#6: Threatening to Destroy the Set
Any time Steve Harvey himself appears in a question, it only takes one slip up to push him over the edge. As the contestants are tasked with guessing which of the host’s physical features would make for a good Halloween costume, Steve began to crack at the seams. Lamont answers “a big nose,” prompting a glare from Harvey. He then contorts Lamont’s microphone and threatens to destroy the set if the answer is up there. Luckily, for the sake of the set, the answer wasn't on the board. Steve always keeps it funny, but it goes to show that if you cross him, you’ll “get the horns.”
#5: DiCaprio’s Mona Lisa
“Name something specific of Leonardo DiCaprio’s that you would like to hold.” This loaded question inspired one very hysterical answer, one that was almost too much for our host to handle. In confusing Leonardo DiCaprio for Leonardo da Vinci, contestant CJ answers “the Mona Lisa.” As soon as the mistake wafts through the studio, it's go-time for Harvey. He breaks into a fit of laughter and throws his cards in astonishment. CJ retorts “You’ve got to go big, Steve.” After a few jokes, the contestant realizes his blunder. Yep, if there’s one thing CJ learned that day, it was that Leonardo DiCaprio is definitely not a Renaissance painter.
#4: Walking Off the Set
You know you’ve landed near the top of the Steve Harvey reaction scale when the host actually leaves the set. When the contestants were asked which animal women like being compared to, the host received an intriguing response from contestant Sonam. She answered that women like being compared to horses. Harvey proceeded to lay down his cue card like a police badge and made his way off the stage. It’s a nonverbal tour de force from Steve, who doesn’t need to say a single word to get a laugh - and laugh we did at this reaction!
#3: The Deathbed Lie
What’s the most surprising confession you could hear from someone on their deathbed? Well, this contestant thought it would be surprising to hear that they’re actually faking it. Contestant Myeshela stuns Steve with her answer, which her family predictably laughs at. Absolutely perplexed by the response, Steve gives her a look like she wasn’t speaking English. Steve goes nearly thirty seconds in complete silence pondering the answer. It's unclear how Steve's mind justified it, but he was able to continue the show without medical assistance. And for that, we thank him!
#2: Pie in the Horse
Snoop Dogg appearing on “Family Feud” is must-see TV. Case in point, this “Fast Money” response. When asked to fill in the blank for the phrase “pie in the what?,” Snoop Dogg answers “horse” - with no hesitation, mindyou. It catches Steve off guard, prompting laughter from the audience. Steve lets Snoop finish out the round before calling him out on his head scratching answer. In the end, Harvey questions if Snoop might’ve lost some brain cells over the years. It didn’t completely derail Snoop’s Fast Money chances, but it almost made our host lose it completely.
#1: White House
Like many that came before, this "Family Feud" question began innocently enough: “Some politicians belong in the White House, others belong in the ‘what’ house?” In the heat of the moment, contestant DeQuincy provides the answer “White House.” With his family saying “good answer," the gravity of his response slowly echoes through Steve's head. What follows is a showcase of the entire range of Steve Harvey's emotions. He stares, he questions, he laughs, and then turns it into a hilarious joke. To top it all off, Steve announces to the world that DeQuincy is yet another contestant to be featured on YouTube. Oh how right he was!