Top 10 Best Tom Holland Movies

#10: “Pilgrimage” (2017)
Released a year after Tom Holland was starting to become a household name, "Pilgrimage" shows off a different facet to the actor's talent. In this action-driven medieval drama, a group of monks make a dangerous voyage from Ireland to Rome to deliver a relic to the Pope. Holland plays the young and kind-hearted Brother Diarmuid. His honesty and conflicted nature contrasted beautifully against Jon Bernthal's physical monk and Richard Armitage's vicious Raymond. They all act in a beautifully shot film whose scenery is just as captivating as the performances. It’s great to watch Holland work with strong cast members in this fast-paced, unique and beautiful epic.
#9: “Spies in Disguise” (2019)
Sometimes, the best person for the job happens to be a pigeon. "Spies in Disguise" is a lighthearted animated comedy where Holland plays a quirky and brilliant scientist named Walter. One of his unique experiments accidentally turns Will Smith’s arrogant and suave spy into a pigeon. Since this odd couple still has a bad guy to stop, they work together on an adventure full of slapstick and a few emotional moments. Holland’s confident and nimble performance pairs well with Smith’s energetic and dynamic vocals. The chemistry between the two is what really makes this animated action comedy soar.
#8: “Captain America: Civil War” (2016)
In “Captain America: Civil War”, Tony Stark and Steve Rogers found themselves on opposite sides of a discussion on whether superheroes should answer to world governments. Each of them decides to recruit different heroes to their cause. This setup became really exciting when fans learned that Holland’s Peter Parker would join the fight on Tony’s side. The young Spider-man instantly came off as charming, slightly awkward and inexperienced in battle. However, we still believed that he could hold his own against other heroes when the occasion called for it. Although “Civil War” didn't put Peter in the spotlight for long, it was still a great way to introduce Spider-Man to the MCU.
#7: “The Lost City of Z” (2016)
"The Lost City of Z" is an enthralling biopic based on Percy Fawcett's trips to Brazil in search of a rumored ancient city. His obsession causes him to constantly leave family members like Holland’s Jack behind. The strained relationship between father and son is wonderfully portrayed by the actors. Thanks to Holland’s fantastic acting range, every scene with his on screen dad feels different and draws you in. Their disagreements build up to the thrilling and surprising expedition they go on together. The complex emotions on display and heavy story make "The Lost City of Z" a captivating, strange, and unforgettable experience.
#6: “Locke” (2013)
Although the thought of watching Tom Hardy drive for an hour and a half might not sound all that exciting, "Locke" is a riveting watch. He plays a married man who makes the long drive to join the woman he had a one-night stand with as she prepares to give birth to their child. While the camera mostly focuses on him, we hear Holland’s younger son Eddie on the phone. Even though the actor doesn’t physically appear, he still manages to tug at our heartstrings. His final voice message to his father is particularly heartbreaking. Although we might see Hardy and Holland work together in a marvelous universe soon, this excellent movie will tide us over until then.
#5: “The Devil All the Time” (2020)
In this complex look into religion and the evil of humanity, various plot threads about suffering eventually converge into a violent climax with few happy endings for the characters. This film features Tom Holland as a traumatized and angry young man named Arvin. He delivers a nuanced performance that highlights the character’s internal struggle. In the end, Arvin decides to perform violent acts in the name of personal justice. While the bleak story may not be for everyone, the movie features all-around fantastic acting. There is one particularly mesmerizing scene between Holland and Pattinson’s twisted preacher that everyone should see at least once.
#4: “Spider-Man: Far from Home” (2019)
In the second Holland “Spider-Man” film, Peter takes a break from defending New York and must fight evil in Europe. This setup made “Far From Home” a fun globe-trotting romp with a brilliant antagonist who challenges the hero on an emotional and intellectual level. No matter how big the action gets, Holland keeps his Peter sincere and grounded. His relatable portrayal kept us invested whether he was fighting drones or developing his relationship with Zendaya’s MJ. Holland’s performance, creative action, comedy and a helping of heartfelt emotion made “Far From Home” an absolute delight.
#3: “Onward” (2020)
Pixar’s loving tribute to classic fantasy stories wouldn’t work without the brotherly dynamic between brothers Ian and Barley. These siblings are played by Tom Holland and Chris Pratt respectively. Not only do both of them have plenty of charisma, but they’re also extremely believable as polar opposite siblings. It’s hilarious watching their drastically different approaches to adventure. And when they’re not making us laugh, we’re struggling not to cry at their emotional conversations. The duo’s journey takes us through a world that imagines how fantasy tropes would adapt to the modern world. The fun world-building and superb voice acting from Holland and Pratt made “Onward” a touching story that plays to Pixar’s strengths.
#2: “The Impossible” (2012)
"The Impossible" is a terrifying and grounded disaster film that pushes its characters mentally, emotionally, and physically. Holland plays a young boy named Lucas that must struggle to survive in the aftermath of a devastating tsunami. His performance is incredibly powerful and layered. It’s impossible to take your eyes off Holland whenever he displays his considerable acting talents. Although this was his feature film debut, you wouldn’t be able to tell because he works with excellent actors like Naomi Watts so well. Holland was nominated for a Golden Globe for his fantastic role. While he didn’t take home the gold, his performance in the film made it clear a new and bright talent had arrived in Hollywood.
#1: “Spider-Man: Homecoming” (2017)
When the time came for Tom Holland to star in his own Spider-Man film, he proved that he was more than capable of carrying a movie. A significant portion of “Homecoming” is dedicated to showing Peter Parker’s daily life as a somewhat uncool student and a hero in training. Holland’s great chemistry with his cast members and charisma make all his ups and downs entertaining. His natural athleticism and energetic performance also helped make every action set piece even better. His ability to nail both serious action-packed moments and lighthearted comedic scenes is nothing short of amazing. “Homecoming” was not only a great “Spider-Man” movie, but a sign that Holland was an actor who could do anything.